Over-Booked [65] – A Book Haul Post

Wow, it’s been a month (?) since my last Over-Booked! My life has been a bit crazy with personal life stuff – OK, really my time’s been sucked up by show choir:-/ Don’t get me wrong, I love supporting my daughter and her wonderful program but it’s left me very little time to read. I’M SO BEHIND.

Here’s a taste of show choir, for those of you who are asking. This is my daughter’s choir Powerhouse and their 2017 competition set (my daughter is one of the girls in the green dresses):


But anyway, as I’m furiously trying to finish even ONE book so I can actually put up a review this month (!!), I decided I’d do a book haul post to get my head back in my blogging space. Here’s what I’ve received from publishers in the last few weeks:

Physical review books:

The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss. Huge thanks to Wunderkind PR and Saga Press for this fantastic sounding mash-up of a mix of Jekyll and Hyde, Sherlock Holmes, Frankenstein and more. You must click on the link and read the GR blurb!

The Truants by Lee Markham. After reading some stellar vampire novels recently, I’m ready for more. This vampire tale looks very dark, and seems to bring something new to the table. Big thanks to Overlook Press!

A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic #3) by V.E. Schwab. I actually requested this on a whim, thinking I probably wasn’t going to get a copy. But Tor surprised me with this lovely finished edition. I can’t tell you how excited I am to finish this series! Thank you Tor:-)

The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi. Another surprise from Tor, I’m thrilled to have this finished copy of Scalzi’s latest. I’m reviewing it later this month, and I’ll be giving a copy away as well!

New York 2140 by Kim Stanley Robinson. Big thanks to Orbit for this book! This sounds so cool, a future New York submerged in water.

A Kiss Before Doomsday by Laurence MacNaughton. I actually need to catch up with the first book, which I hope to do soon. Thank you Pyr!

Worldshaker by J.F Lewis. I’m so intrigued by this series and the beautiful covers that grace these books. This is book three, so I do have some catching up to do, but I hear good things about it, so I hope to make time one of these days. Thank you Pyr:-D

Digital review books:

The Only Child by Andrew Pyper. I absolutely loved the last Pyper book I read a couple of years ago (The Damned) so I’m very excited to read this one. This book seems to have a similar idea/vibe as The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter, interestingly enough.

The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell. Oooh this sounds good! I think I featured this book on a Waiting on Wednesday, so it’s no surprise that I immediately clicked the “request” button when this popped up on Edelweiss.

The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden. I adore this cover, and I’m looking forward to a SF story set in South Africa.

Pawn by Timothy Zahn. OK, this story sounds CRAZY. And my kind of crazy, so it’s a good thing I’m going to read it!

Black Light Express by Philip Reeve. I bought the UK edition of this sequel to Railhead a few months ago (and have yet to find time to read it), so when it popped up on NetGalley I decided to request it for review. I know I gush about Railhead every chance I get, so imagine my extreme excitement to read this book!

Big thanks to Tor Books, Capstone Young Readers, Harper Voyager, Simon & Schuster and Simon Pulse:-D

And finally, a couple of Tor.com books for consideration:

The Ghost Line by Andrew Neil Gray and J.S. Herbison. This space opera sounds like a bunch of fun! I’m finding more and more I love stories that take place in spaceships.

The Delirium Brief by Charles Stross. I am not reading this series, and this is book #8, so I’m not sure whether it works as a starting point or not. Is anyone reading it? I hear these books are pretty good:-D

And that’s all for me! Let me know if you plan to read any of these books:-D

Posted March 11, 2017 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 32 Comments


32 responses to “Over-Booked [65] – A Book Haul Post

  1. Lots of good ones. Grats on V Schwab! It’s like this book is OK everyone’s blog and Bookstagram!
    I can’t believe you’re having the same blogger problem as me 😀 although I do have several books backlogged, I’m just so behind with the actual reviews.
    What’s a show choir? :0
    Evelina recently posted…Envy of Angels – Sin du Jour #1My Profile

    • Tammy

      I just read a very positive review of New York 2140 this morning, so I’m very hopeful for this book:-)

  2. I finished A Gathering of Shadows today and I was pleasantly surprised because I enjoyed it a lot more than the first book, I will definitely give the third book a try! 🙂

    • Tammy

      I loved that one too! I do worry about how a series wraps up, but I’ve read nothing but good reviews for A Conjuring of Light. Fingers crossed!

  3. Stross has a new laundry book out? *DIES* this series is crazy awesome fun! but, erm, huge plot things start happening around book 3, so jumping in at the end could be really confusing for someone new to the series.

  4. What a wonderful production – no wonder you are so seriously behind if you have been at all involved in supporting the choir. I know only too well just how much time and effort goes into getting such shows on the stage:).

    As for your bookhaul – oh wow… WHAT a fabulous bunch of books. I love the look of the Kim Stanley Robinson, who is always worth reading. I’ll be interested to see what you make of The Collapsing Empire, as I’ve read it recently and really enjoyed it. And Timothy Zahn! He’s another very interesting, quirky writer and as for getting hold of the latest Charles Stross… I’m GREEN with envy. And agree with the above comment that this is a series even I would hesitate to crash into the middle of – while you certainly won’t flounder all that much, there is so much character development that happens over duration of this entertaining, darkly funny series you really do need to go back to the beginning. I really look forward to reading how you get on with this trove:).
    sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars SingMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I think I will wait on the Stross book, much as I’d like to dive in:-) I’ve just started The Collapsing Empire and so far so good!

  5. Your daughter’s choir performance looks like so much fun! I’m glad you were able to enjoy that, even at the expense of reading some ARCs lol

    Yay Blacklight is coming!! I didn’t get the a chance to buy the UK edition for my birthday, as I was planning (the hubs bought me a Kindle Fire instead!), so I requested it immediately when it popped up on NG. I bet you’ll find time to fit that one in, since Railhead was such a favorite 😉 I hope you enjoy it as much as book 1!!

    • Tammy

      Now that I have an official review copy, I will absolutely plan on reading Black Light, yay!

  6. I simply must get my hands on the Goss book. It looks so good. I also grabbed The Prey of Gods because, again, I simply had to.

    Zahn was my favorite author in high school. No idea how he is going to hold up to current expectations but I can’t wait to read his new book.
    Nathan (@reviewbarn) recently posted…Q & A with Maurice BroaddusMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Well, I did just start The Collapsing Empire, but I had to for a blog tour next week. But as for the rest, I think I’m super excited about The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter:-)

  7. My copy of The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter arrived this week, too late to make it onto my book haul post, but gaaah I just have to gush about how beautiful it is! I’m also hoping that a Pyr UPS alert I got this weekend is an ARC of A Kiss Before Doomsday heading my way too. I will be waiting on pins and needles to hear what you think of New York 2140 as well, since I was curious about it but no one has a review so far that tells me much, and the synopsis is so teasingly vague!

    Enjoy your books, and thanks for sharing the choir video, it’s lovely!
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Book Review: Revenger by Alastair ReynoldsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Yes, the Goss book is beautiful, right? And sounds sooo good. I’m very curious to start New York 2140 but I do have a few other books to get through first.

  8. Oooo, show choir! That’s neat! Though I’m sorry it’s been eating away at your time. I need to get my hands on A Conjuring of Light! I’m actually terrified of the book though. o_o The Last Magician, on the other hand, seems safer. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week, Tammy. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
    Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Review: Toward a Secret Sky by Heather MacleanMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Ha ha, not sure why you’re terrified of A Conjuring of Light, maybe because it’s the last book of the series and you don’t want it to let you down? If so, I totally get that. Hope we both love it!

    • Tammy

      I can’t wait to read your review of ACOL! I’m not sure when I’m going to get to it, so I’ll enjoy your review in the meantime:-)

  9. Ummmm holy crap, show choir is intense! Good for your daughter, she clearly works her butt off!

    I’m quite excited to hear your thoughts on A Conjuring of Light, and on The Last Magician too. I’ve heard a *ton* about the former and very little about the latter – hopefully they’re both great. 🙂
    Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: Conspiracy of Ravens by Lila BowenMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I haven’t heard much about The Last Magician either, but it’s got really good reviews on GR so far!

  10. todd

    These are always my favorite posts, bringing my attention to books I often hadn’t heard of. Quite a few look interesting in this batch, but Worldshaker and The Ghost Line caught my eye this time around. Don’t know if I’ll end up reading them, but they look interesting.

    Kudos to you and your daughter. Great performance!

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