Buffy’s Corner – Looking at the Week Ahead 5/17/20

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Hope everyone is doing well, as we continue this weird existence. I don’t have much personal news this week, except that my boss told me I had to start working full time starting Monday. This is actually pretty depressing. I’ve been working about twenty hours a week and LOVING it. I’ve had time in the afternoons to get some reading in and even work on my blog, But I’m afraid that extra time is now over and I’m back to my usual grind. There are still only about four or five of us working, so it’s possible to have an entire section of the office to myself, and we’re wearing masks whenever we walk around, but I’m not going to lie. Despite the smaller paycheck, I’d actually rather have more free time and eat beans and ramen for the rest of my life, lol. Sigh.

In happier news, my husband rescued a baby crow a couple of days agoโ€”or at least he thought he was rescuing it. It was on the ground walking around but not flying. Since it was getting dark, he was worried that neighborhood predators might kill it, so he caught it and kept it in his office over night. Turns out, that’s normal behavior for baby crows. They start walking on the ground before they start flying. Who knew? Anyway, he’s safely (?) back outside and his parents are hovering around him.

I also want to mention that I’ve been having trouble with email notices for all the Blogspot blogs I follow going into my spam folder. And because I’m bad at checking my spam, I’m afraid I’ve missed commenting on some of those blogs. And for that I apologize! I’m trying to catch up, but just know if you are one of those bloggers (Barb, Jordan, Stephanie, Stormi, Laurie & Lauren), I’m trying to get my stupid Yahoo mail program to understand that Gmail does not belong in spam!

Upcoming Reviews:

I’ve spent an entire week trying to get through The Bone Ships by R.J. Barker, but I’m finally finished! I honestly don’t read a lot of epic fantasy, so I’m giving myself a pat on the back right now. But the bottom line is, I LOVED this book! It was dense and slow-paced with intricate world-building, but I loved every word. Barker is simply a master at the written word, and his characters, despite living in an extremely harsh, dog-eat-dog world, are full of heart, humor and compassion. Review up tomorrow, don’t miss it!

My plan is to finish and post a review of Out of Body by Jeffrey Ford this week as well. This is one of my May review books, but it’s also a fantasy and so works well with #wyrdandwonder. Not sure what day my review will go up, so stay tuned.

The usual memes…

On Tuesday, I’ll be posting a list of Upcoming Adult Fantasy Books to get Excited About, after posting the YA version last week. Wednesday is Future Fiction, and one of my most highly anticipated sequels of 2020 just had a cover reveal, so if you’re curious about THAT book, do stop by. And for The Friday Face-Off, we’re highlighting covers that evoke sorrow. Hmmm, I’m still working on this one, not sure what book I’ll pick yet.

Upcoming Reads:

I know these are both repeats, but I’m pretty determined to get to both Unreconciled and Chaos Reigning this week. They are both May review titles and I’d love to cross them off my list. Plus, I’m super excited for both! Unfortunately, neither one is fantasy so they aren’t doing me much good for the #wyrdandwonder event…


I’ve ditched Sabrina because Riverdale Season 4 just hit Netflix:-D The first episode was a real downer, as they had to address the real life (and terribly sad and shocking) death of Luke Perry last year, and so the writers have Fred Andrews being hit by a car as he’s trying to help a woman in distress on the side of the road. But even worse (for me!), after the end of Season 3, there was a time jump scene where it’s implied that Jughead is dead. I refuse to believe that’s true, but after the second episode, we jump forward again and I was left wondering… No spoilers in the comments, PLEASE, if you’ve seen the entire season! Thank you:-)

In case you missed…

My posts from last week:

Race the Sands by Sarah Beth Durst – Review

Twelve Upcoming YA Fantasy Books to Get Excited About

Future Fiction #72

The Friday Face-Off – Pink Cover

Hope to see you around the blogosphere this week:-D

Posted May 17, 2020 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 41 Comments


41 responses to “Buffy’s Corner – Looking at the Week Ahead 5/17/20

  1. I am looking forward to your review of The Bone Ships! And I am curious about your next reading. Both of them seem great!! Have a great week! โค๏ธ

  2. Haha, weren’t you saying the other day you were hoping to rescue a crow a la Hollow Kingdom? Well, maybe this crow didn’t need rescuing, but at least he’ll still be around your neighborhood ๐Ÿ™‚ And figures, it’s Wyrd & Wonder but I also have WAY more sci-fi than usual on my review list this month – ain’t that just the way it always goes? Even Waiting on Wednesday isn’t really cooperating, because there are a bunch of new books I discovered and cover reveals recently that I want to feature, but of course they are all sci-fi, horror, thriller…just not fantasy! ๐Ÿ˜›
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…YA Weekend Audio: Dark Skies by Danielle L. JensenMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Ha ha, I’m so glad I read it. It’s a book I struggled with in places but when I got to the end and looked back, I realized I absolutely adored it:-)

    • Tammy

      Me too! I had to google baby crows because my husband was trying to feed him and I’m like “Nope I don’t think you should do that.” lol

  3. I didn’t know that crows ran around on the ground as young ones. It seems like a dangerous step in their growth! Glad he/she is back outside with mom and dad.

    That cover to Unreconciled is pretty cool and pretty creepy!
    Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Mother Loves SpidersMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I’m going to start Unreconciled tonight, so I’ll get to learn more about the creepy cover!

    • Tammy

      We’ll have to talk about Riverdale, the episode I watched last night was sort of ridiculous!

  4. Isn’t it funny how that worked with the crow, what appeared a bird in distress was perfectly normal. I remember my folks finding a very young mourning dove on their deck. We all had similar feelings to yours, the bird just looked like it might need help. But several hours later we watched as the parents returned and the young chick took to the air and flew away. Cool stuff. Can’t wait till tomorrow to read your thoughts on The Bone Ships. I suspect it’s the kind of book I might really enjoy, and I’m glad to hear you did, as well.

    • Tammy

      The crow is still walking around our neighborhood and my husband is keeping an eye on it. He’s still worried about cats and coyotes at night, but I think bringing the crow back inside is a bad idea, personally.

  5. I’m looking forward to your review of Out of Body. It’s one of those books I want to get because I LOVE the cover, lol.
    Aww man, sorry you have to go back to full-time work. I’m dreading having to return to working in the office. I’m loving working from home although it means I sometimes work more. Time passes differently when I work from home, sometimes I don’t even notice it passing.

    • Tammy

      So I just finished Out of Body and I really didn’t like it, unfortunately. But who knows, it might work better for you.

  6. OMG that baby crow is too much! I didn’t know the babies did that either. Super cute that your husband attempted to rescue him/her though.

  7. First – you had your own S.T. for the night!! YAY
    Second – GAH! The Bone Ships has been calling me back to it. I DNFed it last year and I’m trying to resist the call, and now I fear you may have given me that last push to give it another try.

    • Tammy

      I can totally see why you might DNF The Bone Ships, it definitely takes some time to get going and to get used to the language. I think I got lucky and it just worked for me, but it felt like it took FOREVER to read it.

  8. Having just finished Hollow Kingdom yesterday, my first thought was the same as Jennifer’s above “OMG, your very own Sh*t Turd!” LOL!

    I was just remarking on another blog about how I think I’m going to struggle when it’s time to go back into the office on a full-time basis. I’m still working my full slate of hours right now but there’s just something so nice about not commuting, and about being able to knockout a few chores, or better yet, a few chapters, on breaks, etc.

    • Tammy

      I know! I was thinking that too. But “our” little guy is already back in the wild, so sad. And I think a lot of companies are going to be shocked at how hard it will be for employees to transition back to full time.

  9. Good luck with your return to work! I hear you — having the extra time is a not-bad trade for a smaller paycheck. I’m back to full-time (remotely), and while I do feel really grateful to have work when so many don’t, I miss having the luxury of mid-day walks and sitting outside in the sun with a book. HAve a great week!

    • Tammy

      It’s definitely going to be hard to go back full time, plus I don’t know if I’ll even have enough work to do. I guess we shall see!

  10. I hope you stay safe and well with a return to work full-time. I was always interested in more time off, even unpaid but corporate America is not on board with it. I made my own work but that just meant I worked more hours; at least I loved the work. I don’t mind hard work or long hours, I just have so many interests, like reading! I loved Chaos Reigning, more than expected, so happy reading!

    Anne – Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post ย ย 

  11. Sorry you have to go back into the office! That’s hard because it’s still early in the life of this virus thing and I think it’s just safer and better for people to be home if they can. Plus you’re right- there’s more to life than work haha and I’m liking being home too! I think we should all just work from home forever from now on! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Out of Body looks really good.

    Woah the Jughead thing! Yikes I’m still in season three- clearly I need to get caught up!
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #350My Profile

    • Tammy

      I would love to work from home forever! It makes sense, right? And yeah, not sure what’s going to happen this season, it’s pretty crazy already!

  12. I’m sorry you have to lose so much of your free time. I feel you on that. It’s nice to have a little extra time on my hands and I’d take Ramen any day of the week over less free time ๐Ÿ™ Riverdale is such a strangely addictive show. Enjoy!

  13. I hear you about being able to have more free time–I haven’t been working because I’ve been *looking* for work (which is actually a struggle since, you know, money is important), but since I also have a two week break from school, having extra hours is something I didn’t realize how much I needed and loved! That baby crow is also adorable; I really love crows, I’m glad to hear he’s okay! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ve had a copy of The Bone Ships sitting around far too long, I really need to finally pick it up. And thanks for the reminder about Riverdale–I think I’m somewhere in season 3 (?) and really need to catch up! I don’t know how I seem to have forgotten it?

    • Tammy

      I don’t think I would have been able to stop watching in the middle of season 3! And I think we all need time off now and then, it’s just hard to go back to the grind once you experience “freedom,” lol.

  14. Tammy, I was having so many problems with my blog not working last week so that is probably one reason I was going to spam or what not. I think I have it back to working *Knock on wood* ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great week!

  15. Awww look at the baby crow! Well, at least hubby tried, right? xD That’s what counts.

    Stupid email is stupid. I hope you get Yahoo to cooperate at some point. You’ve already finished Out of Body? Looking forward to seeing what you think of it!

    • Tammy

      Uh yeah, I did finish Out of Body and I really didn’t like it. Ugh I hate when that happens…

  16. Baby crow! So cute.

    “Despite the smaller paycheck, Iโ€™d actually rather have more free time and eat beans and ramen for the rest of my life, lol.” I FEEL THIS lol. I keep trying to convince my husband into letting me work part time (I think we could swing it–he makes good money working for the fed) but he’s like ‘things might be tight’ and I’m like ‘we could cut back on spending?’ because we have certainly lived on a lot less before alas….so far I have been unsuccessful LOL.
    That sucks about having to go back to the office full time, I hope your week was a good one.

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