Phoenix Comic Fest – A Brief Recap

Because it’s getting harder and harder to get tickets to San Diego Comic Con, I decided to go to Phoenix Comic Fest when I wasn’t able to get SDCC tickets for the second year in a row. I had fun, but it wasn’t nearly as much fun as San Diego Comic Con, so I doubt I’ll go back next year. My interest is in books, authors and publishers, and there was really only one major publisher represented at PCF, Del Rey Books. They were mostly giving away older releases which I had already read, so it definitely wasn’t the SDCC book bonanza that I was hoping for. However, I did get two very exciting ARCs, one from Del Rey and one from Harlequin Teen, both signed by the authors:

I also went to a few really good author panels, and I can safely say that I could happily listen to Delilah Dawson and Victoria Schwab talk all day. Delilah is super funny and I’m really excited to read Kill the Farm Boy (Unfortunately, Kevin Hearne wasn’t at the event.) Victoria is just an amazing speaker and has so many great things to say about writing and publishing. Here’s the only panel photo I took (yes, I suck at remembering to take photos):

From left to right, Katherine Arden (author of The Bear and the Nightingale); Delilah S. Dawson (author of Kill the Farm Boy); Aaron Mahnke (author of The World of Lore); and Sylvain Neuvel (author of Being Human). I honestly don’t remember the name of this panel, but all four authors were SO FUNNY. It was one of my favorite panels. I also watched a panel with John Scalzi and Cory Doctorow talking about politics in fiction, which was interesting. That was my first time seeing Scalzi in person and he’s exactly like he is on his blog! Chuck Wendig was there but I completely missed his panels and book signings for some reason. Finally, I was THRILLED to meet Kristi Charish, who was on an Urban Fantasy panel. I did find it odd that in general, the authors at PCF weren’t really supported by their publishers. I would expect a LOT more focus on upcoming releases rather than older ones, and even though The Voodoo Killings is being released for the first time in the U.S. in a couple of weeks, there weren’t even any copies at the event. There was also (strangely enough, because the publisher wasn’t even there!) a #FearlessWomen panel with V.E. Schwab, K Arsenault Rivera and Emily Devenport. I was looking forward to introducing myself as one of the #FearlessWomen bloggers, but there was literally no one there to talk to about it. (I mean, I guess I could have said something to the authors but it just didn’t feel right.) Bottom line, this just isn’t a book/publishing focused event like SDCC.

But aside from being overall underwhelmed by Phoenix Comic Fest, I have to say I really enjoyed Phoenix! Everyone is very polite, which made the event a pleasant experience. My daughter and I stayed at the Hyatt Regency which was really nice, and we had plenty of time to walk around and explore the area. The highlight of the weekend had to be when THIS happened:

Yes, that is my daughter’s new tattoo. I am officially the coolest mom ever!

Posted May 28, 2018 by Tammy in Book Event / 19 Comments


19 responses to “Phoenix Comic Fest – A Brief Recap

    • Tammy

      I’m glad she was there as well, I’ve met her before but I love when a bunch of authors come together and chat about their books:-)

  1. Your daughter’s new tattoo is awesome!

    Sorry there wasn’t as big as a focus on books at Phoenix Comic Fest! I didn’t realize SDCC had such a big book focus! I wonder how Denver Comic Con compares?

    • Tammy

      I haven’t heard much about Denver Comic Con, but you never know. It’s definitely worth investigating:-)

      • I just checked out the guest list and this year they actually inculcated the authors that are going to be there! There are 54 on their list including Tricia Levenseller, (Daughter of the Pirate King) Naomi Novik, (Uprooted) and Christopher Paolini (Eragon)!! I am now even more excited!!

  2. I wish more Cons existed in France, they are a few Asian Cons and that’s it… It sounds so much much to be able to go to panels! I hope one day I will be able to attend a big convention!
    Your daughter’s tatto is very nice, you are indeed a cool mom, I can’t even imagine the mace of my mom if I told her I wanted a tattoo haha 😀

    • Tammy

      The panels are so much fun! It’s nice to see authors in a relaxed setting talking about their books:-) Good luck finding some cons where you live!

  3. I’m glad Phoenix was fun! I wish more cons existed catering to books/sff fiction. It would be much easier on those of us who are mostly interested in meeting authors and checking out their books, and not the rest of the stuff at these mega cons where you have to fight tooth and nail just to get tickets.

    • Tammy

      I think there are quite a few cons that have a book focus. I’ve heard Emerald City Con is pretty good for books (Seattle) and of course New York Comic Con is just about as good as San Diego. That might be my next trip!

      • I’ve heard NYCC is pretty hard to get tickets too, that one is a “mega” con as well with a lot of other stuff like film, toys, etc. in addition to books and comics. I was thinking more like book expo or book con, but a lot of those are catered more to industry professionals versus fans, and it’s books in general and not just SFF. What I’m thinking is more a con that has a smaller, but more specific and exclusive focus on SFF. I guess Worldcon might be closest to that 🙂
        Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…#FearlessWomen: Vicious by V.E. Schwab Exclusive Spotlight & ExcerptMy Profile

  4. Those are some awesome authors you got to see in real life though!!! But wait… The most awesome part about all this is that you’ve been to the San Diego Comic Con in the past!!!! 😮 That’s a dream convention for me!! I would totally plan a trip just for that in the future, the event looks insanely amazing. Are there usually a lot of big publishers at the San Diego Comic Con? I honestly thought it would be more comic book oriented!

    • Tammy

      SDCC is the BEST Lashaan! It’s always been my favorite thing to do each year, but lately it’s so popular that it’s a lottery to get tickets, and so I’ve been disappointed the last two years. All the big publishers are there and promoting their upcoming books. I usually walk away with 40-50 ARCs/finished copies and meet so many authors, so I was a little disappointed that there wasn’t more book stuff to do at PCF.

  5. Yes, you are the coolest mom ever. My husband is not a fan of tattoos (Maybe because he works in a prison and is all the time having to patrol the self made kind, who knows) but I’ve always wanted to get five pawprints on my shoulder. One to represent each of our pups. Sounds like fun event but too bad you couldn’t go to the other one. Both of those ARCs are awesome scores though and I’m had my eye on both of them. The panels sound cool as well. Thanks for sharing. Wish we had something close to the hills of WV.

    • Tammy

      There are comic cons all over, there might be something close to you! My husband just about died when Zoe came home with a tattoo, although we did tell him we were thinking of doing it in Arizona (it’s actually illegal in California if you are under 18, and my daughter is still 17) I know, we’re rule breakers, I guess:-)

  6. Sounds like a cool event with some excellent authors. I have been to an event with VESchwab and she was lovely to listen to. I think it would be great to see Katherine Arden to.
    I love the tattoo – is there a special significance or is it simply a design that your daughter loved?
    Lynn 😀

  7. Oooh sounds like you had a really great weekend! I’ve been to a bunch of other cons but never been to SDCC yet, which I VERY much want to do (even though I’ve heard how hectic it can be). And you are DEFINITELY a very cool mom! My mom would have never let me get a tattoo when I was 17/18. 😀

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