The Friday Face-Off: Mask

The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!

This week’s theme: “Christine, who have torn off my mask and who therefore can never leave me again.” – A cover with a mask.

I’ve been waiting WEEKS for this theme to come up! I love book covers that feature masks, and there are a lot of them out there. I chose The Taker by Alma Katsu this week because there are a lot of great covers, and also many of them feature a mask. The Taker is Katsu’s first book and was my introduction to this author. If you have read her most recent horror novel, The Hunger, you will be surprised by how different this one is. It’s extremely dark and romantic and dangerous, and it’s the start of a really good trilogy. So on to the covers!

Simon & Schuster 2011 | Gallery Books paperback 2012

Random House UK 2011 | Portuguese edition

Turkish edition 2012 | Spanish edition 2011

Czech edition 2013 | Indonesian edition 2016

I love all these covers, so it’s going to be hard to decide which is my favorite. I own copies of the first two, so I’m very fond of those covers. And I really love the design of the Random House UK edition. But I think my favorite is:

I love everything about this cover: the title font, the colors and the design. I want that mask, isn’t it cool?

Let me know which cover is your favorite:-D

Posted August 10, 2018 by Tammy in The Friday Face-Off / 20 Comments


20 responses to “The Friday Face-Off: Mask

  1. Wow, all those covers are pretty good. I also liked the one you picked! I think the composition is great in that one.

  2. I totally need to read something else by this author as I don’t want to allow The Hunger to cloud my judgement. I love the variety of covers here but for me, my faves are between the Random House UK and Portuguese editions. Doesn’t surprise me because I have a serious thing for red, black and white covers.

  3. No wonder you were looking forward to this theme turning up, Tammy! These are all fabulous covers! I can’t decide as they are all awesomely good except for the first one, which I don’t like very much…

  4. Oooh this sounds SO good and I am super intrigued by these covers. I’ve heard of The Hunger and have been wanting to read it, but didn’t know about this one! I really love the cover you chose and the Random House UK one! I really like the look of the Simon & Schuster one, but it doesn’t convey much about the book, it seems. Nice choice! I’m going to go look this book up right now. 🙂

    • Tammy

      I like those too, and this is sort of a hard story to convey in a book cover, so the atmospheric covers work really well.

    • Tammy

      I always get excited when I see fancy masks like this, but then I wonder “where would I wear it?” lol

  5. What – I didn’t know there were masks on some of these covers. I loved this series so this is positively inspired and your choice of favourite is brilliant. I love it. Kicking myself.
    Lynn 😀

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