Buffy’s Corner 3/23/25 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

The snow has melted and the trees are blooming! Below is a photo of our cherry tree, which we planted last year. This is my favorite part of Spring:-)

Not much happened this week, except work was very busy and stressful, so I’m glad it’s the weekend. I hope everyone is good and reading something amazing!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

The Buffalo Hunter Hunter wrecked my March reading schedule, since it took two weeks to read, so I’m behind and won’t get as many reviews up this month as I wanted. But I’m very glad I read it, and even happier that I’ve finished it, lol. Look for my review tomorrow. I’m currently reading two books, When We Were Real, which comes out April 1st, and Twice As Dead, a March release. I need to dive into my April books, but I can’t skip over Vanishing Daughters, which will be next!

Other posts this week:

Sooo many cover reveals last week, I couldn’t keep up! Also I had a hard time picking only three for this week’s Future Fiction; I may do a book tag on Tuesday, if I can get my act together, ha ha; I threw in a Friday Face-Off last week and I think I’ll do it again this week; and Saturday I’ll be sharing my March book haul.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

The Friday Face-Off: Overgrowth by Mira Grant

Future Fiction #323

Rose/House by Arkady Martine – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 3/16/25

A Magpie sits on a tree.
Magpie, Yellowstone National Park.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted March 23, 2025 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 33 Comments

33 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 3/23/25 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. The pics are beautiful, as always! And yay for the snow melting!! Here it snowed on the mountains at high quota but everywhere else it was a pleasant week. Sunny or cloudy but pretty good on the whole. But today it’s rain again, sigh!
    And I am curious to see what you will think of Twice As Dead!

  2. So nice that spring has arrived at last, winter felt very long this time.
    Look forward to your thoughts on Twice as Dead, and Vanishing Daughters is another book I may be interested in as well.
    Have a great week 😀

  3. The cherry tree is looking nice, I love the Spring also. Hope work is less stressful this week. I have my eye on The Buffalo Hunter. Enjoy your books!

  4. Oh wow two weeks for you to read THE BUFFALO HUNTER HUNTER…I hope you ended up liking it? I’ll keep an eye out for your review. Nice cherry blossom photo. They’ve hit peduncle stage here in dc and might start blooming this week, we’ll see. I don’t go to see them in the city anymore because it’s sooooo crazy crowded; happy to just read about them in the news lol.

    • Tammy

      I’ve never heard the word peduncle before, now I know! We have three blooming trees and I’m hoping at some point some cross pollination will result in fruit:-)

  5. Roberta R.

    OK, can spring please stick? I’d hate for your pretty cherry tree to be caught in the crossfire…cross-snow…whatever LOL. Love the magpie pic too.

    Very curious about your thoughts on When We Were Real (I didn’t get an ARC, but it stays on my radar!). Also curious why it took you so long to read The Buffalo Hunter Hunter…

    • Tammy

      I totally agree, and we will most likely get more snow before the warm weather sets in. When We Were Real is good so far but hasn’t really grabbed me completely, if that makes sense. I feel like it will at some point, because I totally trust the author. I guess we’ll see!

  6. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    I also do love this time of the year with longer days and flowers in bloom!

    • Tammy

      March always seems like a longer month, and this year I’m grateful too because I have so many March books.

  7. Always a nice uplifting moment to spot buds on the trees and the hints of spring happening. I’ve had those books that seem to take forever. Hopefully, you’ll get back on track through April.

    Have a good week, Tammy!

  8. Ohh, look at the Cherry tree. I also love this time of year and your snow is melting so hopefully some nice weather coming your way?
    Happy reading this week and hope work isn’t too stressful.
    Lynn 😀

  9. I love magpies but we don’t have any on this side of the country so I’m glad to see one here. Hope you had a good weekend and that work slows down a bit.

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