Stacking the Shelves (51): The One Where I Forget I’m Not Doing Blog Tours Anymore

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Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, and is a fun way to share the books you’ve acquired over the past week (or two, or three). It’s been THREE weeks since I’ve had any time to do a Stacking the Shelves, and things have been, um, piling up around here! So, you can tell by the title of this post that I’ve had some trouble lately saying “no” to review requests. I’m already behind schedule, but does that stop me from joining some awesome blog tours? Or saying “yes” to some new-to-me small press books? Or requesting some NetGalley and Edelweiss titles? Or entering giveaways? No no no! I’ve had no trouble at all saying “yes” to all these things. (I suppose I’ll pay for it later when I’m going crazy trying to read all these.) But, I thought long and hard before accepting all these books, so they are stories I truly want to read. Here’s what’s on my shelf this week:

Print ARCS:

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The Winter Horses by Philip Kerr. I believe I entered a giveaway for this, probably on Publisher’s Weekly. Philip Kerr is famous for his crime novels for adults, but this is his first book (I think) written for the YA crowd.

Midnight by Mari Adkins. This is an Apex title, one of my favorite small publishers. This is only about 200 pages long (yay for short books!) and it comes out in July.

The Quick by Lauren Owen. I won this from Library Thing! I’m really excited to read it. It’s a vampire story, which you cannot tell from the cover. It takes place in Victorian London and has received some really good reviews.

Graduation Day by Joelle Charbonneau. This is Book #3 in The Testing series, which I have yet to start reading. I’m not really sure why I entered to win a copy of this, since I haven’t read the first two books (although I hear great things about them, so that’s probably why!), and I’m really not sure why I received two copies! Hmm, giveaway anyone?

Cress comb! I finally got my Cress comb for pre-ordering Cress. It’s purple! Other than that, it’s just a regular comb:-)

Thank you Apex, Library Thing, Random House, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Knopf!

For Review from NetGalley/Edelweiss:

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. This book sounds amazing!

Feather Bound by Sarah Raughley. I was drawn to the cover of this book, and even though the reviews on GR are a bit all over the place, I’m looking forward to it.

The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year, Volume 8 edited by Jonathan Strahan. I used to read these all the time, way back before blogging. I was really happy when a publicist from Solaris contacted me to review this, and I think I might be on the blog tour too.

Flesh and Blood by Daniel Dersch. This author is very popular in Germany, and I believe this is the first time his work has been translated into English.

Deadly Curiosities by Gail Z. Martin. Urban fantasy! Oh wow this looks sooo good. Plus the title is a pun.

Dark Metropolis by Jaclyn Dolamore. I’m very excited to be on the blog tour for this book. “Cabaret meets Cassandra Clare”

Thank you Knopf, 47North, Strange Chemistry, Disney-Hyperion and Solaris!

More books for review: from authors and small presses:

The Making of Nebraska Brown by Louise Caiola. This is published by Immortal Ink Publishing, and has some very good reviews on Goodreads. Blog Tour!

The Ghoul Archipelago by Stephen Kozeniewski. Stephen contacted me himself to ask if I’d review his book. It’s published by Severed Press, which I have heard of. Zombies, looks like fun!

Talus and the Frozen King by Graham Edwards. This is another Solaris title, and I hear from some bloggers that it’s pretty good!

Technicolor Terrorists by Andre Duza. Andre contacted me and told me his friend Wayne Simmons recommended he get in touch with me. Wayne wrote an awesome book called Plastic Jesus, so how could I say “no” to Andre? And seriously, look at the cover.  Clowns with knives…

Eleanor by Johnny Worthen. This is a Jolly Fish Press title, and I do like their books. Honestly, it’s hard to tell from the blurb exactly what this is about. Color me intrigued! I think I’m on the blog tour for this, but I’m not sure.

Thank you Solaris, Jolly Fish Press, Stephen Kozeniewski and Andre Duza!

And that’s it for me! What’s on your shelves this week?

Posted March 22, 2014 by Tammy in Stacking the Shelves / 23 Comments


23 responses to “Stacking the Shelves (51): The One Where I Forget I’m Not Doing Blog Tours Anymore

  1. These are all great books that I haven’t heard of (which is why I love your blog btw). OMG that is so cool that you got a Cress comb, and purple is awesome too! Can’t wait to hear what you think of Station Eleven. Happy reading!

  2. Wow! I have been trying not to join blog tours to read things. But sometimes I just can’t resist. And now I have 4-5 books I have to read in the next two and half months just for tours! Grrrr to me! LOL! I got Dark Metropolis, on that tour. Can’t wait to read it. And I have graduation Day, but haven been waiting until closer to pub date to read it. Joelle was on my blog this past Thursday! Enjoy your books. Here my STS

  3. Pabkins

    I have the Feather Bound, Dark Metropolis and Deadly Curiosities as well…I hope they are all amazing. I’m thinking of grabbing that scifi collection as well…hmmm should I make the plunge? I will have to check the page count first! Lol you are so buried now lady!

      • Pabkins

        That is how I do it also, but gah….thats big lol. EPIC was big like that …tho even bigger 200 pages more I think, sigh. st.

  4. Haha giveaway, or you can just give it to me 😉 I love the shiny purple cover of Graduation Day! I can’t believe that series is almost over O_O I’m also on the tour for Dark Metropolis! I got a print ARC and then I signed up for the tour and then I got the NetGalley invite. Decide to leave that out of my post 😮 Enjoy all of your new books, Tammy!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Check out my STS post!

  5. OMG. I know how you feel. I am trying really hard to work on my self control! I’ve been doing better but I have a long way to go as I am soooo behind too. Also, I signed up for like 5 TLC book tours so I know what you mean. 😀

    Very interested to hear your thoughts on Dark Metropolis. I did put in a request with them for that book but I am still waiting. And that is one of the few requests I still have left pending. Haha!

  6. This week, looks like our common title is Deadly Curiosities. I saw that it’s an urban fantasy by Gail Z. Martin and just had to request it. What’s that, my netgalley pile is already a little out of control? Ah screw it. I think we all have trouble saying no to books 🙂

  7. Kathy Martin

    I see what you mean about not being able to say no, I doubt I could pass up any of these either. I can’t add anything to May though. I think I need to have a book read almost every day if I want to stay on track with all the May releases on my stack. Come see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Inside of a Dog. Happy reading!

  8. You have a lot of reading to do! But, you will have tangle free hair while you are at it at least 🙂 I am picky about blog tours too and feel your pain. Hope all your books are winners, Tammy!

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