Tammy’s Top Ten Books in My Winter 2014-15 TBR

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Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Head on over to see other bloggers’ top ten lists! This week, we’re listing our Top Ten Winter TBR books. I think my list is a pretty damn good one, and hopefully you’ll agree! For this list, I am defining “winter” as the months of December, January and February, so my list consists of upcoming books that will be released during those months. These are listed in order of their release dates. Click on the titles to go to Goodreads!

This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner. Releases 12/23/14. My buddy Pabkins was kind enough to send me an ARC of this book, so I’ll be reading it next month for sure. I LOVED These Broken Stars, and I’m curious to see where the authors are going, after that crazy ending.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown. Releases 1/6/15. I’m trying to get my hands on an ARC, but no luck yet. Hey, anyone know what’s up with NetGalley teasing us by putting up titles that aren’t available to request?? (Like this one)

Ensnared by A.G. Howard. Releases 1/13/15. This is the final book in the series, and it’s one I can’t wait to read!

The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black. Releases 1/13/15. I’ve heard really good things about this book.

Pacific Fire by Greg Van Eekhout. Releases 1/27/15. Oh I need this book NOW!! I seriously loved California Bones, and this is the sequel.

Atlanta Burns by Chuck Wendig. Releases 1/27/15. This book kind of snuck up on me. It just came out of nowhere. But here it is, a new Wendig YA, with a kick-ass cover!

Echo 8 by Sharon Lynn Fisher. Releases 2/3/15. I’ve talked about this quite a bit lately, and I have a copy that I plan on reading very soon.

Shutter by Courtney Alameda. Releases 2/3/15. I was so happy to pick up an ARC of Shutter at Comic Con, I hear it’s super scary:-)

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. Releases 2/10/15. I was lucky enough to grab a copy of this book at Comic Con, so I’ll be reviewing it for sure.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. Releases 2/24/15. I loved Vicious so much, and although this isn’t related to that book at all, it seems like it has the same vibe. And that would be the V.E. Schwab vibe of amazingness!!!

That’s my list…I’d love to know if you’re looking forward to any of these. Link me up to your top ten:-)

Posted November 25, 2014 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 16 Comments


16 responses to “Tammy’s Top Ten Books in My Winter 2014-15 TBR

  1. Yes, everything by Holly Black, come to me! 😀

    The premise of Shutter reminds me of this series of Japanese horror games called Fatal Frame (US)/Project Zero (EU). In it the main character is a girl who also wields a camera against ghosts. I’ve only seen the first game about halfway through, since I’m too much of a scaredy cat to play a horror game myself. 🙂

    A Darker Shade of Magic has a beautiful cover! I’ve yet to read anything from Victoria Schwab, but I do own Vicious.
    Maija’s Fantasy Reads recently posted…My Winter Reading List (2014-2015)My Profile

  2. There are a lot of books I fancy on this list – plus some great covers. I will definitely read Holly Black and also Pierce Brown and I’ve had my eye on the Red Queen. Plus I’ve just noticed Ensnared – I’ve only read Splintered but I did enjoy it and will continue with the series.
    Lynn 😀
    Lynn recently posted…Now is the winter of our content…My Profile

    • Tammy

      I wanted to get an ARC of A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC so bad, but I was told they weren’t giving them away to bloggers:-( Oh well, I need to preorder it!

  3. I finished THIS SHATTERED WORLD not too long ago, and I liked it very much. Not as much as THESE BROKEN STARS (there was something really special about that book), but it was still a really enjoyable read.

    I cannot wait to read RED QUEEN or A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC. Especially ADSOM. I adored Schwab’s VICIOUS, and if it is anything like that, it’s guaranteed to be amazing.
    Chiara @ Books for a Delicate Eternity recently posted…Review: This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan SpoonerMy Profile

  4. Carley Foster

    Really liking the look of some of these on this list. Can’t wait to check them out.
    I am currently reading an absolutely fantastic horror novel from Scott Baker called Yeitso. If you like your horror reads and yearn for that old classic horror vibe, this book is a must-read. Stopping to write this post is one of the very few moments I’ve taken away from reading this book all day. I encourage you to check it out and look over some of the reviews on amazon. Loving this book.

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