Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!
I have a nice manageable book haul this time around, take a look:
Physical books for review:
With thanks to Tor for a lovely finished copy of The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison. I know the release date has passed, but I may start this over the weekend, it’s pretty short.
I was so excited to receive this beautiful ARC of Flowers for the Sea by Zin E. Rocklyn from Tor.com! This is described as gothic fantasy, but I believe it falls under the “horror” category as well. This is an October release, and I may just wait and read it then. Thank you Tor.com!
Isn’t this the cutest ARC you’ve ever seen? With huge thanks to Caroline at Angry Robots for The Cabinet by Un-su Kim, along with some fun extras like a cat pin (you can see it on top of the ARC if you look hard!) and a tote bag and pencil. This is another October release and I’m very much looking forward to it!
Digital books for review:
I’m pretty sure this is going to be out of my comfort zone, but I was approached by author Eve Harms about her latest book, Transmuted, and I decided to give it a try. This book sounds CRAZY! Also, the timing is good because next month is Horror in July—yes, it’s going to be a thing!—and this should be perfect for it.
Twenty-Five to Life by R.W.W. Greene sounds really good, and after having such good luck with science fiction this year, I’m looking forward to discovering even more favorites.
I wasn’t expecting to be approved for Pearl, the upcoming horror novel by Josh Malerman, so it was a nice surprise to find out I was. This doesn’t come out until October, but that’s OK because I have so much to read between now and then!
Come With Me by Ronald Malfi is another horror book I hope to read next month. It sounds really good. I have not read Malfi’s books before and I’m really looking forward to this one!
Aw you’re welcome, Tammy! I hope you enjoy The Cabinet, and Twenty Five to Life!
Thank you Caroline!! You’re the best:-)
Ooh, Horror in July – I need to know more.
I made a banner so if you want to join me…?? Check back on July 1st.
Will do. I defo have a couple of books that I could include.
I love the looks of the physical books you were gifted for review! So pleasing to the eye!
I agree! These are quite colorful:-)
Horror in July, awesome! You have some scary looking books lined up!
There are so many good sounding horror books coming out in the next few months:-)
The Cabinet looks so cute!
I hope the story is just as cute and intriguing:-)
Hope you enjoy these when you get around to them! Intrigued by Katherine Addison’s latest novel although I’ll probably read the first book first hahah!
I decided to just dive into Witness for the Dead even though I haven’t read the first book, and I’m enjoying it!
How many interesting books!! I am curious to know more about The Cabinet! And I hope you would enjoy The Witness For The Dead!
I’m really enjoying Witness for the Dead So Far:-)
It’s interesting to see the horror novels starting to show up now for this season’s Halloween. I have a couple friends who work each year at a haunted trail event for Halloween and they’ve already begun their preparations for the season, as well.
People get so excited for Halloween, right? I guess with big scary events it takes months to pull them together:-)
Horror in July? First I’ve heard of this event, I need to look into it! I got Come With Me too so that will be perfect.
Ha ha well I made it up! But I’d love to have people join me. I even made a banner. I just have so many July horror releases that it seemed like it would be fun:-)
I’ve requested Come With Me, fingers crossed I get it!
Good luck!
Looks like some good books! I’ll be interested to see your reviews!
Thanks Lisa:-)
I too got Twenty Five to Life and Flowers For the Sea- they look so good! I will also be waiting to read them because if I read them now I’d forget everything hahha. Hope you love them!
I hope we both enjoy them, Shannon:-)
I’m excited for The Witness for the Dead, just got my copy last week.
I hope you enjoy it! I’m finishing it up today, it’s really different from my normal reads.