Waiting on Wednesday [202] – GLASS TOWN by Steven Savile

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine, and is a fun way to share upcoming books that you’re excited about with other bloggers and readers.

Steven Savile is a new-to-me author, but I was immediately drawn to the beautiful cover of his latest:

Glass TownA brilliantly rendered story about obsession and one man’s attempt to unravel the mystery that destroyed his grandfather’s life, set against a magical and intricately woven cityscape. Steven Savile has been an international sensation, selling over half a million copies of his novels worldwide and writing for cult favorite television shows including Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Stargate. Now, he is finally making his US debut with Glass Town, a brilliantly composed novel revolving around the magic and mystery lurking in London.

In 1926, two brothers both loved Eleanor Raines, a promising young actress from the East End of London. But, along with Seth Lockwood, she disappeared, never to be seen again. Isaiah, Seth’s younger brother, refused to accept that she was just gone.

It has been seventy years since and the brothers are long dead. But now their dark, twisted secret, threatens to tear the city apart. Seth made a bargain with Damiola, an illusionist, to make a life-size version of his most famous trick, and hide away part of London to act as a prison out of sync with our time, where one year passes as one hundred. That illusion is Glass Town. And now its walls are failing.

Reminiscent of Clive Barker’s Weaveworld and Neil Gaiman’s American Gods, Savile brings out the magic in the everyday. Glass Town is full of gritty urban landscapes, realistic characters, conflict, secrets, betrayals, magic, and mystery.


Glass Town by Steven Savile releases in April 2017 from Thomas Dunne Books. Wow, April! So far away:-( I don’t know about you, but anyone who has written for Torchwood is an author I definitely want to read! I love fantasies that center around cities, so there’s no way I’m missing this book. Plus, lovely cover:-)

Have you heard of this book? Let me know what you’re waiting on!

Posted June 22, 2016 by Tammy in Waiting on Wednesday / 21 Comments


21 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday [202] – GLASS TOWN by Steven Savile

  1. You just made my day. Sadly yes, 2017… It was originally meant to be out in October, but the publishing schedule changed. But you’re awesome for this.

  2. Genette Entenman

    I will wait patiently for this book. If anything like your other ones it is definitely worth the wait.

  3. I LOVE this book’s cover! I’d not seen it before this post, so thank you for that. 😀 I generally avoid books set in the 1900s! I don’t even know why, I just automatically shy away from them. This one seems intense and very intriguing. I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a lovely week, Tammy. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
    Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!) recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday (#182): Windwitch by Susan DennardMy Profile

    • Hi there – just a note, it’s not set in the 1900s, it’s set today. The core of the mystery dates back to the early days of cinema, but all of the action is set right here, right now. Hope that helps clear up any confusion. And thanks for the kind words.

      • I had a bunch of cover concepts to choose from – picked this one and regretted it immediately hah but you’ve all gone a long way to confirming my initial bias. The other favourite I had was very different, white, with a wispy blue smoke woman drifting out of the background of London. It was much more ‘serious literature’ as a cover, quite beautiful but I think gave the wrong impression.

        I think I mentioned why it’s taking so long to come out (I finished it 12 months ago) was that there’s been lots of editorial reshuffles and changes within St Martins, Thomas Dunne recently went into semi-retirement and instead of coming out this October in a rush we decided that the smart move was to push it back to April where it could be given time to get out properly via blogs etc.

        I’ve actually got a crime novel coming from Titan in January, Parallel Lines, which was written after Glass Town that is coming out first. The good news though is I’m almost finished with Coldfall Wood, which is a second novel in the same universe as Glass Town (but both are complete stand alones not a series) so hopefully if you enjoy it you won’t have to wait so long for the next one.

        • Tammy

          Thanks for the info, Steven! I had heard that about Thomas Dunne, which is sad because so many of the books I love come from that imprint. Fingers crossed the cover remains until April;-)

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