Future Fiction #56: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

This week, a couple of cover reveals spotted, and a YA story revolving around a magical fiddle!

Out of Body is a dark fantasy thriller from multi-award-winning author Jeffrey Ford.

A small-town librarian witnesses a murder at his local deli, and what had been routine sleep paralysis begins to transform into something far more disturbing. The trauma of holding a dying girl in his arms drives him out of his own body. The town he knows so well is suddenly revealed to him from a whole new perspective. Secrets are everywhere and demons fester behind closed doors.

Worst of all, he discovers a serial killer who has been preying on the area for over a century, one capable of traveling with him through his dreams.

Out of Body by Jeffrey Ford. Releases in May 2020 from Tor.com. I believe this cover was actually revealed last year, but I’m late to the party, sorry! I’m intrigued by this premise, and I don’t think I’ve ever read Ford before so hopefully this will be my first:-D

The #1 New York Times bestselling author Kerri Maniscalco introduces her next blockbuster series, a dark, intoxicating tale of a beautiful young witch, a troubled demon, and their epic romance, set against a lush 19th century Italian backdrop.

Emilia and her twin sister Victoria are strega – witches who live secretly among humans, avoiding notice and persecution. One night, Victoria misses dinner service at the family’s renowned Sicilian restaurant. Emilia soon finds the body of her beloved twin…desecrated beyond belief. Devastated, Emilia sets out to discover who did this, and to seek vengeance at any cost—even if it means using dark magic that’s been long forbidden.

Then Emilia meets Wrath, the outlier among the seven demon brethren, always choosing duty over pleasure. He’s been tasked by his master with investigating a series of women’s murders on the island. When Emilia and Wrath’s fates collide, it’s clear this disturbing mystery will take a bewitching turn…

Kingdom of the Wicked (Kingdom of the Wicked #1) by Kerri Maniscalco. Releases in September 2020 from Jimmy Patterson. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Maniscalco’s other books, and I do love the sound of this dark fantasy. I believe Barb already knows about Booksnake on the cover, lol.

Shady Grove is her father’s daughter, through and through. She inherited his riotous, curly hair, his devotion to bluegrass, and his ability to call ghosts from the grave with his fiddle.

That cursed instrument drowned with him, though, when his car went off the road, taking with it the whispering ghosts, nightmares, and the grief and obsession that forced her daddy to play.

But Shady’s brother was just accused of murder, and so she has a choice to make: unearth the fiddle that sang her father to the grave and speak to the dead to clear her brother’s name, or watch the only family she has left splinter to pieces.

The ghosts have secrets to keep, but Shady will make those old bones sing.

Ghost Wood Song by Erica Waters. Releases in July 2020 from HarperTeen. I love stories that revolve around music in some way, and this sounds fantastic! This is a debut that I’m definitely keeping my eye on. (Barb, if you’re reading this, I can’t believe I am featuring TWO Booksnake books, just for you:-D)

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted January 22, 2020 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 50 Comments


50 responses to “Future Fiction #56: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Sia

    I look forward to your cover reveal posts every week! And yesssssss, return of the book-snake! I love the cover for Ghost Wood Song, and I’m so looking forward to getting to read it!

  2. I’m not a fan of snakes, but I gotta say both covers are well done here, and the first one looks original. I’m with you when you say you love stories that revolve around music in some way, so Ghost Wood Song sounds really good to me, too. However, I’m always up for dark reads, so Kingdom of the Wicked seems like a good choice as well 😉

  3. Arrrgghh! Double booksnake. This trend really needs to pass. I’ve actually looked at the cover on Ghost Wood Song before and never really saw the little critter. I do think all three books sounds good and if I get them on Kindle or Overdrive, I don’t have to linger on the cover when I’m reading them!

  4. All these authors are new to me, so thanks for the introductions. I don’t mind snakes, but in this case I’m opting for the librarian (convenient of me, no?). 🙂 Added Out of Body to my TBR.

  5. Haha yeah I’ve only just gotten around to featuring Out of Body too! I haven’t heard of the other two, but not surprising when it comes to YA because there’s just so much of it every year. The jimmy patterson one looks promising though, I have a lot of faith in the stuff his imprint publishes 😀

  6. Sarah

    Kingdom of The Wicked sounds like it might stray too far into romance territory for me, but these other two sound awesome!

    Also- is it me, or are they releasing all the dark fantasy / horror books I wanted last October this spring? I felt like all fall I was looking for good creepy scary thriller horror books and now they are being released in droves… lol.

    • Tammy

      It does seem like lots of dark fantasy books are coming out soon, I hadn’t thought about it until you mention it! I suppose we could save them up for next October??

  7. These all look good. I particularly like the ghost woods write up. I like the sound of it very much.
    And did two book snakes put in appearance – ever since Barb mentioned it I can’t help but notice them when they pop up.
    Lynn 😀

  8. So much yes to Ghost Wood Song! I’m eagerly awaiting that one. Kingdom of the Wicked sounds sooo good (and that cover is stunning!), but after reading and DNFing Stalking Jack the Ripper, I have reservations. I’ll still probably check out this new book, though, because new series, new chance. Out of Body sounds splendid, too. Okay, I NEED to read that one, guaranteed. My poor, aching TBR. xD
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