The Friday Face-Off: Potions

The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!

This week’s theme: “Hubble bubble” – A cover with a potion on it.

This was another tough week. My mind immediately went to “witches” when I thought about covers with potions on them, but still, I was surprised how hard this prompt was! I finally decided to go simple this week and show a book with only two covers (that I could find anyway). A Secret History of Witches by Louisa Morgan was an interesting, multi-generational story about a family of witches. Here are the covers I found:

This is the U.S. Redhook edition, the one I own, and it’s my favorite of the two. I love the potion bottles on the cover and the sprig of rosemary, which gives these witches an air of “earth” witchcraft. Yes, those bottles look like water with food coloring squirted into them, but let’s pretend they are actual magic potions, shall we?

This Polish edition is completely different, showing the partial body of one of the characters. Her long braid gives this cover a romantic quality and again, we have a sprig of some kind of plant which makes me think of witches who use herbs and plants in their magic.

Which one do you like best?

Posted August 21, 2020 by Tammy in The Friday Face-Off / 16 Comments


16 responses to “The Friday Face-Off: Potions

  1. Oh yes, I looked at this one, it’s such a perfect fit and thinking about it now could have even inspired this week’s theme. I love the first cover too
    Lynn 😀

  2. What a great choice for this week’s theme, Tammy! My favourite is the US cover – I think all those explanations rather clutter up the visual design – and the girl depicted on the cover of the Polish edition is rather idealised in a way that didn’t come across in the book:))

  3. I also like the US edition. It just gives a certain feel, not just with the potions and rosemary, but also that classic wallpaper or fabric pattern in the background. And I have to admit I’m also drawn to the extra font accents on A, H, R and W.

  4. I love the U.S. Redhook edition because I’m one of those who pretend those are bottles of potions, lol. The cover is why I want a copy of the book, but I’m gonna try the e-copy first since I have that version….I think.

  5. I do love the US Redhook one for this because, like Zezee, I also love those little bottles of potions. At one point as a craft project/christmas present, I made an entire apothecary of Harry Potter potions for my friend and I couldn’t stop buying the little glass bottles because they’re so cute.

  6. Sarah

    Actually- I like both of these a lot. Though I think they each give off different vibes. The Us edition kind of seems darker/spookier, more traditional witches? And the polish edition kind of gives of holistic healing witches kind of vibes.

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