Struggling With WordPress (Again)


Sometimes you just need to get shit off your chest, and I’ve had the worst blogging weekend ever, so I thought I’d not only vent, but perhaps open a conversation for other bloggers who are having trouble with the new WordPress 5.0 update.

I am NOT tech savvy at all. I don’t know much about coding, just a few basics, and I rely on the WordPress visual editor (like most of us, I suspect) to create my blog posts. Yesterday I was prompted to update my blog to WordPress 5.0, which I did without a second thought because, what could go wrong? Apparently, EVERYTHING.

I guess WordPress has rolled out a new editor called Gutenberg, which uses a block system to design blog posts. When I started a new post yesterday, I was shocked at how different everything looked. I immediately started Googling and doing a little research to see what was up. I had never heard of the Gutenberg editor, and let me tell you, I HATE IT. (And I did try it, because I don’t normally give up at the first signs of struggle.) After trying to write up this week’s Waiting on Wednesday post, something that would normally take me 10 minutes or so and after an HOUR I still couldn’t figure out how to make it look the way I wanted, I found out that there is a plugin called Classic Editor that reverts your WordPress blog back to normal. And so I downloaded it. AND IT WORKED.

Except. This morning I started working on my Friday Face-Off post for the week, and I discovered that I COULDN’T CREATE A GALLERY. This is pretty upsetting to me, as I use galleries all the time. Trying not to think of all the time I was wasting, I thought of a quick fix idea that wasn’t a real solution, but at least I could insert a gallery in my post. I deactivated the Classic Editor, went back to the despised Gutenberg editor, and was able to put in my gallery. Did I find a solution? Yes. But the thought of having to toggle back and forth between editors makes me mad.

So that’s where I am at the moment. Hoping someone out there knows why gallery doesn’t work in the Classic Editor. Any ideas, suggestions or magic solutions are highly welcome!!

On another, happier note, I found this cool plugin that gives me falling snowflakes on my blog! I was disappointed yet again by WordPress that they didn’t give us the snow option that they’ve had in past years (at least I couldn’t find it). So I went searching and found WP Snow Effect. Give it a try, it’s fun!

Also, this is my first time ever, in seven+ years that I’ve used a gif in a post. It may be the last, so enjoy!

Posted December 9, 2018 by Tammy in Discussions / 56 Comments


56 responses to “Struggling With WordPress (Again)

  1. Fee Roberts

    I so agree! It use to be so easy! I don’t know why these tech companies have to fix things that are not broken, but is so agitating, to say the least! It took me several frustrating times to get my post right. Fortunately, I was able to post, but it is insanely more user unfriendly than before.

    • Tammy

      It’s so much harder! And I really tried to use it too. I couldn’t find the spell check button and a bunch of other things. I feel bad for bloggers who are hosted by WordPress and can’t use plugins to revert back to the old editor:-(

  2. I believe you can still revert your editor back to classic, it’s buried somewhere in the right side column while you’re in the editor. I swapped to the new editor a month ago because I thought “Hey, let’s try to get ahead of the curve.” Needless to say I’m back with the classic editor. I’ve heard SO many people having problems with it.
    Caitlin G. recently posted…Announcing Quarterly Book BingoMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Ha ha, so far I have yet to hear that anyone LOVES the new editor. I need to find that “revert” button, maybe the reason I can’t get gallery to work is that there’s something wrong with the Classic plugin.

  3. You saw my rant about this today, so you already know how completely frustrated I am for all of the same reasons you’ve mentioned. I rely heavily on that visual editor and was barely comfortable toggling over to the html tab if I did need to put in some code for formatting. This new editor just had my head spinning. I’m currently using that plugin you mentioned but am waiting to see what else won’t work because of that. I feel like it’s just a band aid.
    Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra recently posted…Weekly Recap #80: Week of 11/25 -12/1My Profile

    • Tammy

      Agreed, I’ve heard lots of complaints about Gutenberg so maybe WordPress will wise up at some point. Have you tried gallery yet and does it work? That’s what I’m really struggling with now.

  4. Cat

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve had such trouble, I hope you get it sorted! I took one look at the new editor and reverted back to the old one. Thing is, I don’t want to learn how to use it. I’ve no desire to change the process of something that already works perfectly for me. I think a lot of people feel the same.
    Cat recently posted…Think Yourself Lucky by Ramsey CampbellMy Profile

  5. 🙁 I am so sorry you are having issues. I tried the new Editor about a week ago and I HATED it to. The spacing was all off and it made my post look horrible. It let me switch back to the classic editor and that worked but I haven’t tried to write anything since Friday, so, fingers crossed, it doesn’t make me update!

    Also I love the falling snow <3
    Brittany recently posted…Friday Favorite Five: Books Featuring AssassinsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Good luck, I hope you don’t have any issues! And I’m happy to have falling snow, it just doesn’t seem like December without it:-)

  6. Ahoy there. Thanks for the warning. I will not update. I am using a version of posting that is very old. I skipped the last update and will skip this one too. I like simple. Arrr!

  7. I made it about 60 sec… and then frantically clicked until I was back to the old editor. I have no idea how I did it, but I got it back

  8. I am so sorry that you are having trouble! I haven’t switched yet but am considering it so I can put together a guide for people. I use a block-based CMS for work and probably will be able to figure it out… but it just sounds awful, so I am not running to switch haha

    yay for snow! I was wondering why it wasn’t in the settings… ofc it moved to plugin only. :/
    Kaleena @ Reader Voracious Blog recently posted…The End of the Year Book Tag: 2018My Profile

    • Tammy

      I’m sure I could get used to it if I had to, but I can’t figure out how to do certain things. Like I couldn’t find the spell check button. And EVERYTHING is in a different place. I wasted so much time this weekend just trying to find things! If you do switch, can you please let me know if you figure out how to make the gallery feature work? I’m at a loss…

  9. WordPress is updating AGAIN? you are kidding me! I can barely stand the last “easier for you!” update. i’ve everything i can still set to classic mode. between wordpress and gmail I swear they are out to wreck everything i enjoy.

    sorry wordpress is being such a pain in the btut for you. 🙁

  10. If it makes you feel any better, I hadn’t spotted (or used?) the spell check in Classic editor…Thanks for that tip because I should probably use that! I have not switched to the new editor because I’ve read too many stories like yours. I’m so sorry, Tammy. Anything that adds to our blogging time is not cool because we could be reading and blogging is already time-consuming. I hope you can figure it out soon.

    • Tammy

      Thanks Jennifer, I’m hoping for a miracle but I’m sure I’ll adapt to whatever. I guess challenges like this are supposed to make us better people? Or maybe angrier…

  11. Aww, this sucks :/
    I saw a lot of comments about the new editor lately. I haven’t actually seen it yet. I’m using the super old school version of the editor. Was kinda tempted to try the new one, but i’m very much used to the old ways…
    I don’t know if the editor from the wp admin menu will eventually disappear or not, but i hope i can always go back to it.
    Norrie recently posted…S.T.A.G.S by M.A. BennettMy Profile

    • Tammy

      You can actually use both, as I’m finding out, as long as your blog is self hosted. I installed the Classic editor and I can deactivate it and reactivate it when I want, but it sure is a hassle:-/

  12. I’ve been curious about the Gutenburg editor, but yours is the second experience I’ve read about it that didn’t enjoy the new editor, I’m thinking I might just stick with the classic editor for a while longer. Sighs.

    • Tammy

      I’m sure it’s better for some blogs, and maybe they designed it specifically for a certain type, but for me, nope!

  13. Urg… This sounds a nightmare! I’ll not be updating – like so many others, I get heartily sick of being told that a ‘new and improved’ update has now been made available. If I’m happy with what I’ve got, my policy is to ignore it. I didn’t like the ‘simpler and easier’ editing suite WP made available a few years back and have ignored that. And thank you for the snow effect tip – like you, I was very disappointed to see that self-hosted folks didn’t get a snowflake option this year.

    • Tammy

      I finally got used to the last update, and now I’m done with updates! And I didn’t realize that WP took the snowflakes off only self-hosted blogs. So mean and grinchy!

  14. OMG Tammy, I hate it so very much! I use blogger for my book blog and we use WP for Ladies of Horror Fiction and it took me twice as long to compose a post yesterday. I hope I get into a rhythm with it but as of now, these blocks are far more of a hindrance than a help to me.

    • Tammy

      Hopefully you guys can revert back to the old editor, that seems to be what a lot of bloggers are doing. Good luck!

  15. I somehow haven’t upgraded to the latest WordPress yet. When I do if I figure out any tricks to make it easier for you, I’ll let you know. I am also a bit hesitant to upgrade seeing how many issues you’ve had with it

  16. Oh my, dear. Another reason to hate WordPress, let me count the ways Lol. My editor seems to be working fine as I can upload a gallery but I would be pissed if there wasn’t an option. I also searched for the snowflakes and came up with nothing. I use free WordPress so it’s not like I can use this cute snowflake plugin you have on your blog.

  17. Yeah I downloaded the classic editor a while ago because I knew I didn’t want Gutenberg. I use the html editor (instead of visual) exclusively, and there’s no good way to do that it seems with Gutenberg. I also have my stuff customized a lot becasue I am moderately tech savvy about website stuff. I’m sorry, I don’t use the gallery, so idk about that, but I hope you find a solution.
    Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Giveaway: Win a Copy of The City of Brass! (+ I Share My 3 Favorite Things about the Book)My Profile

  18. This sounds so frustrating! Ergh that would drive me bananas lol. Hopefully they realize what a hassle this was for so many people and can implement something to ease the pain a bit…
    Greg recently posted…Top Ten FreebieMy Profile

    • Tammy

      It’s definitely a pain, although I did get some help and now I know how to solve the problem. But ugh WordPress, I’ve had so many issues over the years!! Although I still wouldn’t use any other platform, isn’t that crazy?

  19. I keep getting the notification on the bottom when I do my blog posts (I have free wp). I tried the new editior once and immediately got it reverted. I hope they won’t force it down our throats like that too but I have low hopes. 🙁
    It is one thing to update the editor but they just changed everything with that one.
    Annemieke recently posted…Book Review – Lord of ShadowsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      They really did! It’s completely different, every button is in a different place, and you can’t even find some of the previous buttons!

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