Back to the Future Giveaway Hop! Win a Copy of Stephen King’s 11/22/63

back to the future hop

Welcome to my THIRD giveaway hop of January! Am I crazy or what?? (Don’t answer that, please!) This hop is hosted by Book Haven Extraordinaire and I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.  Almost 100 blogs are participating, and each one is offering a different, time-travel related giveaway! If you visit this blog on a regular basis, you know I’m a HUGE Stephen King fan, and I’m so happy to be giving away a copy of King’s amazing time-travel novel, 11/22/63, a story about a man who discovers a doorway to the past and decides to try to stop the assassination of JFK. It’s one of my favorite King books, and if you normally avoid Stephen King because you don’t like his brand of horror, this book might be for you. It’s got horror elements to it, but it’s mostly a gorgeously structured tale about the choices we make and how they affect our lives.

Since I recently discovered The Book Depository, an online book store that will ship for free to a bunch of countries, I’m making this giveaway INTERNATIONAL, as long as The Book Depository ships to your country. Please make sure to check the list of countries before you enter. A paperback copy of 11/22/63 is up for grabs:


Dallas, 11/22/63: Three shots ring out.

President John F. Kennedy is dead.

Life can turn on a dime—or stumble into the extraordinary, as it does for Jake Epping, a high school English teacher in a Maine town. While grading essays by his GED students, Jake reads a gruesome, enthralling piece penned by janitor Harry Dunning: fifty years ago, Harry somehow survived his father’s sledgehammer slaughter of his entire family. Jake is blown away . . . but an even more bizarre secret comes to light when Jake’s friend Al, owner of the local diner, enlists Jake to take over the mission that has become his obsession—to prevent the Kennedy assassination. How? By stepping through a portal in the diner’s storeroom, and into the era of Ike and Elvis, of big American cars, sock hops, and cigarette smoke. . . . Finding himself in warmhearted Jolie, Texas, Jake begins a new life. But all turns in the road lead to a troubled loner named Lee Harvey Oswald. The course of history is about to be rewritten . . . and become heart-stoppingly suspenseful.

In Stephen King’s “most ambitious and accomplished” (NPR) novel, time travel has never been so believable. Or so terrifying.

Are you ready to jump back in time? Then CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE RAFFLECOPTER!
And don’t forget to check out ALL the blogs that are participating in this hop. Click here to see the list of blogs!

Posted January 21, 2013 by Tammy in Giveaway Hop, Giveaways / 48 Comments


48 responses to “Back to the Future Giveaway Hop! Win a Copy of Stephen King’s 11/22/63

  1. Oh, I’m such a Stephen King fan. I started reading his novels young, (way too young for most peoples standards) and fell in love immediately. There’s only a couple of books of his that I haven’t read and 11/22/63 is one of them.

  2. Shannon R

    I haven’t read almost every Stephen King novel. He is one of my favorite authors.

    Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  3. Meghan Stith

    I’ve never read Stephen King, but he’s such a legend that I can’t imagine his books would be boring.

  4. Evette Torres

    I’m a huge fan of Stephen King. His movies are amazing and my favorite books of his that have read so far are The Shining and CELL.

  5. Anne C

    Yes, I;m a Stephen King fan. I devoured his books when I was in high school and college, and I still read his new books now. 🙂

  6. Suz Reads

    I love Stephen King’s books but haven’t had a chance to read this one yet! Thanks for this amazing giveaway – I would love to win!

  7. Alex

    I’m a new Stephen King fan, I’m making my way through The Shining and there are a couple of his books on my TBR list.

  8. Marilyn Rhea

    What a great giveaway. I love all things Stephen King so this is awesome. Thanks bunches!!!!

  9. Jacklin Updegraft

    I’ve never actually read any of his books but I have been wanting this one for awhile! It looks so good!

  10. Erika

    I’ve read many of his books but none recently. This one has intrigued me for awhile! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  11. _Sandra_

    I’m huge Stephen King’s fan! Started reading his books when in high school and really excited to read this one as well. Thanks for a giveaway! 🙂

  12. RIN

    Ya know, i haven’t actually read any Stephen King books, but U have liked all the Stephen King movies I’ve seen, and the books are always better, right?

  13. I’m not really a Stephen King fan, though I like a lot of his books. My King fan relatives are huge fans and see him as their go-to author, so for that reason, I don’t see myself as a real “fan” of his.

  14. Makaela

    I have never actually read anything by him and I live a few streets over from him! I wanted to read this when it came out, it sounds great. I was debating on this or the Tommyknockers.

  15. I’ve been a SK fan since “Carrie”. LOVE him, he’s my all time favorite author! Love the movies made from his books too!
    Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  16. Stephen King is one of the best authors he grabs you, reels you in and you are his! ;~) I have not read this one yet, can’t wait! My sis loves him too will see if she has read this one yet!

  17. I’m not a big fan of Stephen King because his books are to scary to read and would give me nightmares. But my daughter is a fan of his books.Thank you for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!

  18. Michelle Tucker

    I’ve always been a Stephen King fan. My wonderful 18 year old nephew is also named Stephen King, so an added plus;) He’s walks around saying “Yep, I’m famous. I’m the man.” Heh.

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