THE SILENT COMPANIONS by Laura Purcell – Review

THE SILENT COMPANIONS by Laura Purcell – ReviewThe Silent Companions by Laura Purcell
Published by Penguin Books on March 6 2018
Genres: Adult, Horror
Pages: 305
Format: Finished paperback
Source: Purchased
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The nitty-gritty: An eerie and atmospheric Gothic ghost story with layers upon layers of secrets, gorgeously written.

The Silent Companions was a wonderful break from review books this month, especially since it’s October and I couldn’t have picked a more perfect scary read. Wow, this book surprised me! I have to admit it takes a lot to creep me out, but I was jumping at shadows the entire time I was reading this book, and since my usual reading time is at night in bed, you can imagine I didn’t sleep very well for a couple of nights! If you love Gothic style writing and creepy atmosphere then this book is a must read.

The story focuses on two main characters in two different time periods. In 1865, Elsie Bainbridge has arrived at her late husband Rupert’s family mansion, the Bridge, to bury him, as he’s just died under mysterious circumstances. Accompanied by her husband’s cousin Sarah, Elsie settles into the large, drafty house, but right away strange things begin to happen. Elsie hears a hissing noise coming from the garret, which no one seems to hear but her. Although the door is locked, one day it opens on its own and Elsie and Sarah discover a dusty wooden figure painted to look like a little girl, called a silent companion. They also find an old diary written by one of Rupert’s ancestors, a woman named Anne Bainbridge.

The second timeline takes place in 1635 and relates the story of Anne Bainbridge as told through her diary. Anne is a young wife and mother, and her husband Josiah has just been told that the King and Queen will come to visit them in the summer. The household is all abuzz as they make preparations for the royal visit, and Anne takes it upon herself to secure all sorts of interesting items with which to entertain the Queen. She discovers some flat, lifelike figures carved from wood in an odd shop and decides they will be a perfect diversion for their visitors. Meanwhile, her husband insists that their daughter Hetta, born without a tongue and therefore mute, should not be allowed to attend the festivities, and here is where everything starts to fall apart.

Purcell adds a third voice to the story, that of Elsie Bainbridge set some time in the future, after something terrible happened at the Bridge and she is now ensconced at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Her conversations with her doctor reveal horrible secrets that shed light on everything that’s happened to this very unlucky family. For such a short book, this is a very complex plot, but somehow the author makes it work.

The idea of silent companions is pretty creepy to start with—wooden painted figures that, at first glance, look like people—but when the author decides to imbue her silent companions with an otherworldly presence, the creep factory skyrockets to eleven. It amazed me that Laura Purcell could terrify me with something as simple as the companion’s eyes moving, but she did. This story is composed of small, creepy events that may not seem too scary on their own, but as everything starts to come together, horror piles upon horror until it’s almost unbearable.

One of the most successful elements of this story, at least for me, was the way Purcell wove together the two timelines, building the tension in each one at an equal pace so that when the climax comes at the end, it’s almost hard to distinguish one timeline from the other. There is an odd, dreamlike quality to this story, and it’s just as much psychological thriller as it is ghost story. The reader isn’t always certain what is real and what isn’t, which makes it even more exciting to read. I am certain this would make a brilliant film, and I only hope that someone out there is thinking of optioning this, if they haven’t already.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any more creepy, the last part of the book really took me by surprise. The first three-quarters of the story is mostly atmospheric. Creepy things are happening, but there’s no graphic violence to speak of. The author relies on her beautiful writing and carefully selected words to convey the slowly mounting horror. But watch out, because things suddenly turn bloody and murderous. I won’t give away the details, but I was not expecting the sudden turn of events. For me, the last quarter of the story was the cherry on top of an already excellent Gothic ghost story. And the ending! It literally blew me away.

I’ve already preordered Laura Purcell’s new book, The Corset, which I’m sure I will read as soon as it shows up. If you haven’t grabbed this book yet, then I urge you to find a copy as soon as possible. The Silent Companions will stay with me for a long time.

Posted October 18, 2018 by Tammy in 5 stars, Reviews / 35 Comments


35 responses to “THE SILENT COMPANIONS by Laura Purcell – Review

    • Tammy

      It’s very atmospheric and perfect for October. Hey, it’s bound to be good no matter when you read it:-)

  1. I remember ordering this one from Book Depository last year around Christmas because it wasn’t out in the US yet. Of course I haven’t read it yet but it’s a beautiful edition so there’s that. I’m so glad to see you loved it! And also glad it’s creepy and spooky! You picked a perfect time to read it.

  2. I’m so much into alternative timelines lately! You had me at “odd, dreamlike” and “slowly mounting horror” I had this book on my MUST READ list and somehow it got displaced by other books??? I’m off to correct that terrible mistake! Great review as usual Tammy 🙂
    Daniela Ark recently posted…Who’s the Influencer? Giveaway!My Profile

    • Tammy

      Thanks Daniela! You’ll love the way she handles the timelines, simply brilliant, in my opinion:-)

  3. It’s been a while since I read a story that really freaked me out (mainly because I don’t read a lot of horror lol) but I’m going to add this one on my wishlist. I REALLY want to read it now!

  4. Wow, the whole premise seems pretty intriguing. I’m also a sucker for anything referred to as ‘gothic’ or ‘atmospheric’, lol. I’m gonna add this one to my list of things to check out. Great review!

  5. I love your review – this is a book that is perfect for me, probably why I bought it AGES AGO! I was intending to read it either this month or next – will definitely prioritise it now though.
    Lynn 😀

  6. So glad to see you loved this one! I loved the atmosphere of this book so much, and I was thrilled because I read it during a couple of (rare) rainy days we had–it was so spooky and perfect. I loved the creepiness of this one, and I totally agree about the ending. The subtle shifts along the way .. it’s so great! I can’t wait to read her next book!
    Jordan recently posted…The Friday Face-Off: A Horror CoverMy Profile

  7. I’m glad you enjoyed this! Okay, spoiler alert, so anyone reading this comment who hasn’t read the book, skip on by. Did you get the impressed that her brother was actually her son? It all ties into the abuse in her past and also some of the themes, and I think I saw on Goodreads that the author did confirm this. Oh man, after that I started to wonder how much more has been hidden in plain sight!

    • Tammy

      OMG. I did not see that, but I always thought it was weird when she kept calling him “My sweet little boy”! That was so weird!! And also a big clue! Wow, I almost want to do a reread now!

  8. I’ve heard a lot about this book in the last few weeks so I put on my wishlist, it sounds very good but knowing how much of a chicken I am, I don’t know if it’s for me.
    The cover is gorgeous and I feel like it suits the themes and the atmosphere quite well! 🙂

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