Future Fiction #55: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Spotted last week: a couple of Tor cover reveals and a newly discovered book from DAW! Take a look:

If you trust her you’ll never get home…

Avery is an exceptional child. Everything he does is precise, from the way he washes his face in the morning, to the way he completes his homework – without complaint, without fuss, without prompt.

Zib is also an exceptional child, because all children are, in their own way. But where everything Avery does and is can be measured, nothing Zib does can possibly be predicted, except for the fact that she can always be relied upon to be unpredictable.

They live on the same street.

They live in different worlds.

On an unplanned detour from home to school one morning, Avery and Zib find themselves climbing over a low stone wall into the Up and Under – an impossible land filled with mystery, adventure and the strangest creatures. And they must find themselves and each other if they are to also find their way out and back to their own lives.

Over the Woodward Wall by A. Deborah Baker (AKA Seanan McGuire). Releases in October 2020 from Tor.com. I think this book is going to mean more to those who have read McGuire’s Middlegame. I was so excited to hear about this project! If you’ve read Middlegame, you’ll know that Over the Woodward Wall is a “book within a book” in Middlegame. A fake book that McGuire has decided to expand into a real book. Also, that cover is marvelous! Cover by David Curtis.

Even the Wild Man of Greenhollow can’t ignore a summons from his mother, when that mother is the indomitable Adela Silver, practical folklorist. Henry Silver does not relish what he’ll find in the grimy seaside town of Rothport, where once the ancient wood extended before it was drowned beneath the sea—a missing girl, a monster on the loose, or, worst of all, Tobias Finch, who loves him.

In this stunning sequel to Silver in the Wood, Emily Tesh once again invites readers to lose themselves in the story of Henry and Tobias, and the magic of a myth they’ve always known.

Drowned Country by Emily Tesh. Releases in June 2020 from Tor.com. This is Tesh’s follow-up to Silver in the Wood, which I read and enjoyed last year. I’m loving this cover SO MUCH and I’m curious to jump back into her dreamy, woodsy world. Cover by David Curtis.

A master of science fiction introduces a world where everything is large and the problems of survival even larger in this exciting new novel.

Hella is a planet where everything is oversized—especially the ambitions of the colonists.

The trees are mile-high, the dinosaur herds are huge, and the weather is extreme—so extreme, the colonists have to migrate twice a year to escape the blistering heat of summer and the atmosphere-freezing cold of winter.

Kyle is a neuro-atypical young man, emotionally challenged, but with an implant that gives him real-time access to the colony’s computer network, making him a very misunderstood savant. When an overburdened starship arrives, he becomes the link between the established colonists and the refugees from a ravaged Earth.

The Hella colony is barely self-sufficient. Can it stand the strain of a thousand new arrivals, bringing with them the same kinds of problems they thought they were fleeing?

Despite the dangers to himself and his family, Kyle is in the middle of everything—in possession of the most dangerous secret of all. Will he be caught in a growing political conspiracy? Will his reawakened emotions overwhelm his rationality? Or will he be able to use his unique ability to prevent disaster?

Hella by David Gerrold. Releases in June 2020 from DAW Books. This sounds SO GOOD. I absolutely love stories about colonization on other planets, and hey, this one has giant dinosaurs!! What? Also, I just found this out but Gerrold has been writing for years and he wrote the original Star Trek episode, The Trouble with Tribbles. Isn’t that cool?

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted January 15, 2020 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 64 Comments


64 responses to “Future Fiction #55: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Marian Parsons

    Hella sounds like fun.

    Also, because I will never be up to date on my TBR pile, I just read a couple books you mentioned months ago, Steel Crow Saga and Blood of an Exile, and loved them very much.

  2. Sia

    I’m so exited for Over the Woodward Wall! And the cover for it blew all my expectations away – it’s so grogeous!!!

  3. Sarah

    So many exciting books here!! But without a doubt, Hella absolutely sounds like it could be a favorite for me.

    I guess for the other two I’ll have to catch up on some reading!

    • Tammy

      I’m really excited for Hella. I feel like it could either be really good or really terrible, ha ha. I guess we’ll see!

  4. I want giant dinosaurs! All three of these sound great and while I’m slightly going mad that Seanan McGuire is using yet another name, I’m thrilled for anything by her. I got a copy of Middlegame for Christmas so I guess soon I will know what this is all about. Thanks for sharing some great books again this week!

    • Tammy

      I sort of feel like this pseudonym isn’t really a pseudonym, which you’ll understand when you read Middlegame.

  5. Oh I love McGuire wrote an actual book for the “book within a book” idea. That makes me really want to prioritize Middlegame soon! Love the cover for it, too. I’m also in love with with that cover for Drowned County! Hella also sounds super intriguing–looks like I have more books to add to my TBR!

    • Tammy

      Oooh, you should read Middlegame first, because then you’ll understand the story of Over the Woodward Wall. I’m so curious to read it!

  6. I love the covers of all these books and even better I haven’t heard of these so I have more books to add to my ever-growing list of books I’d love to find time to read! I especially love the cover for Over the Woodward Wall. Wow! Thanks for bringing these books to my attention, Tammy!

  7. EEEEEE! I preordered Over the Woodward Wall the second the link was available. I love the cover! Hella sounds super interesting (although why do dinosaurs need to be oversized? They’re already huge!), and I love the cover for Drowned Country too (which reminds me that I still need to read Silver in the Woods).

    And if I haven’t said so lately, I just wanted to say how much I love these weekly posts! I always look forward to checking out your new discoveries.

    • Tammy

      Aww thanks Lisa! I’m glad you can find new books, and I really appreciate your support and blogger friendship:-)

    • Tammy

      Thanks Sarah! I spend waaay too much time looking for upcoming books to add to my Goodreads shelf:-)

  8. Hella’s on my list, and lol, just a few weeks ago I had a conversation on Goodreads with a Gerrold fan about him writing Trouble with Tribbles! The other two books I’ve not added because I haven’t caught up to them, but I do love the concept behind Over the Woodward Wall.

  9. Just added Hella to be TBR. I’ve not yet read anything by David Gerrold, but I like the sound of this one. I also like the description of the other 2 but haven’t read the earlier books, so I’ll have to hold off on those. Love these looks at new and unfamiliar books!

  10. That first one looks amazing- such a nice cover. Definitely interested in that. and McGuire- wow she keeps crankin em out! And that Gerrold book sounds fabulous! Now I want to go and rewatch Trouble with Tribbles…
    Greg recently posted…After the FloodMy Profile

  11. I love the sound of the Tesh book but I haven’t read the first – will have to catch up. And Hella sounds really good. Will definitely add that to my wishlist.
    Lynn 😀

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