Five For Friday! #5ForFriday

As if I don’t already have enough memes I’m participating in, I just HAD to join in the Little Red Reviewer’s new feature, Five for Friday! Here are the “rules”:

Welcome to a new-ish feature here at Little Red Reviewer, called Five for Friday. The concept is simple—it’s a Friday, and I post a photo of 5 books, and then we chat about them in the comments.

The only things these books have in common are:

– they were on my bookshelf

– I’m interested in your thoughts on them.

Want to join in? Post a picture of 5 random books you own, with the tag #5ForFriday and get your friends talking!

Today is sort of a mixed bag. These are all books I’ve read and loved! One of them is fairly recent and I’m sure some of you have read it, but the others are older and more obscure so bonus points to any commenter that has! Here are five books randomly pulled from my bookshelves:

State of Wonder by Ann Patchett (2011, HarperCollins). Ann Patchett is a QUEEN. I mean it. If you haven’t read her, you should. It’s hard to classify this book. It’s not speculative fiction. It’s about a scientist who goes to the Amazon jungle in order to find her missing colleague. It’s been eight years since I read it and I don’t remember much, but I still remember the emotions I felt when I read it.

Spoonbenders by Daryl Gregory (2018, Vintage). This book came out in 2017, but this is the trade paperback edition, which is signed! by the author. Daryl Gregory is on my top ten authors list and I have no idea when his next book is coming out, but he tends to take several years between books. This book is also hard to categorize, but it’s simply wonderful, and you should pick up a copy immediately!

Sharp Teeth by Toby Barlow (2008, Harper). This book is written in verse. In fact, it’s one of the first fictional verse books I’ve ever read, and I loved it. It’s about a pack of werewolves and it’s quite violent and sad, but it really worked for me.

McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Issue Number 13 edited by Chris Ware. (2008, McSweeney’s). So I used to collect every issue of McSweeney’s, and I wish I hadn’t stopped but it was becoming expensive. McSweeney’s, in case you’ve never heard of them, is a small publisher out of San Francisco that targets the literary crowd. They put out four issues a year (or at least they used to), and each one has a different theme. This issue’s theme is comics, and this is the coolest book ever, you guys! The “dust jacket” unfolds and looks like the comics section of a newspaper, and the inside is full of gorgeous, full color and black and white comics from all sorts of people.

Vampire Junction by S.P. Somtow (1984, McDonald). This is one of my prized possessions. Somtow, as he likes to be called, is not only a writer but a composer. I’d be surprised if anyone visiting today has heard of him, let alone read his books. I met him back in the 80s-90s and I have all his books. This is one book I’d love to reread someday!

So, let me know if you’ve read or even heard of any of these books!

Posted March 22, 2019 by Tammy in Five For Friday / 27 Comments


27 responses to “Five For Friday! #5ForFriday

  1. Did Ann Patchett write Bel Canto also? If so I’ll have to check out State of Wonder. Bel Canto was so gut wrenching though- I’ve been scared to pick her back up.

    • Tammy

      Yes! Bel Canto is still one of my all time favorite books. Gut wrenching yes, but so beautiful. State of Wonder is less so, I’d recommend it!

  2. A Somtow!!!!!! I read his “Starship and Haiku” a few years ago. At the time, the book didn’t do much for me, but knowing me I probably rushed through it, and glossed right over the good stuff. I want to read it again. Vampire Junction is one i should look for?

    I’ve heard a lot of great things about Spoonbenders too!

    • Tammy

      Yay, someone else has heard of Somtow! I have never heard of Starship and Haiku, but then again it’s been years since I even thought about his books. And do read Spoonbenders! It’s Daryl Gregory, everything he writes is magical:-)

  3. todd

    Interesting mix, I like it. I’m familiar with Spoonbenders because of your previous posts. And I’ve heard of Ann Patchett, though I don’t know her work. All the rest is completely new to me.

    • Tammy

      Most of these books are fairly old so it doesn’t surprise me that no one’s heard of them!

    • Tammy

      Ha ha, yes, do add State of Wonder, I loved the science aspect of it but it’s also a fantastic adventure/mystery story.

  4. What a wonderful selection of books, Tammy! I’ve read only one – Spoonbenders and I can see why you have included it. I have the memory of a goldfish, but this is one of those books that has stuck in my head. I am intrigued by the Anne Patchett book – I see her name crop up from time to tim and always with favourable reports. Thank you for sharing!

    • Tammy

      If you ever have a spare moment, get a hold of Bel Canto by Ann Patchett, it’s wonderful:-)

    • Tammy

      She’s really great, I highly recommend Bel Canto, it’s one of my favorite books of all time!

  5. Hmm, i haven’t heard of any of these books… I’ve heard of Ann Patchett , but yea, couldn’t have named any book by her 😀 I always discover something here.

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