#RRSciFiMonth – The Friday Face-Off: Spider

The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!

This week’s theme: “All right, they’re spiders from Mars. You happy?” – A cover featuring a spider.

You may have heard around the interwebs that November is Sci Fi Month, and so I thought I’d try to keep my Friday Face-Off posts geared towards science fiction books whenever possible. This week’s prompt is SPIDERS and although I found a few books that would have worked, they didn’t all have multiple covers to choose from. So I’ve picked I book I haven’t read because I just couldn’t think of anything else. I don’t much care for stories about spiders/insects invasions, so I do try to stay away from them. The Hatching is the first book in Ezekiel Boone’s terrifying series about a man-eating species of spider that has awoken from hibernation—and they are hungry. I found some spider-centric covers for you to scream over:

U.S. edition 2016 | Canadian edition 2017

Portuguese edition 2016 | Hungarian edition 2017

UK edition 2017 | Hachetteb Australia 2016

The one that creeps me out the most is the UK edition, simply because there are SO MANY SPIDERS on the cover. So no, that is not my favorite. I’ve decided to ignore the spiders completely and pick the most colorful cover, because even though there is a big-ass spider in the middle of it, he’s surrounded by purple, lol.

Which one is your favorite scares you the least?

Posted November 9, 2018 by Tammy in The Friday Face-Off / 28 Comments


28 responses to “#RRSciFiMonth – The Friday Face-Off: Spider

  1. I’m ok with the first two 😀 It doesn’t have anything creepy on them.
    The hungarian one is exceptionally terrible… i mean, that’s a detailed picture of an actual spider!! What were they thinking? 😀 😀 Yuck!I want to read this book, but would never actually touch it with that cover, haha. Yea, i’m weird.
    Norrie recently posted…The Babysitter by Sheryl BrowneMy Profile

  2. The least scary to me is the second one. The scariest for me is the UK cover. This was a crazy book. I enjoyed the series even though I can’t stand spiders, LOL

  3. Great choice of book here, Tammy! My favourite is the top right cover, featuring the spider web. I happen to be very fond of spiders and often scoop them up with my hands when others in the family are freaking out about them – not the huge house spiders though:)).

  4. So it’s kind of automatic that I’m gonna pick the Portuguese edition right? I love the bright pink as well. A close second though is the Hatchette one though. This book was pretty good and I actually think you’d like it.

    • Tammy

      I knew I wouldn’t be the only one to pick this, there just aren’t that many books out there with spiders, I guess:-)

  5. This week we are indeed being invaded by spiders, since all the posts I read for this face-off feature this novel: and now I feel compelled to overcome my distaste for these creatures and read the actual book. Maybe after I’ve bough a few cans of insect repellant, of course… 😀 😀
    Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…#RRSciFiMonth – Short Story: WAITING OUT THE END OF THE WORLD AT PATTY’S PLACE CAFE, by Naomi KritzerMy Profile

  6. I had so much trouble with this one! That UK one… no thank you. I like your choice because that bright purple almost adds a smidge of cheer to it, haha. I like the US edition one as well–good web, no spiders. Great pick for this week.

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