Waiting on Wednesday (119) LAST FIRST SNOW (Craft Sequence #4) by Max Gladstone

WOW 2014 copy

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine, and is a fun way to share upcoming books you’re “waiting on” with other bloggers and readers. Oh you guys, I’m so excited about this week’s WoW pick:

Last First Snow

Last First Snow (Craft Sequence #4) by Max Gladstone. Releases from Tor Books in July 2015. So, those of you who have been following this blog for a while know I’m a huge fan of Max Gladstone, and that I love his Craft Sequence books! The cover for Book #4 is so new that it doesn’t even have a cover blurb yet, so I can’t even tell you much about the story. However, I did snag a bit of information directly from Max’s website, which gives us a small taste of what we’re in store for:

Just between us, I’m really excited for this book.  It’s the most intense of them all by far.  Also I’m focusing on older characters for the most part, folks like Temoc, Ms. Kevarian, and the King in Red, people carting around more history.   And there’s this really cool bit where—Aaaaaah I can’t wait to for y’all to read this.  Maybe I’ll write an early trailer for you.


When the author is excited about his book, you know it’s going to be awesome:-) Thanks, Max!

Feast you eyes on the lovely covers of books 1-3:

Are you also a fan of the series? Let me know!

Posted October 1, 2014 by Tammy in Waiting on Wednesday / 12 Comments


12 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday (119) LAST FIRST SNOW (Craft Sequence #4) by Max Gladstone

  1. Wow, he’s really pumping out these books. Interesting it doesn’t follow the “number” pattern with the previous books (three, two, five, etc), but maybe the “first” counts? 😛

    • I was thinking that too, that it doesn’t follow the pattern, but yeah I think “first” counts as a number. I wonder if when he’s done with the series, all the numbers will mean something??

  2. I saw the cover floating around on Twitter earlier this week, and dang is it ever awesome. Is it just me, or are there dragons in the sky? Too cool. I still have to read books 2 and 3, but I’ve got lots of time before July. Great pick, Tammy!

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