Top Ten Books by Favorite Authors I NEED to Read!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

This week’s prompt is making me want to completely ditch my review commitments list and dive into some backlist titles of favorite authors that I still haven’t read. But we all know how that goes, right? Maybe seeing this list in writing will make me carve out the time to read them!

Here are ten favorite authors and the books I am dying to read:

1. Daryl Gregory

OK, I’m cheating here. I want to read ALL of the Daryl Gregory books I haven’t read yet, and when I’ve read all three of these, I will have read all of his books. Daryl Gregory immediately popped into my head when I saw this week’s theme, so that’s why he’s #1 on this list. I went on a spending spree after I read Afterparty a few years ago and I knew I would never be truly happy until I got my hands on his entire backlist! Pandemonium, Raising Stony Mayhall, and The Devil’s Alphabet are all sitting patiently on my bookshelf for me.

2. Silvia Moreno-Garcia

I adored the author’s Certain Dark Things, and I’ve got a copy of Signal to Noise that I can’t wait to read—one of these days:-D

3. Mur Lafferty

Six Wakes remains in my top ten favorite books ever, and while I’m impatiently waiting for Lafferty’s next book, I’d love to get my hands on a copy of The Shambling Guide to New York City.

4. Christopher Buehlman

Buehlman wrote one of my favorites books EVER, The Suicide Motor Club, and I’ve heard amazing things about The Lesser Dead as well.

5. Stephen King

I don’t get the chance to talk about Stephen King much these days, but my love of reading stems from discovering King very early on. Since starting my blog I don’t think I’ve read a single one of King’s new releases, which is really a shame. I’ve missed some good books, I know! I’m highlighting his latest release, The Outsider, even though there are plenty of books from the last seven years I need to catch up with.

6. Alice Hoffman

Anyone who’s followed my blog for a while knows I’m a HUGE Alice Hoffman fan. I love books with magic realism elements, and Hoffman truly is the queen of that sub genre. Luckily I’ve been able to sort of keep up with her recent releases, one of my favorites being The Rules of Magic, but I’ve missed a couple, and The Dovekeepers is one I’m dying to read.

7. Ann Patchett

Ever since I read Bel Canto (which is going to be a movie soon) over ten years ago, I knew I’d be an Ann Patchett fan for life! Ann’s latest is Commonwealth, and I bought a copy when it came out. Patchett is also the owner of the Best Bookstore I’ve Never Been To, Parnasuss Books (are you sick of me talking about it yet??)

8. Holly Black

Can you believe that The Cruel Prince was my first Holly Black book? Neither can I! I really want to read ALL her backlist, but I’d start with The Coldest Girl in Coldtown if I had to pick one:-D

9. Mira Grant

I was introduced to Mira Grant only recently, after reading and loving Rolling in the Deep and Into the Drowning Deep, but I’d love to catch up with some of her earlier series, like the Newsflesh Trilogy.

10. Robert Jackson Bennett

I’ve loved everything I’ve read so far by Robert Jackson Bennett, especially his latest Foundryside, but I’ve read so many awesome reviews of one of his earlier books, American Elsewhere.

Now that I’m looking at this list, I sort of want to create a challenge for myself in 2019, a backlist challenge (which I’ve tried before but never really had much success doing on a regular basis). Hey, a blogger can dream, right?

What do you think? If you had to recommend one of these books, which one should I read first?

Posted September 25, 2018 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 51 Comments


51 responses to “Top Ten Books by Favorite Authors I NEED to Read!

  1. I actually grabbed American Elsewhere a week or so a few weeks ago when it was on sale for Kindle. I’d seen it around a few places. I also had some Seanan McGuire on my list but went with the October Daye series instead of her Mira Grant stuff – but any of it would do. I need to pick up The Lesser Dead. Man, there’s just not enough hours in the day!

  2. I looove Holly Black! The Cruel Prince is easily one of my favorites, but there are definitely some other books of hers I have yet to read, haha. Can’t wait for The Wicked King though.

    As for King.. The only two books of his I read are The Shining and Carrie. I’m going to read IT with a couple of others during October so hopefully I’ll tick that one off the list soon. If I survive, that is.. I’m such a pussy when it comes to anything horror-related but I do love his writing so.. sacrifices have to be made. :’)

  3. Oh, amazing choices on your list! I actually own a copy of Pandemonium and haven’t read it yet (nor have I read anything by Daryl Gregory), so I’m really excited to see your love for this author. I’m so happy to see Mur Lafferty too! I thought Six Wakes was excellent. I’ve read the Shambling Guide (and the sequel), and just wish there were more in the series. Really different in tone, but so enjoyable. Loved The Outsider too. As for Mira Grant and Newsflesh — wow, definitely read these books! I just read them all earlier this year, and thought they were brilliant. (Well, I love everything she writes, so no surprise there…) I thought The Dovekeepers was beautiful — pretty different from all the horror/fantasy, but such a lovely, well-researched book. So… if you had to pick just one to start with, I’d say Feed! But they all look like amazing choices.

    • Tammy

      Feed sounds like a good place to start, I’m so happy you’ve read so many of these and can recommend them!

  4. What a great list. Some I’ve read and some I want to read = I have a couple of the Mur Lafferty books and also the Lesser Dead. Would love to pick them up at some point.
    Lynn 😀

  5. What I great list! I see quite a few authors that I’ve never read before, but look really interesting.I still need to check out RJB’s Divine Cities trilogy. The Cruel Prince was my first Holly Black book, as well! Mira Grant is one I’d really like to read more of as well, as I’ve only read the two you mentioned also. Hope you have a chance to read these 🙂

  6. We’re trading Mira Grant reads 🙂 I mostly loved Feed and how it handled the zombie post-apocalypse (who knew that zombie political thrillers were a good idea?!)

  7. todd

    American Elsewhere would be my pick. Like Barb, I picked it up for Kindle recently when it went on sale. But I have also heard good things about The Coldest Girl in Cold Town.

  8. Oh, I think you’ll love The Lesser Dead! I also really want to read Signal to Noise… I’ve had a copy of it since pretty close to whenever it released way back when. I’ve read her newer stuff and really enjoyed it, no idea why I skipped over it, but it can seem so hard to go and read backlist books when all the new shinies keep coming out
    Lisa @TenaciousReader recently posted…Top 5 Tuesday – Cozy Fall ReadsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I bought Signal to Noise right after it came out too, before she even wrote Certain Dark Things. I must read it one of these days!

  9. The Outsider is definitely on my list too, especially with everyone saying it’s his best book since 11/22/63. And wow, I had no idea there were so many Daryl Gregory books I hadn’t even heard of! (Scribbles down notes) Also I want to read more Mur Lafferty as well…she wrote the Solo novelization and that’s actually on my list, lol.

    • Tammy

      I was wondering about the Solo book by Mur Lafferty. She’s also done a bunch with Serial Box, if I’m remembering right.

  10. I need to read more Mur Lafferty, and The Shambler’s Guide looks AWESOME. I remember reading her columns in Knights of the Dinner Table and I’m so glad her career has taken off.
    Greg recently posted…ObscuraMy Profile

    • Tammy

      It’s great when authors start out doing columns and end up writing books! I’m dying for her next novel…

  11. Not easy to stay up to date with Stephen King. He comes out with a 2k page novel ever year! Not to mention all his collab projects! Hope you find the time to dive back in the books of some of these authors some day soon. 😉

    • Tammy

      Thanks Paige! Well, I might not be the best person to ask, because I’ve only read one Holly Black. But I can say I LOVED The Cruel Prince!

  12. I have The Dovekeepers in my TBR pile, too! 🙂

    This is such a great TTT post idea, Tammy. I think I might have to “steal” it for a future post at my own blog. *lol* But off the top of my head, here are some of my favorite authors and books of theirs I own but have yet to read:

    – Ursula K. Le Guin / “The Beginning Place” and “The Word for World Is Forest”
    – Neil Gaiman / “Coraline” and “Anansi Boys”
    – Nova Ren Suma / “Imaginary Girls”
    – Maria V. Snyder / “Dawn Study”
    – Laini Taylor / “Night of Cake and Puppets”
    Sara Letourneau recently posted…My Favorite Fiction Reads of Summer 2018My Profile

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