Future Fiction # 81 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

How about three new books with blue covers? And I’m super excited for all three!

Ready Player Two (Ready Player One #2) by Ernest Cline. Releases in November 2020 from Ballantine Books. Did everyone see this exciting announcement last week? It was hard not to, Cline’s new book was all over the internet. I’m a huge fan of Ready Player One, and I’ve been waiting for this announcement for years, it seems. There isn’t a story blurb yet, which is a little weird. I mean, why announce the book if you aren’t going to give us a plot recap? Especially since the book comes out in only a few months. I’m wondering why the big mystery, unless Cline is still writing it, lol! In any case, I’m very excited for this.

From the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story spanning from Jazz Age Paris to present-day America of family secrets, sacrifice, and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus.

Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder-a world where women tame magnificent beasts, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. But each daring feat has a cost. Bound to her family’s strange and magical circus, it’s the only world Cecile Cabot knows-until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate love affair that could cost her everything.

Virginia, 2005: Lara Barnes is on top of the world-until her fiancé disappears on their wedding day. Desperate, her search for answers unexpectedly leads to her great-grandmother’s journals and sweeps her into the story of a dark circus and a generational curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations.

The Ladies of the Secret Circus by Constance Sayers. Releases in March 2021 from Redhook. I adored Sayers’ A Witch in Time, and I was thrilled to see she has another book coming out next Spring. This sounds like another wonderful multi-timeline story, with a magical circus this time. Seriously, March cannot get here soon enough for me!

An evocative combination of fantasy, history, and Jewish folklore, The Light of the Midnight Stars is fairytale-inspired novel from the author of The Sisters of the Winter Wood.

Deep in the Hungarian woods, the sacred magic of King Solomon lives on in his descendants. Gathering under the midnight stars, they pray, sing and perform small miracles – and none are more gifted than the great Rabbi Isaac and his three daughters. Each one is blessed with a unique talent – whether it be coaxing plants to grow, or predicting the future by reading the path of the stars.

When a fateful decision to help an outsider ends in an accusation of witchcraft, fire blazes through their village. Rabbi Isaac and his family are forced to flee, to abandon their magic and settle into a new way of life. But a dark fog is making its way across Europe and will, in the end, reach even those who thought they could run from it. Each of the sisters will have to make a choice – and change the future of their family forever.

The Light of the Midnight Stars by Rena Rossner. Releases in April 2021 from Redhook. Redhook for the win this week! I couldn’t resist throwing in another Redhook title, especially since I loved the author’s last book, The Sisters of the Winter Wood. This cover is stunning! Take a close look at it, you’ll see all sorts of cool illustrations that might not be noticeable at first glance.

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted July 15, 2020 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 43 Comments


43 responses to “Future Fiction # 81 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. verushka

    The Ladies of the Secret Circus sounds magical and that cover! What happens to the ladies in this family?!

    • Tammy

      I’m curious to see what the sequel is, exactly. I hate to say it but my expectations are pretty high:-)

  2. I like the look and the sound of all three of them, but I’d probably go with The Ladies of the Secret Circus first. That secret circus sounds quite intriguing . . . I’ll also check A Witch in Time since you adored it 🙂

  3. The Light of the Midnight Stars is SUCH a pretty cover – and while your offerings are always classy and desirable, this is the one that has caught my eye in particular this week, Tammy! Here’s hoping you enjoy them all.

  4. Margo-Lea

    A Witch in Time is on e-sale today for $2.99! The Sisters of the Winter Wood is on e-sale for $4.99! So, it’s good day for those who want to try these authors right away 🙂
    I also really like the covers you picked. My favorite is the cover for The Light of the Midnight Stars, although the one for The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a close second. I’d probably rank my excitement for the novels similarly.

  5. The Light of the Midnight Stars sounds fascinating. And I’m very cautiously optimistic about Ready Player Two. I loved the first book, but that’s what has me nervous about this one, especially give the type of book. I could easily see it getting old. But I’m hopeful! 🙂

    • Tammy

      I know, I’m a little worried simply because I loved Ready Player One. Hopefully he’s had enough time to work on the sequel, he’ll be able to pull it off:-)

  6. Some great choices this week. I never read Ready Player One but I’ve been seeing this sequel everywhere. I really interested In In Light of the Midnight Stars. That cover is gorgeous.

  7. The reason of no blurb is why I didn’t feature Ready Player Two this week. The fact that there’s none is odd and also not, I guess, because I’m sure they want to keep everything about the story hush hush. Honestly though, I’m skeptical Cline will be able to catch lightning in a bottle twice. I’m hoping it’ll be awesome, of course, but I’m also preparing myself for it not to be 😛

    • Tammy

      Same here. I can’t help but have high expectations but I’m also approaching with caution:-)

    • Tammy

      I didn’t either! I remember on Goodreads it said something like “Untitled new Ernest Cline” for a while.

  8. Blue is the best color, so I approve your theme for this. I did see Ready Player Two! I haven’t read the first one yet (just watched the movie … for shame, I know), but I did grab a copy of it, so I’ll have to try to squeeze it in soon. The Light of the Midnight Stars sounds really interesting, too, and that cover is definitely stunning.
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    • Tammy

      I haven’t yet, but I did just buy a copy. I have heard a lot of readers are disappointed Still plan on reading it at some point though…

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