Waiting on Wednesday [181] – SACRIFICES (ARCANE UNDERWORLD #3) by Jamie Schultz

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine, and is a fun way to share upcoming book releases that we’re excited about with other bloggers and readers. I’ve really enjoyed this series so far, and I’m looking forward to this third book too! Jamie’s created some wonderful female characters, and I’m so curious to see what’s in store for them. Here’s more about the book:

SacrificesThings get a little demonic in the latest Arcane Underworld novel from the author of Splintered.
Thanks to their recent involvement with a magus crimelord and his demonic partner in mayhem, occult thieves Anna Ruiz and Karyn Ames are both stuck sharing head space with a demon. But while Karyn’s possession has had the unexpected benefit of focusing her visions of the future, Anna’s demon is spurring on her darkest urges, and it’s only a matter of time before she acts on them—and hurts someone in the process.

To save their skins, the two need to find a mysterious relic. But with their search taking them into some of the darkest places in the arcane underworld, Anna and Karyn will have to ally themselves with a group no self-respecting thief would be caught dead with—the Federal Bureau of Investigation…


Sacrifices (Arcane Underworld #3) by Jamie Schultz releases in July 2016 from Roc. I’m not very good at keeping up with series, but I can honestly say I’ve read and enjoyed the heck out of the first two books, so I’m giving myself a pat on the back for staying up to date with this one. The fact that they use the word “latest” in the description, and not the word “final” leads me to believe there may be more books coming!

Let me know if you’re reading this series, and what books you’re excited about this week:-)

Posted January 13, 2016 by Tammy in Waiting on Wednesday / 11 Comments


11 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday [181] – SACRIFICES (ARCANE UNDERWORLD #3) by Jamie Schultz

  1. What a great looking series that I seem to have completely overlooked! Well, at least if I find the time for these I won’t have a lot of waiting in between books!
    Lynn 😀

  2. I’m definitely jumping on these books once I catch up on a few of my on-going UF series! I still remember your review for the first book and being blown away and tickled to hear about a queer protagonist in UF. That’s seriously unusual and super awesome! I need these books in my life. 🙂
    Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: The Bloodforged by Erin LindseyMy Profile

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