Future Fiction #54: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

This week I’ve found three gorgeous covers that I wanted to share. Yes, it’s all about the cover love!

The second book in a new epic fantasy trilogy from successful self-published author, perfect for fans of the Wheel of Time and Sword of Truth.

A shadow has moved across Lamoria. Whispers of the coming conflict are growing louder; the enemy becoming bolder. Belkar’s reach has extended far into the heart of Ralmarstad and war now seems inevitable.

Mariyah, clinging to the hope of one day being reunited with Lem, struggles to attain the power she will need to make the world safe again. But a power like this is not easily acquired and will test the limits of her mind and body. She will need to look deep inside herself to find the strength to achieve what even the Thaumas of old could not.

Lem continues his descent into darkness, serving a man he does not trust in the name of a faith which is not his own. Only Shemi keeps his heart from succumbing to despair, along with the knowledge that he has finally found Mariyah. But Lem is convinced she is being held against her will, and compelled to do the bidding of her captors. He is determined to free her, regardless the cost.

Their separate roads are leading them to the same destination. And once they arrive they will have to confront more than the power of Belkar. They will have to face themselves and what Lamoria has forced them to become.

A Chorus of Fire (The Sorcerer’s Song #2) by Brian D. Anderson. Releases in August 2020 from Tor Books. This is a pleasant surprise! I have Brian’s first book, The Bard’s Blade, on my list to read this month, and already the sequel has a cover and a release date. So even though I haven’t technically read the first book yet, I’m excited to put this sequel on my TBR. Check out the gorgeous cover art (on both books) from Felix Ortiz! 

Out on a salvage mission with a skeleton crew, Carter Langston is murdered by animated corpses left behind on this ship. Yet in this future, everyone’s consciousness backup can be safely downloaded into a brand-new body, and all you’d lose are the memories of what happened between your last backup and your death. But when Langston wakes up in his new body, he is immediately attacked in the medbay and has to fight once again for his life—and his immortality. Because this assassin aims to destroy his core forever.

Determined to find his shipmates and solve this evolving mystery, Langston locates their tech whiz Shay Chan, but two members are missing and perhaps permanently killed. Langston and Chan are soon running for their lives with the assassin and the corporation behind him in hot pursuit.

What Langston and Chan ultimately find would signal the end of humanity. What started as a salvage mission just might end up saving the world.

Re-Coil by J.T. Nicholas. Releases in February 2020 from Titan Books. “Thrillers in space” is one of my favorite SF subgenres, and this looks like a good one. Plus, THAT COVER. I want it on my wall! Cover design by Vince Haig.

Luka Kane will die in the Loop, a prison under the control of artificial intelligence.

Delays to his execution are granted if Luka submits to medical experiments. Escape is made impossible by a detonator sewn into his heart.

But on Luka’s seventeenth birthday, life in the Loop is altered: the government-issued rain stops falling and rumours of unrest start to spread. Breaking out might be his only chance to survive… and to stop a catastrophe from deleting humankind.

The Loop by Ben Oliver. Releases in March 2020 from Chicken House/Scholastic. Not sure where I saw this, and Chicken House is a publisher I don’t follow at all, but how could I resist this cover! This is a YA science fiction novel that sounds like a bunch of fun! This cover was revealed months ago, but I’ve just discovered it. Cover art by Maeve Norton.

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted January 8, 2020 by Tammy in Uncategorized / 46 Comments


46 responses to “Future Fiction #54: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Sounds all interesting, the first two are more of my liking, though. The illustrations on the covers have the right fantasy thrill 😉

  2. Wow. I can’t believe Bard’s Blade has a sequel, a cover and a release date. It’s o e of my forthcoming reads. How exciting.

    • Tammy

      I know, I’m really surprised too. Now I need to read The Bard’s Blade so I can start pining for book 2!

  3. I do really like the cover art for The Sorcerer’s Song books, and they sound like ones I might enjoy. But I think I might also enjoy Re-Coil. Have to keep my eyes open for these.

  4. Re-Coil and The Loop sound so interesting, I’m especially curious by the premise of The Loop–it sounds like an interesting take on an AI-inspired one.

  5. Sarah

    Ooh Recoil and The Loop are both new to me and both sound awesome. Especially The Loop (like what did a 17 year old do to deserve that?!). Great picks!

    • Tammy

      They do! And lately I’ve seen so many great fantasy covers. Makes it hard to narrow down what to read!

  6. Yeah, I couldn’t believe the Bard’s Blade isn’t even out and the sequel already has a synopsis and cover! I’m also looking forward to reading the first book! I hope it’s good so I can actually start to get excited about the A Chorus of Fire too, lol 😀

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