Waiting on Wednesday [309] – POLARIS RISING by Jessie Mihalik

Waiting on Wednesdays is the brainchild of Jill at Breaking the Spine, and because Jill isn’t hosting it any more, I’m now linking up with Can’t Wait Wednesday at Wishful Endings. Stop over there and link up your “Can’t Wait” book of the week!

I’m loving all the science fiction/space opera titles that are coming out, and this one sounds pretty awesome:

As the seventh of nine children, Ada von Hasenberg knows that her only value to House von Hasenberg is as a political pawn in an arranged marriage. But after watching two of her older sisters get auctioned off to horrible men, Ada refuses to play her part. She flees off-planet and disappears for two years.

Ada’s father, fed up with her rebellion, offers a bounty for her safe return. The universe is a big place, but mercs are everywhere, and Ada is caught. With the merc ship full, she’s forced to share a cell with Marcus Loch, the Devil of Fornax Zero. Rumor has it he murdered every commanding officer who issued orders during the Fornax Rebellion. All anyone knows for sure is that the Royal Consortium wants his head.

Ada has no trouble believing the muscled man chained in the back of her cell is a killer. But when their ship is attacked by forces from rival House Rockhurst, Ada must decide whether to trust him—because once you release the devil, you can’t put him back. And when the attack heralds the opening salvo of a much bigger war, Ada must determine where her loyalties truly lie.

Polaris Rising by Jessie Mihalik. Releases in February 2019 from Harper Voyager. This is described as science fiction romance which is a genre I just don’t get to read enough of. Plus check out the awesome cover!

Let me know what you’re waiting on this week:-D

Posted July 18, 2018 by Tammy in Waiting on Wednesday / 27 Comments


27 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday [309] – POLARIS RISING by Jessie Mihalik

  1. I too am enjoying the rise of Space Opera lately! Also, this sounds like exactly my type of book, I’m going to have to add it my my list. 🙂

  2. Yeah, the sci-fi genre has been exploding lately! I’m glad you mentioned there is romance as well because otherwise I probably would have overlooked this one. I don’t read enough of that combo either!

    P.S. I also got it wrong on the WoW guessing game this week. I thought for sure you would be featuring Storm of Locusts, lol!

  3. Have you read the Central Corps novels by Elizabeth Bonesteel (also from Harper Voyager).

    I went with a crime book: Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke.

    • Tammy

      I haven’t read any Bonesteel yet, but it sounds like maybe I should:-) Thanks for the suggestion.

  4. Oh my gosh that cover- seriously?? Ringed planet, cool blaster lol- I’m in based on that alone! And a bounty on her head from her own father, plus a space opera-ish kinda universe (from the sounds of it)- I love the sound of this one.
    Greg recently posted…The Kamandi Challenge #2My Profile

  5. This sounds good, romance and sci fi – an unusual combo that intrigues me even though I tend to veery away from romance usually.
    Lynn 😀

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