Future Fiction #111 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Some super exciting cover reveals this week, take a look:

In this stunning follow-up to Hollow Kingdom, the animal kingdom’s “favorite apocalyptic hero”is back with a renewed sense of hope for humanity, ready to take on a world ravaged by a viral pandemic (Helen Macdonald).

Once upon an apocalypse, there lived an obscenely handsome American crow named S.T. . . .

When the world last checked-in with its favorite Cheeto addict, the planet had been overrun by flesh-hungry beasts, and nature had started re-claiming her territory from humankind. S.T., the intrepid crow, alongside his bloodhound-bestie Dennis, had set about saving pets that had become trapped in their homes after humanity went the way of the dodo.

That is, dear reader, until S.T. stumbled upon something so rare—and so precious—that he vowed to do everything in his power to safeguard what could, quite literally, be humanity’s last hope for survival. But in a wild world plagued by prejudiced animals, feather-raising environments, new threats so terrifying they make zombies look like baby bunnies, and a horrendous dearth of cheesy snacks, what’s a crow to do?

Why, wing it on another big-hearted, death-defying adventure, that’s what! Joined by a fabulous new cast of animal characters, S.T. faces many new challenges plus his biggest one yet: parenthood.

Feral Creatures by Kira Jane Buxton. Releases in August 2021 from Grand Central Publishing. I was so happy to final see this cover revealed on Instagram a couple of days ago. This is my MOST highly anticipated books of the year and I can hardly wait to read it! This is the follow up to the wonderful Hollow Kingdom, and I am so excited to dive back into S.T.’s crazy world:-)

From the New York Times bestselling author of Mexican Gothic comes a riveting noir about a daydreaming secretary, a lonesome enforcer, and the mystery of the missing woman that brings them together.

1970s Mexico City. Maite is a secretary who lives for one thing: the latest issue of Secret Romance. While student protests and political unrest consume the city, Maite escapes into stories of passion and danger.

Her next-door neighbor, Leonora, a beautiful art student, seems to live a life of intrigue and romance that Maite envies. When Leonora disappears under suspicious circumstances, Maite finds herself searching for the missing woman–and journeying deeper into Leonora’s secret life of student radicals and dissidents.

Meanwhile, someone else is also looking for Leonora at the behest of his boss, a shadowy figure who commands goon squads dedicated to squashing political activists. Elvis is an eccentric criminal who longs to escape his own life: He loathes violence and loves old movies and rock ‘n’ roll. But as Elvis searches for the missing woman, he comes to observe Maite from a distance–and grows more and more obsessed with this woman who shares his love of music, and the unspoken loneliness of his heart.

Now as Maite and Elvis come closer to discovering the secrets behind Leonora’s disappearance, they can no longer escape the danger that threatens to consume their lives, with hitmen, government agents, and Russian spies aiming to protect Leonora’s secrets–at gunpoint.

Velvet Was the Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Releases in August 2021 from Del Rey Books. I was thrilled to see this cover revealed last week, and I’m very much looking forward to Moreno-Garcia’s 1970s noir. As we’ve learned from Mexican Gothic, she’s so good at capturing the essence of a particular time period. This veers off her normal speculative fiction genre, but I’m there for it!

Robin Blyth has more than enough bother in his life. He’s struggling to be a good older brother, a responsible employer, and the harried baronet of a seat gutted by his late parents’ excesses. When an administrative mistake sees him named the civil service liaison to a hidden magical society, he discovers what’s been operating beneath the unextraordinary reality he’s always known.

Now Robin must contend with the beauty and danger of magic, an excruciating deadly curse, and the alarming visions of the future that come with it—not to mention Edwin Courcey, his cold and prickly counterpart in the magical bureaucracy, who clearly wishes Robin were anyone and anywhere else.

Robin’s predecessor has disappeared, and the mystery of what happened to him reveals unsettling truths about the very oldest stories they’ve been told about the land they live on and what binds it. Thrown together and facing unexpected dangers, Robin and Edwin discover a plot that threatens every magician in the British Isles—and a secret that more than one person has already died to keep.

A Marvellous Light (The Last Binding #1) by Freya Marske. Releases in November 2021 from Tor.com. I’m happy to see a full length novel from Tor.com, which doesn’t happen that often, and this sounds really good. Plus I can’t look away from this cover, it’s so beautiful!

Many of you probably saw the U.S. cover reveal of Jay Kristoff’s upcoming Empire of the Vampire last week, and I just had to do a side-by-side comparison! What do you think? I’m actually torn, I love both of them. The U.S. cover has more of an Asian, Samurai feel to it and the cover is a bit on the retro side, but I also love all the details in the UK cover. Do you have a favorite?

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted February 10, 2021 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 51 Comments


51 responses to “Future Fiction #111 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. I really like the sound of A Marvellous Light!
    As for the Kristoff’s covers, I have mixed feelings as well . . . I actually love the retro vibes of the US cover but, like you, I also really like the details on the UK one. Still, I would probably pick the US cover in the end.

  2. Wow – this is a great post – a new Moreno-Garcia book. Oh yes, please.
    The Kristoff book covers – on the one hand I love the detail of the UK design and on the face of it that would be my first choice – but I love the font of the US cover and also the attention that is brought out of the blood (feathers and wings and howling things) – I’m a bit puzzled by the shirtless hunk on the front though – don’t get me wrong, he’s very easy on the eye, but it gives a different vibe completely doesn’t it. Shirtless men on the cover usually makes me think of romance or paranormal romance. I guess we’ll know more after reading – perhaps the US cover is leading us down that route because readers have romantic notions about vampires – but then we’ll be surprised when we pick it up.
    Lynn 😀
    Lynn Williams recently posted…Wondrous Words and Can’t Wait Wednesday : The Broken God (The Black Iron Legacy #3 by Gareth Ryder-HanrahanMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Ha ha I didn’t even think about the shirtless guy, lol. But you’re right, it’s kind of an odd choice. I can’t wait to read the story to see how shirtless guy (vampire) fits in.

  3. Velvet Was the Night sounds interesting, and I’ve been meaning to read more of her work, but that cigarette on the cover just turns my stomach. It’s one of the few things that will turn me off from picking up a book.

    • Tammy

      Hey totally get it. I think the cigarette fits with the time period, but it’s definitely a little risky.

  4. Ooh, these all sound so good! Very excited for new Silvia Moreno-Garcia, especially. I’m torn about the EOTV book covers as well, but I will say I am in love with the UK cover probably a tiny bit more–I also loved the UK versions of the Nevernight series better as well, Kerby Rosanes is just so talented. I cannot wait for it!
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday: The Lost Village by Camilla Sten, The Stolen Kingdom by Jillian Boehme, & The Route of Ice and Salt by José Luis ZárateMy Profile

    • Tammy

      The covers are really quite different, except for the color scheme. It will be interesting to see which one goes best with the actual story:-)

  5. YES to all three! I’m especially excited for Feral Creatures, because I had no idea there was a sequel on the way. YAYYYYY. I do want to read the new Silvia Moreno-Garcia too, because I think I need to read all of her books. A Marvellous LIght is new to me, but sounds great!

  6. I remember hearing about Hollow Kingdom and thinking I should read that and now Feral Creatures is coming out already! So many books! Velvet of the Night sounds so good! I loved Mexican Gothic. I still need to read Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s Gods of Jade and Shadow, which I on my TBR. I hope you enjoy all of these when you read them, Tammy!

  7. A new Garcia-Moreno??? Yippee! And I love that cover – something magnificently old fashioned about a cover featuring someone inhaling cigarette smoke:)). Given I grew up in an era where LOADS of covers and films featured ciggie-smoking protagonists, I find this wonderfully old school… And I also LOVE the sound of A Marvellous Light – Tor.com do produce the most fabulous books!

    As for the Kristoff covers – it’s the UK cover alll the way for me. No contest:)). As ever, you feature the coolest books, Tammy!

    • Tammy

      I also think the cigarette has a nostalgic feel, although not everyone likes it, lol. Hey, the 70s was a time where everyone smoked, right? So I think it evokes the era really well:-)

  8. Really excited for the Marske book, I think I’ve been hyped for that one since forever–can’t believe it’s almost here! I’m also excited to see a new book by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (even though I’ve yet to read a book by her lol).

    • Tammy

      I’m actually not that fond of the title to be honest. But we’ll have to see what the story is like, it might make perfect sense.

  9. will

    Three more I’ve never even heard of. Wow, and most of them sound good! Where do you find all these, Tammy?

    • Tammy

      Ha ha I have over 3,000 “want to read” books on Goodreads for one thing. And I check weekly, organized by release date, to see if any new covers have popped up. Otherwise I find them through the catalogs on Edelweiss, such a great tool:-)

  10. Is this my monthly reminder that I STILL haven’t read Hollow Kingdom yet? xD I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life at this point lol. I really do need to get to it, though! Maybe the sequel coming out will inspire me to pick it up soon.

    I’m going to assume the US cover of Kristoff’s book is the one on the right? Because that would figure. The US covers are usually my least favorite, and it’s such a hassle having to buy books from Book Depository just to get the cover I actually like. T_T

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