Waiting on Wednesday [164] – THE ABYSS SURROUNDS US by Emily Skrutskie

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Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine, and is a fun way to share upcoming books that you’re excited about with other readers and bloggers. Continuing with my theme of selecting books with blue covers (!!), I bring you this amazing-sounding story:

The Abyss Surrounds UsFor Cassandra Leung, bossing around sea monsters is just the family business. She’s been a Reckoner trainer-in-training ever since she could walk, raising the genetically-engineered beasts to defend ships as they cross the pirate-infested NeoPacific. But when the pirate queen Santa Elena swoops in on Cas’s first solo mission and snatches her from the bloodstained decks, Cas’s dream of being a full-time trainer seems dead in the water.

There’s no time to mourn. Waiting for her on the pirate ship is an unhatched Reckoner pup. Santa Elena wants to take back the seas with a monster of her own, and she needs a proper trainer to do it. She orders Cas to raise the pup, make sure he imprints on her ship, and, when the time comes, teach him to fight for the pirates. If Cas fails, her blood will be the next to paint the sea.

But Cas has fought pirates her entire life. And she’s not about to stop.


The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie releases in February 2016 from Flux. I mean, come on! Sea monsters and pirates? I am all over this book. Plus, pretty blue cover…

Behold my last three WoW picks, I swear I’m not trying to pick books with blue covers, it just happened!

Let me know what you’re waiting on this week:-)

Posted September 9, 2015 by Tammy in Waiting on Wednesday / 10 Comments


10 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday [164] – THE ABYSS SURROUNDS US by Emily Skrutskie

  1. This is completely new to me, but wow you’re right that is a striking cover! Blue covers have always been very popular, and it’s funny you mention them because have you ever noticed an always recurring theme with blue shades and circles/eyes on so many covers these days? Ever since Wendy mentioned them to me a couple years ago, they just always pop out now!
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday 09/09/15My Profile

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