Future Fiction #47: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books #SciFiMonth

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

In celebration of #SciFiMonth, I’m dedicating the entire month to science fiction! Join me each Wednesday to see what new SF books I’ve found:-D

This first book in a feminist space opera duology follows seven resistance fighters who will free the galaxy from the ruthless Tholosian Empire — or die trying.

When Eris faked her death, she thought she had left her old life as the heir to the galaxy’s most ruthless empire behind. But her recruitment by the Novantaen Resistance, an organization opposed to the empire’s voracious expansion, throws her right back into the fray.

Eris has been assigned a new mission: to infiltrate a spaceship ferrying deadly cargo and return the intelligence gathered to the Resistance. But her partner for the mission, mechanic and hotshot pilot Cloelia, bears an old grudge against Eris, making an already difficult infiltration even more complicated.

When they find the ship, they discover more than they bargained for: three fugitives with firsthand knowledge of the corrupt empire’s inner workings.

Together, these women possess the knowledge and capabilities to bring the empire to its knees. But the clock is ticking: the new heir to the empire plans to disrupt a peace summit with the only remaining alien empire, ensuring the empire’s continued expansion. If they can find a way to stop him, they will save the galaxy. If they can’t, millions may die.

Seven Devils (Seven Devils #1) by Laura Lam & Elizabeth May. Releases in August 2020 from DAW. Laura Lam seems to be on a roll! I featured another new book of hers last week, and this week the cover of Seven Devils was revealed. And I loved Elizabeth May’s The Falconer, so this is a great surprise. Love the sound of this story, and that cover has a fantastic graphic novel/comic vibe.

Orphan Black meets the post-apocalyptic Avengers in the vein of Ilona Andrews’ Hidden Legacy series by USA Today and New York Times bestselling author duo Kit Rocha

The United States went belly up 45 years ago when our power grid was wiped out. Too few live in well-protected isolation while the rest of us scrape by on the margins. The only thing that matters is survival. By any means. At any cost.

Nina is an information broker with a mission: to bring hope to the darkest corners of Atlanta. She and her team of mercenary librarians use their knowledge to help those in need. But altruism doesn’t pay the bills—raiding vaults and collecting sensitive data is where the real money is.

Knox is a bitter, battle-weary supersoldier who leads the Silver Devils, an elite strike squad that chose to go AWOL rather than slaughter innocents. Before the Devils leave town for good, they need a biochem hacker to stabilize the experimental implants that grant their superhuman abilities.

The problem? Their hacker’s been kidnapped. And the ransom for her return is Nina. Knox has the perfect bait for a perfect trap: a lost Library of Congress server. The data could set Nina and her team up for years…

If they live that long.

Deal With the Devil (Mercenary Librarians #1) by Kit Rocha. Releases in May 2020 from Tor Books. This cover was just revealed a couple of days ago, and I just HAD to add it to this week’s Future Fiction. I mean, MERCENARY LIBRARIANS and just look at that glorious cover!

The last human in the universe is on the run from a godlike intelligence in this rip-roaring debut space opera.

Sarya is the civilized galaxy’s worst nightmare: a Human.

Most days, Sarya doesn’t feel like the most terrifying creature in the galaxy.

Most days, she’s got other things on her mind. Like hiding her identity among the hundreds of alien species roaming the corridors of Watertower Station. Or making sure her adoptive mother doesn’t casually eviscerate one of their neighbors. Again.

And most days, she can almost accept that she’ll never know the truth–that she’ll never know why humanity was deemed too dangerous to exist. Or whether she really is–impossibly–the lone survivor of a species destroyed a millennium ago.

That is, until an encounter with a bounty hunter and a miles-long kinetic projectile leaves her life and her perspective shattered.

Thrown into the universe at the helm of a stolen ship–with the dubious assistance of a rebellious spacesuit, an android death enthusiast on his sixtieth lifetime, and a ball of fluff with an IQ in the thousands–Sarya begins to uncover an impossible truth.

What if humanity’s death and her own existence are simply two moves in a demented cosmic game, one played out by vast alien intellects? Stranger still, what if these mad gods are offering Sarya a seat at their table–and a second chance for humanity?

The Last Human is a sneakily brilliant, gleefully oddball space-opera debut–a masterful play on perspective, intelligence, and free will, wrapped in a rollicking journey through a strange and crowded galaxy.

The Last Human by Zack Jordan. Releases in March 2020 from Del Rey Books. This sounds like my kind of story exactly. I’m so happy to have an eARC of it, and I’m looking forward to reading it early next year!

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted November 20, 2019 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 46 Comments


46 responses to “Future Fiction #47: Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books #SciFiMonth

  1. Well thank heavens I already have an e-arc of The Last Human or I’d be adding all three to my wishlist. Seven Devils has such a great cover and I have so many space operas I want to read that I’m going to have to make it a focus in 2020. I also like the sounds of Deal with the Devil. Did I see an Orphan Black comparison? I ADORED that series. Man Tammy, you’ve crushed it again with this week’s picks!

    • Tammy

      I swear I was worried about being this close to the end of Sci Fi Month and having already used up a lot of upcoming books in my other posts, I didn’t think I’d even have three to share this week. But they just keep coming, lol!

    • Tammy

      It literally just popped up somewhere, Monday maybe? I just love the cover, and the story sounds amazing!

  2. The LAst Human sounds awesome! I need that! also nice to see Elizabeth Mau collaborating on something- I’ve been wanting to read her Falconer series now for a while.

    • Tammy

      I’m excited to see Elizabeth May and Laura Lam work together. I’ve read both of them separately and I’m intrigued:-)

  3. I saw a goodreads giveaway for The Last Human. It seems the kind of book that if I were to try to describe it to a friend it would sound completely corny. And yet when I read the description I thought it sounded like a lot of fun, something I might really enjoy if the author can pull it off. And I’m intrigued by some of these recent books about libraries and librarians.

    • Tammy

      I think The Last Human is going to be a blast, although I sometimes have trouble if the humor is too out there. We’ll see!

  4. I’m sorry, wait, hold up. There’s a series of books about librarians as mercenaries and I haven’t heard of it before?! I’m disappointed. But also excited. That’s for sure going on my TBR. The description of The Last Human reminds me of Douglas Adams, and that right there is enough to get my attention. There’ s a Goodreads giveaway on it right now, too, so … *crosses fingers*

  5. Just added Seven Devils to my list! And I had no idea Deal with the Devil was a sci=fi/dystopian until I saw the cover reveal, for some reason I hear “mercenary librarians” and just automatically think fantasy. I also just got a surprise copy of The Last Human, very excited to read it!

    • Tammy

      Me too, I didn’t know it was sci-fi either. I’m glad because I needed a 3rd book for my post this week, lol.

  6. Sarah

    I have an eARC of The Last Human too and I’m SOO EXCITED!! But both of these others look awesome too! Mercenary librarians? What?!

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