The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!
This week’s theme: Sunbathing on the beach.
So, is my choice this week too literal? Or maybe in poor taste? Lol. It’s the only SFF book I could think of, so let’s go with it. On the Beach by Nevil Shute is a sci-fi classic about nuclear war, and that’s the “sunbathing” part of the prompt. Here are a few of the many covers out there:
House of Stratus 2002 edition | Vintage Classics 2009 edition | Ballantine Books 1975 edition
epubli 2017 edition | Kindle (?) 2016 edition | Spanish edition 1960
Pearson 2008 edition | KIndle (?) 2019 edition | McClellan & Stewart 2015 edition
I think my favorite is one of the unidentified Kindle versions, the 2016 edition. It’s the scariest one, at least for me:
You picked a good one, but I like the 2019 Kindle cover the best because of the red text against the muted background.
I like the 2017 one best. Good choice this week!
Imma go with…. the Vintage Classics one.
I love your take on the “sunbathing on the beach” theme And I think I like the McClellan & Stewart 2015 cover the most.
Wow, this certainly does give a whole new meaning to sunbathing!
I think you picked a good one. I’m not super crazy about any of those covers, tbh.
Oh, I totally forgot about this book! Great choice. I agree about your choice-it’s definitely the scariest. That 2009 Vintage Classics one makes it look a bit too fun, haha.
I like the style of the second one. Apocalyptic minimalistic?
I like the version you picked but also the Spanish 1960’s version.
Hahaha, I love that you saw what was probably meant for chill relaxing vibes and went: “Nuclear apocalypse? Nuclear apocalypse!” I think I like the House of Stratus 2002 edition, actually. The contrast of being on the beach, and seeing the mushroom cloud, knowing what that means… chilling. Though I think the only cover that’d make me pick it up to see what it’s about would be that 1975 edition. What a strange one!
I like the one you picked and the 2017 one. Definitely not the sunbathing I was thinking of, LOL!
I very nearly used this book – I think it was the one I had in mind for the theme – and I love your favourite – so dramatic.