What’s On My Plate – November 2019

November!!! How does this happen?? I swear it was just June. No really. November plays double duty for me, because if you caught my post yesterday, I’m participating in SciFiMonth with lots of other fantastic bloggers. But I have plenty of books that don’t fall into the SF category, so my month will be interspersed with fantasy and horror as well.

Also, a quick housekeeping note: I’ve been having some issues with people leaving comments on the blog, and if you experienced any weird error messages, I apologize. They have been fixed, but at the expense of having to deactivate one of my favorite plugins, Comment Reply Notification. This is where you get an email when I reply back to your comment, and it makes me sad that some commenters might not get to read my replies. I haven’t given up yet, I may try to find a different plugin or try a test reactivation.

Here are the books I’d like to read this month (and obviously, I won’t get to all of them. This is serious wishful thinking!)

The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards doesn’t come out until next month, but I was fortunate enough to read an early copy, and if you loved the first book, The Last Sun, you’re going to love this as well! I’m planning on posting my review this month which is why it’s on this list. AND if you haven’t heard about the huge promotional campaign that’s going on, check out Kathy’s and Sia’s blogs to learn more. They are even organizing a street team and I think you can still sign up. Check it out!

The Deep by Rivers Solomon. I’m reading this right now and wow, it’s intense! It’s a very short novella but it’s taking me longer than I expected to read it. I love it, don’t get me wrong, I’m just taking it in with small sips. But I plan on getting a review up on Monday, don’t miss it!

Made Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky. My only Tor.com novella of the month, I’m very much looking forward to this, it sounds really unique.

Sabbath by Nick Mamatas. I’m a big fan of the author, and the tagline for this book is “Highlander meets Seven“! I mean, come on! Now I have to read it:-)

Flamebringer by Elle Katharine White. This is book #3 in White’s very cool Pride & Prejudice fantasy retelling, and I couldn’t be more excited to dive back into her dragon-filled world and see how she’s going to end this series!

Fate of the Fallen by Kel Kade. I originally pickup up at ARC of this book at Comic Con over the summer, and then the publisher sent me another ARC (unsolicited). And just last week I got a surprise finished copy of the book! I think someone is trying to tell me something…plus I have some blogger friends who loved this, so it’s definitely coming up soon on the pile:-D

Life and Limb by Jennifer Roberson. I’m seeing some mixed reviews on Goodreads, but I still love the idea of this “a biker and a cowboy must stop the apocalypse” blurb!

Deadly Little Scandals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I loved the first book in this series, Little White Lies, even though it’s a genre I don’t usually read. Barnes is an amazing storyteller, though, so I don’t really think genre matters this time.

Novice Dragoneer by E.E. Knight. Lots of solid reviews already for this, so I’m looking forward to it.

Unnatural Magic by C.M. Waggoner. Readers are loving this book, and that cover is really drawing me in.

…and other disasters by Malka Older. This is a short story collection from a small, new-to-me publisher, but I loved Malka Older’s work in Ninth Step Station and I’m eager to read more of her work.

I’m sort of laugh/crying that so many of these come out on November 5th! I think publishers need to start planning their release dates with each other so the first week of the month isn’t bombarded with ALL THE BOOKS.

Anyway, that’s my month. Let me know if we have any books in common, or tell me what you’re looking forward to!

Posted November 2, 2019 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 34 Comments

34 responses to “What’s On My Plate – November 2019

  1. Made Things completel slipped me by – I may have to go back and check that out. I do love the “Highlander meets Seven” tagline on Sabbath, but just don’t have room in the TBR pile.

    Looking forward to seeing what you think of Fate of the Fallen!
    Bob @ She Leads he Reads recently posted…Stacking the ShelvesMy Profile

  2. I know how you feel about November! I still owe 3 reviews that I’m trying to work into Sci-Fi Month (thankfully one of them is Sci-Fi anyway) on top of wanting to tackle my backlist! We’ll see what happens!
    Caitlin G. recently posted…October 2019 Book HaulMy Profile

  3. I don’t have any of these yet, but I’d like to read The Deep, Made Things, Fate of the Fallen, and The Hanged Man (though I need to read the 1st book 1st). Right now I’m reading some old and new. Just started Sisters of the Vast Black and I’m almost finished with Carmilla, a fantastic vampire story that predates Dracula (I’m a little late for Halloween).

      • I really enjoyed it. It’s a bit like watching the movie Apollo 13. You may already know what’s going to happen, but it’s still such an amazing story, you can’t help but get excited watching it (or reading/listening in the case of Carmilla).

  4. Sarah

    Can’t wait for your thoughts on Fate of the Fallen. I just finished The Deep myself so I’ll look forward to your thoughts on that one too.

    And I’m curious about a bunch of these others, but especially Malka Older’s. Ninth Step Station was pretty good, but I think her other book Infomocracy is pretty impressive too.

    • Tammy

      Right?? It’s been a crazy year. And I don’t think 2020 is going to slow down on the publishing front at all!

  5. I could have sworn I posted last night. Maybe I’m dreaming. I definitely have some of the same books but my TBR is already full for November (and December as well it seems) so I’m not sure when I’ll get to them. Good luck!

    • Tammy

      Right there with you, I was hoping I’d be able to take a breath by this time of year, and I love using December as a catch up month, but I don’t think catching up is in the cards for me:-/

  6. I am with you on it just being June. I have zero ideas on how it’s already November. These all look so good! I haven’t heard of Made Things before, but that cover really grabs my attention and now I’m desperate to c heck it out! Fate of the Fallen is another one I need to get to, I’ve had an ARC for far too long and I’m feeling bad I haven’t read it. Unnatural Magic was so much fun and I really hope you get a chance to read it!

  7. I haven’t heard about most of these books. Will be curious to see what you felt on them. I need to read something by Rivers Solomon. Have seen many positive reviews for his other SF book too.

  8. Thankfully my November isn’t too bad which is good because I was so out of things last month and it gives me time to catch up. Ahh The Hanged Man.

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