Buffy’s Corner 3/16/25 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

We had a very cold, snowy week. As I write this, it’s still snowing and we have about a foot of snow. That might not sound like a lot, but try walking the dog in it when the snowplows are nowhere to be seen, lol. And the wind is blowing snow into your face. Both my kids are visiting this weekend and it’s fun (although crowded!) to have everyone together.

Two people and a black dog in the snow.
Daughter and hubby and dog.

Upcoming reads & reviews:

We’re halfway through March and I still have so many books I want to read! I’m currently reading The Buffalo Hunter Hunter and so far it’s got the Stephen Graham Jones vibe I was expecting. Look for a review this week, but I’m not sure yet what day. I’d like to also read and review Rose/House, and then the next two books will be White Line Fever and Vanishing Daughters.

Other posts this week:

Other than Future Fiction on Wednesday, I don’t have many posts planned. With my kids visiting this weekend (when I do most of my blogging), I just won’t have time.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Chaos by Constance Fay – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #322

Ten Books With Serial Killers

Once Was Willem by M.R. Carey – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 3/9/25

A bull elk standing in the snow.
Bull Elk, Yellowstone National Park.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted March 16, 2025 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 11 Comments

11 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 3/16/25 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Roberta R.

    That’s…a lot of snow. I’m sure Badger is the one who enjoys it the most ;).

    Looking forward to your reviews of Rose/House and White Line Fever!

    I don’t know what it is, but that elk picture looks like a painting! I wonder how those slim legs can support that massive bulk.

  2. Nice that you have a family weekend. Love the phot with Badger. I am a big Badger fan. The snow looks pretty but I’m done with that for this year. lol Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  3. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    That picture of the Bull Elk is gorgeous! And I bet you just want spring to come now Tammy!

  4. Aw I love that pic of your husband daughter and dog, cute! & It’s nice both your kids are visiting 🙂 And um WOW that Bull Elk photo is stunning! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend.

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