Over-Booked [115] – A Book Haul Post

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! I’m linking up with Stacking the Shelves over at Tynga’s Reviews and The Sunday Post at The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

I’m trying to do book hauls every two weeks, but it’s been three weeks since my last one, due to, well, I’m not sure why! In any case, I’m excited to share my new books with you. And so much for trying to be good on NetGalley! As you’ll see below, I took on way too many digital ARCs this week…

Physical books for review:

Big thanks to Kaye Publicity for hooking me up with Fractured Tide by Leslie Lutz. “Lost meets Stranger Things.” I know, so many books these days are compared to Stranger Things, but this one sounds amazing! A YA thriller with tinges of the speculative, perhaps?

I was excited to see my copy of A Witch in Time by Constance Sayers show up! I’ve been eyeing this for several months, so hopefully I can get to it soon.

The Companions by Katie M. Flynn was a surprise from Simon & Schuster. I do have an eARC so I was happy to receive this lovely finished copy too. Although lots of mixed reviews on Goodreads so I’m a little hesitant now…

The Shadow Saint by Gareth Hanrahan is the highly anticipated follow up to The Gutter Prayer, and this is definitely slated to be read in February.

A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World by C.A. Fletcher. Paola at Orbit sent me this surprise paperback release of my FAVORITE book of 2019 (well, top two at least!). The cover is a little different from the hardcover and I just love having another copy, what can I say!

The Hidden Girl by Ken Liu was another surprise! This hasn’t really been on my radar, but I’ve never read Liu before and I’d love to try these stories.

Big thanks to Kaye Publicity, Blink, Redhook, Simon & Schuster, Orbit Books and Gallery/Saga Press:-D

Several unsolicited surprises arrived in the last couple of weeks. First up, I’m actually excited to see this copy of Driving the Deep by Suzanne Palmer, which is the sequel to last year’s Finder. Unfortunately I never got to the first book, but this is giving me a push to catch up before the sequel comes out in May.

Gravity of a Distant Sun by R.E. Stearns is book #3 in Steans’ Shieldrunner Pirates, and I’m sad that I’m not reading this series!

Big thanks to Tor for a beautiful finished copy of The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood. This is coming up soon on my pile!

The Unwilling by Kelly Braffet was a surprise arrival from Wunderkind PR/Mira, and I have to say I’m torn. There are some truly awful reviews of this book on Goodreads, but the trade reviews are glowing! I’m not sure what to make of it, and I’m honestly not sure I have time to squeeze it in. Has anyone read this book?

Finally, a finished copy of Bridge 108 by Anne Charnock also came courtesy of Wunderkind PR and 47North. This is a fairly short book, but again it’s a February release I wasn’t really planning on reading. I guess we’ll see!

Big thanks to DAW Books, Gallery/Saga Press, Tor Books, Mira, 47North and Wunderkind PR!

Digital ARCs:

The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix. What a trial it was to get this review book! Seriously, this is one of my most anticipated books of the year, and you know how that goes. When you really really want something, the book gods decide to make you work for it. The first thing I did was email the publisher to request an ARC. No response. Then I requested it on NetGalley. No response. THEN I got an actual email from a Quirk publicist asking me to fill out a request form, which I did immediately and replied back to the publicist with a very caps and exclamation point heavy email. No response. Finally I broke down and requested it on Edelweiss and immediately was approved. So weird! But the bottom line is I now have a review copy and I can’t wait to read it:-D

Savage Legion (Savage Rebellion #1) by Matt Wallace. I really enjoyed Matt’s Sin du Jour series of novellas several years ago, where he tackled the seven deadly sins, and I’ve been curious to see what his next move would be. This sounds completely different!

The Kingdom of Liars by Nick Martell. A lot of book bloggers have been buzzing about this book. Maybe it was self-published prior to being picked up by a major publisher? I can’t remember, but in any case I just realized it’s long. 600 pages, OMG.

Lobizona by Romina Garber. I’m usually a little hesitant about Wednesday Books, but this sounds like it has potential, so I’m giving it a shot!

Every Sky a Grave by Jay Posey. I really loved Posey’s Three, and I’ve wanted to read something else of his. I love the sound of this weird sounding sci-fi story:-D

Threading the Labyrinth by Tiffani Angus. This was offered to me by Unsung Stories, a small but mighty UK SFF publisher. The link will take you to the publisher’s website since I couldn’t find this on Goodreads yet. This sounds absolutely amazing!

Corporate Gunslinger by Doug Engstrom. I’m excited I was finally approved for this book. The cover makes it look more like a mystery/thriller, but it’s a dystopian satire. I can’t wait!

Huge thanks to Quirk Books, Gallery/Saga Press, Wednesday Books, Unsung Stories and Harper Voyager:-D

And that’s my haul for now. Are you planning on reading any of these books?

Posted February 8, 2020 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 72 Comments


72 responses to “Over-Booked [115] – A Book Haul Post

  1. Sarah

    As ever- you have the best book hauls! Fractured Tide looks awesome but I’m not sure how I feel about it being YA. It’s one of those I think I’d Want full blown thriller/horror from.

    I have a copy of The Unwilling also. I hadn’t been paying attention to the reviews but now I’m dreading it. When I first received it a couple months ago the reviews were still mostly positive. I guess I’ll find out?

    • Tammy

      I hope you try The Unwilling so I’ll know whether to read it or not! I totally trust your opinions, so you might be able to sway me one way or the other. It’s weird because other authors are literally giving it glowing reviews. I’m so confused!

  2. Will

    I really liked Three and that series too! And I’m definitely looking forward to Every Sky a Grave. Let me know how it is!

  3. I’d love to read The Hidden Girl. I’ve enjoyed what few Ken Liu stories I’ve read. I like the title and cover of Gravity of a Distant Sun, very catchy (perhaps it reminds me of the anime Voices of a Distant Star), but I’d have to read the first books before getting to this one. And I really like the cover design of Threading the Labyrinth. It really stands out. Lots of great looking reads to look forward to in this batch!

  4. TheCaptain

    I adored Finder and can’t wait to read the next one. Sadly I am still waiting to be approved on the sequel. I can’t wait for ye to read it. I was rejected for corporate gunslinger but that be okay. I can wait and see if ye liked it before formally adding it to the list. Arrr!
    x The Captain

  5. That is quite the bookish haul! I’ve heard really good things about A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World, but the one I really want to read is The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires! Happy reading. 😀

  6. I have The Gutter Prayer on my Kindle ready to go, so hoping to get to that soon (and by extension The Shadow Saint). I’ve also been hearing lots of good things about The Unspoken Name so I’m thinking of looking into that a bit more! This is a great haul though, looks like you’ve got some great reading ahead of you.

    • Tammy

      Thanks JonBob, I pulled out my copy of The Unspoken Name to read next, can’t wait. Enjoy The Gutter Prayer!

  7. I’m currently reading A Witch in Time and it was a bit…different. In some ways it reminds me of A Secret History of Witches (which I know we both loved) but instead of being generation stories, it’s like past lives. I’m really enjoying it, and I think you’ll like it too – can’t wait to hear what you think of it. And Wunderkind is totally spoiling us with new reads, aren’t they? I think I’m going to try and squeeze in The Unwilling, even though it will wreak havoc on my schedule lol! And glad you got your copy of the new Grady Hendrix, I’m tempted by the eARC but I think I will hold off until the audio.

    • Tammy

      Wunderkind is really super nice lately! I hope you read The Unwilling, I’m just not sure about it yet…

  8. This haul is beeeaautiful. I just discovered Fractured Tide the other day, and I need it! I have a digital of The Hidden Girl I’m really looking forward to reading. Hmm… I’ve really anticipating the new Grady Hendrix. I think I might have to hit up Edelweiss, too. 🙂

  9. What a fantastic haul! I’m glad you were finally able to get a review copy of The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires. I’ve not had good luck with it either. I got a rejection from Netgalley and no response when I filled out the request form.

  10. I love the sound of the Stearns’ space opera adventure trilogy – I’ll probably treat myself later in the year… And I MUST get hold of A Boy and his Dog At the End of the World! But I just WISH I didn’t need to sleep – because there are others in this list I’d also love to tackle… Great haul, Tammy:))

  11. I am super impressed with this list – I really hope you have enough time to get through a good chunk. Some of them look really interesting and I might take a peek myself – Goodluck!

  12. Had to look up a copy that I hadn’t heard about yet! Looks like you’ll be mighty busy in the next month or so. (But isn’t that always the case with so many good books releasing?) Thanks for sharing!

  13. Isn’t is frustrating when you seem to get nowhere on a book you really want. I’m excited to get to it as well. I am really wanting to get my hands on Fractured Tide although I’m leery of Stranger Things comparisons. It seems like everyone is trying to jump on that bandwagon. Corporate Gunslinger sounds awesome and it’s going on the TBR as well!

  14. Ooh, Fractured Tide sounds interesting! I’m really excited to read A Witch in Time, as well! The Shadow Saint was extremely good, a really solid sequel. I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on The Unwilling–I’ve been incredibly interested, but I’m so curious as to why there are so many negative reviews on Goodreads, also. And Threading the Labyrinth definitely catches my eye! Hope you enjoy these, looks like you’ve got a full TBR, haha! 🙂

  15. Oh gosh, this reminds me that I still totally need to read A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World! I hope you enjoy The Unspoken Name. I’m reading it now, and I’m … not loving it? I seem to be the minority, though. And where I’m at now, it’s finally starting to pick up where I don’t feel like outright DNFing it (though, I’m also over a third of the way in).

    I’ve also got a review copy of The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires! Although, I didn’t have to jump through the hoops you did, thank goodness. 😐 I’m so excited for it. I brought it up the other day in my book club, because we are, in fact, a Southern book club. xD No vampire slaying as of yet, but I’m not ruling it out.

    • Tammy

      I can’t wait to read The Southern Book Club, I probably won’t be able to wait until the release month:-)

    • Tammy

      Thanks Kristen, I don’t think I’ve seen any reviews of Kingdom of Liars yet, but I’m very curious.

    • Tammy

      I am going to try to read it early. Like I never get around to reading review books early, but that’s one I’m dying to start:-)

  16. Yay, The Unspoken Name! I need to get me a physical copy of this beauty, so much love. <3

    I thought Fractured Tide looked really interesting, but then I saw that the format is in journal entries? I'm less into that idea, so hmmm. My weakness is I'm resistant to non-traditional storytelling formats, lol, that said I ended up loving Iluminae so who knows!

    • Tammy

      I didn’t know that Fractured Tide was journal entries, but I’m OK with that. If it’s done well, it can be a good way to tell a story.

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