Regrets – Books I Meant to Read in 2020

Ah, the saddest post of 2020…the books I just wasn’t able to read this year. And the reason? Just too many books on my plate. All of these are books received for review, so I feel even worse for not squeezing them in. Hopefully I can do some catch up in 2021!

Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman | These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong | Lobizona by Romina Garber

Greensmith by Aliya Whiteley | The Doors of Eden by Adrian Tchaikovsky | To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini

Automatic Reload by Ferrett Steinmetz | The Living Dead by George A. Romero & Daniel Kraus | The Kingdom of Liars by NIck Martell

The Last Uncharted Sky by Curtis Craddock | Unconquerable Sun by Kate Elliott | Every Sky a Grave by Jay Posey

Posted December 31, 2020 by Tammy in Lists / 31 Comments

31 responses to “Regrets – Books I Meant to Read in 2020

  1. Will

    Well, obviously I’m going to vote for Automatic Reload as it was one of my favorite books of 2020. But Every Sky a Grave was pretty good too. In fact, I doubt you could go wrong with any one of these

  2. Regrets for as-yet-unread books are part and parcel of being a compulsive reader, since there are far more books around than free time… 😉
    That said, I voted for Unconquerable Sun because it’s one I intend to read as soon as I can…

  3. Every Sky A Grave keeps calling to me but I haven’t quite managed to squeeze it in yet either. Of the two I’ve read from your list, I have to be a vote for Unconquerable Sun, which wasn’t quite what I expected, but was a very enjoyable read.

  4. The Captain

    I went for the The Last Uncharted Sky because a) then ye have the bonus of finishing a series and b) I selfishly want to know what ye think of it. Arrrr!
    x The Captain

  5. Very tough call! I can see why you’re looking for help. Anytime I’m in doubt I think about pulling out my old set of dice from Dungeons & Dragons, in this case a d12 for the 12 choices, roll it 100 times and pick the one that turned up the most. Easy! Of course, I’m also lazy, so I skipped that whole process and just chose These Violent Delights because I like the title and cover, I’m curious about the story, and I haven’t seen as many reviews for it as some of the others. Good luck narrowing down your choice!

  6. Ooh, I get both depressed and excited by these lists, lol! Reminds me that as bloggers we’ll never get to everything we want to, but they also spur me to prioritize the books I still really want to read. Violent Delights on and Last Uncharted Sky are definitely saved for the new year. On your list, I voted for The Kingdom of Liars.

    • Tammy

      I have a feeling I will end up choosing it, it’s probably my most anticipated of this list:-)

  7. I’m going for Unconquerable Sun because I selfishly want to read your review of it Myself, I’d love to read A Kingdom of Liars.

  8. I’m planning to do one of these posts too, worried I might get all mopey looking at all the books I haven’t read. I voted for Lobizona since that’s one I wish I’d read.

  9. Oh no, I forgot about that Alice Hoffman book. Welp, I guess I gotta add that one to my list as well, haha. I also still need to read Unconquerable Sun. Where are they hosting the readalong for it?

    • Tammy

      I think its a Sci Fi Month readalong, obviously after Sci Fi Month. I think it’s in April. I’ll find out and let you know!

  10. I also voted for Kingdom of Liars. Hope you get a chance to pick it up. I surprised myself by not voting for the Hoffman – it was good, but at the same time it didn’t have quite the usual ‘feel’ to it somehow.
    Lynn 😀

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