Over-Booked [29] – A Book Haul Post

over booked new

First of all, Happy Independence Day to all my American friends!

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest book acquisitions. I’m linking up with Stacking the Shelves over at Tynga’s Reviews and The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. I know I did an Over-Booked last week, but next Saturday I’ll be at Comic Con, so I’m doing a post this week instead. Last week I completely forgot to highlight a stack of books I received a couple of weeks ago, and for some reason it’s been a busy week with new arrivals, thus an Over-Booked post is necessary! Here’s what I received this week:

Physical books:

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From the good folks at Ace/Roc Books, my second Ace Roc Stars package arrived not too long ago. Boy do they spoil us! I’m really excited to read The Aeronaut’s Windlass by Jim Butcher, Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho, The Terrans by Jean Johnson and The House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard. I’m not sure about the other three. I do want to catch up with Cherie Priest’s series and read Maplecroft first (which I have a copy of) and then continue with Chapelwood, which is book two. Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews is book #7, so it’s unlikely I’ll get to it, since I haven’t read any of the other books. Although people are raving about this series! So maybe one day…The Desert and the Blade by S.M. Stirling is quite a hefty book—over 600 pages—and again, it’s book #12 (!!) in a series. Thanks so much, Ace/Roc!!

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Time Salvager by Wesley Chu. I was so excited to get a finished copy in the mail the other day, especially since I downloaded the UK only version by accident on NetGalley…oops! Now I don’t feel bad reading it. Chu will be at Comic Con this week, so I’ll probably get another copy, since I want to meet him. I feel a Time Salvager giveaway coming soon…

Against a Brightening Sky by Jaime Lee Moyer. I received this unsolicited from Tor, but unfortunately, I haven’t read the first two books (this is Book #3). Yet another series I’ve had my eye on, but you know, lack of time, etc. If anyone is reading this series, let me know!

Linesman by S.K. Dunstall. Received from Ace, thank you! Some mixed reviews for this book, but nevertheless it looks like fun.

The Chart of Tomorrows by Chris Willrich. I have an ARC of this book, which is on my plate to read this month, and Pyr just sent along a finished copy as well. I’ll be giving this copy away when I post my review, so check back later this month, especially if you’re a fan of this series:-D Thanks Pyr!

The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi. I won this from Fantasy Review Barn, a book I’ve been meaning to read for quite some time. Big thanks to Nathan and Night Shade Books!

For Exposure: The Life and Times of a Small Press Publisher by Jason Sizemore. This is the signed copy I pre-ordered from the publisher, and it just arrived this past week. I immediate cracked it open and finished it the next day. Memoirs fascinate me, even though I don’t read them very often, but reading about a publisher that I love, and having had contact with several of the people involved in Apex Books, this was such a great read. My review will be up this week!

Digital book for review:

Ava Evolved

No new NetGalley or Edelweiss titles, yay! However, I was offered something very unusual this week, a PDF copy of the upcoming limited edition of Ex Machina: AVA Evolved, an art book showing the evolution of one of the characters in the indie movie Ex Machina, directed by Alex Garland. Filled with concept art from artist Jock, this book will be published in August by publisher 2000 AD. I’m not familiar with the movie, but I do love concept art, and after taking a peek inside the book, it looks like an interesting idea. Thank you 2000 AD for the review copy!

That’s my week in books! Link me up to your book haul post, or tell me in the comments if you have anything new to read!

Posted July 4, 2015 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 14 Comments


14 responses to “Over-Booked [29] – A Book Haul Post

    • Tammy

      I hope you get your copy of The Aeronaut’s Windlass, thinking positive for you:-)

  1. Happy 4th of July! So much good stuff in your haul this week – I am hoping that I can at least get to House of Shattered Wings or Sorcerer to the Crown this month. would be awesome if I can do both, but be realistic here, Mogsy 🙂 Both the Terrans and The Aeronaut’s Windlass is on my radar. As someone who LOVES Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files but was completely blech about his epic fantasy Codex Alera, I am feeling quite torn.

    I hope you’ll have a blast with Time Salvager! Wish I’d read Jamie Lee Moyer’s series too, but like you, it’s on my list but haven’t gotten a chance to read due to lack of time.
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: New Books & What I’ve ReadMy Profile

  2. Wow, so many fantastic ARC copies! I haven’t heard of any of these except Magic Breaks, so I’m always looking forward to your thoughts on it. I’ve heard really fantastic things about the Ilona Andrews series though!

  3. I also really fancied Maplecroft but still haven’t got round to it! One day.
    The House of Shattered Wings looks good – will definitely add that to my list (in fact I think I may already have it on my wishlist….
    Happy reading.
    Lynn 😀
    Lynn recently posted…June brings tulips, lillies, roses…My Profile

  4. I’m so excited for Magic Breaks. It’s a fantastic series, I highly recommend it. 😉 And oooh Chapelwood! I never got around to read Maplecroft but was very excited for it. So many books, so little time. 🙂 So many awesome looking books… happy reading!!
    Bonnie @ For the Love of Words recently posted…Showcase Sunday (124)My Profile

  5. So many exciting books! It always boggles my mind when people tell me they haven’t read any of the Kate Daniels books because it’s such a popular UF series…but then I remember that not everybody reads an insane amount of UF. 😉 Time Salvager is going to be so good, and I’m very intrigued by Ex Machina!
    Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: Blood Cross by Faith HunterMy Profile

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