Future Fiction #114 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Three exciting cover reveals to share, take a look!

A fast-paced, thrilling horror novel that follows a group of heroines to die for, from the brilliant New York Times bestselling author of The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires.

In horror movies, the final girl is the one who’s left standing when the credits roll. The one who fought back, defeated the killer, and avenged her friends. The one who emerges bloodied but victorious. But after the sirens fade and the audience moves on, what happens to her?

Lynnette Tarkington is a real-life final girl who survived a massacre twenty-two years ago, and it has defined every day of her life since. And she’s not alone. For more than a decade she’s been meeting with five other actual final girls and their therapist in a support group for those who survived the unthinkable, putting their lives back together, piece by piece. That is until one of the women misses a meeting and Lynnette’s worst fears are realized—someone knows about the group and is determined to take their lives apart again, piece by piece.

But the thing about these final girls is that they have each other now, and no matter how bad the odds, how dark the night, how sharp the knife, they will never, ever give up.

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix. Releases in July 2021 from Berkley Books. I’ve been waiting for this cover reveal FOREVER and it’s finally here! I haven’t talked about this book at all yet, because my policy is to only talk about books with finished covers. But it’s very high on my “most anticipated” list of 2021, and might even be in the top five. I’m a huge Grady Hendrix fan, and I always look forward to each new release of his. And I have to say I love this cover, it was worth the wait!

The fifth book in the thrilling Donovan sci-fi series returns to a treacherous alien planet where corporate threats and dangerous creatures imperil the lives of the colonists.

The Maritime Unit had landed in paradise. After a terrifying ten-year transit from Solar System aboard the Ashanti, the small band of oceanographers and marine scientists were finally settled. Perched on a reef five hundred kilometers out from shore, they were about to embark on the first exploration of Donovan’s seas. For the twenty-two adults and nine children, everything is new, exciting, and filled with wonder as they discover dazzling sea creatures, stunning plant life, and fascinating organisms.

But Donovan is never what it seems; the changes in the children were innocuous–oddities of behavior normal to kids who’d found themselves in a new world. Even then it was too late. An alien intelligence, with its own agenda, now possesses the children, and it will use them in a most insidious way: as the perfect weapons.

How can you fight back when the enemy is smarter than you are, and wears the face of your own child?

Welcome to Donovan.

Adrift (Donovan #5) by W. Michael Gear. Releases in June 2021 from DAW Books. Thanks to Mogsy, otherwise I wouldn’t even know about this book! It’s not listed in the publisher’s catalog on Edelweiss and in addition to that, I had a tough time finding a high res image to use in this post. But it was worth it! This is one of my favorite sci-fi series and I’m so happy there’s a fifth book on the horizon!

In Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Elder Race, a junior anthropologist on a distant planet must help the locals he has sworn to study to save a planet from an unbeatable foe.

Lynesse is the lowly Fourth Daughter of the queen, and always getting in the way.

But a demon is terrorizing the land, and now she’s an adult (albeit barely) and although she still gets in the way, she understands that the only way to save her people is to invoke the pact between her family and the Elder sorcerer who has inhabited the local tower for as long as her people have lived here (though none in living memory has approached it).

But Elder Nyr isn’t a sorcerer, and he is forbidden to help, for his knowledge of science tells him the threat cannot possibly be a demon…

Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky. Releases in November 2021 from Tor.com. Does this guy ever sleep?? LOL. I swear every time I turn around I see a new Adrian Tchaikovsky book. This sounds really good, and the cover is stunning.

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted March 3, 2021 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 35 Comments


35 responses to “Future Fiction #114 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. I’ve only read Children of Time as my first Tchaikovsky this month, but it was enough to turn me into a fan, and a novel from him about an anthropologist sounds amazing.

    • Tammy

      I know, right? And yes, a new Donovan book is always good news. This one looks like it’s in the ocean:-)

  2. The cover for The Final Girl Support Group is interesting but, like you, I think the one for Elder Race looks stunning!

    • Tammy

      Some people didn’t like the Southern Book Club, it’s pretty brutal, but I loved it. Hoping his next one is just as good!

  3. What a great group of books! I can’t believe there’s already another Grady Hendrix novel… and I still haven’t read any of the others… I’d also love to read Elder Race, I’ve really enjoyed what little I’ve read of Tchaikovsky.

  4. Margo

    I’m most looking forward to Elder Race. But I’m an anthropologist, so that shouldn’t be surprising

  5. I don’t read horror often, but I really enjoyed The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires. His upcoming release sounds good too! I keep hearing Adrian Tchaikovsky’s name pop up and should give his books a try. I hope you enjoy all of these when you read them!

  6. This is such a great selection of books. The Final Girl Support Group sounds fantastic, as does Elder Race. I’ve been saying I want to try a Tchaikovsky book so I’ll be keeping my eye out for reviews on this one.

    • Tammy

      I think I’ve only read one Tchaikovsky and it was short, so I definitely need to read more of his books:-)

  7. Well that’s properly cheered me up! Another Adrian Tchaikovsky?? A lot of authors were saying how the events of last year had completely flattened their creativity – I think we can take it as read – that DIDN’T happen to Adrian!! I do wish the Donovan books were digital… *sigh* Oh well, maybe down the line. Thank you for sharing, Tammy:)

  8. MORE Tchaikovsky!??? I’m never going to catch up!
    Also, I’m a little terrified by the new Grady Hendrix book. Still traumatized after reading the Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires :0

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