Over-Booked [204] – February Book Haul

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

These are all the books I received in February, and it’s a good looking bunch! Plus I’ve already read two of them, so I’m ahead a bit:-)

Books in the mail for review:

I was super excited to receive a copy of Chaos by Constance Fay, the third book in her Uncharted Hearts series. I’m not a big fan of series, but this is one I’m really loving. Thank you Bramble!

Huge thanks to Saga Press for Daryl Gregory’s upcoming book, When We Were Real. It seems like it’s been years since his last book was released, so this is highly anticipated.

Symbiote by Michael Nayak is already out, but Angry Robot was gracious enough to send me a review copy anyway. I hope to read this very soon, I’ve seen some great reviews. Thank you Angry Robot!

Courtesy of Titan Books, I received a copy of City of All Seasons by Oliver K. Langmead and Aliya Whiteley. I adore both authors, so I’m curious to see how they work together.

I have seen some early rave reviews for Anji Kills a King by Evan Leikam, so I’m thrilled to have a review copy. Huge thanks to Tor!

Also courtesy of Tor, I received H.G. Parry’s upcoming fantasy A Far Better Thing. This will be my first book by the author, I can’t wait!

Big thanks to Del Rey for this stunning finished hardcover of Emily Wilde’s Compendium of Lost Tales by Heather Fawcett, which I’ve already reviewed and loved.

Finally in the physical pile, thank you to Tordotcom for this lovely hardcover of Adrift In Currents Clean and Clear by Seanan McGuire, which I read and reviewed last month.

Digital books for review:

Seven new NetGalley books for the month, not too bad! I’m being very selective these days, and it’s sort of working, lol.

I’ve been waiting forever for my approval to come through for The Haunting of Room 904 by Erika T. Worth, and it finally did. I was actually giving up hope, ha ha. I’m really excited for this, I loved her last book.

Of course I couldn’t resist requesting Fiend by Alma Katsu. Alma usually writes historical fiction, and this is a modern day setting, so it’s going to be different from her usual books.

Exiles by Mason Coile is a locked room mystery/horror story set on Mars, and I think it sounds really good.

The Palace of Illusions by Rowenna Miller will be my second book by this author. This is a fantasy that takes place in Paris in 1900, and check out the beautiful cover!

Hazelthorn by C.G. Drews has one of the best covers I’ve seen so far this year. This is a YA gothic horror story, and I’m looking forward to it!

House of Monstrous Women by Daphne Fama. This sounds so good: it’s set in 1980s Philippines and is a horror story revolving around the historical People Power Revolution.

The Witch’s Orchard by Archer Sullivan is a thriller set in Appalachia and features a private investigator who returns home to investigate a missing persons case. It sounds like it features folklore as well, can’t wait!

Big thanks to Flatiron, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, Redhook, Feiwel & Friends, Berkley and Minotaur Books:-D

Are any of these books on your TBR?

Posted February 22, 2025 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 31 Comments

31 responses to “Over-Booked [204] – February Book Haul

  1. A Far Better Thing sounds good. I’ve not read anything by that author yet but I’m sure I do have one from the backlist, will have to check.
    The Palace of Illusions to new-to-me and I want to know more based on that lovely cover 😀

  2. Not only have I not read any of these, but City of All Seasons is the only one on my list. As usual, it boggles the mind how our tastes can be so similar, but our libraries so different! Plus—only 15 for the whole month? But what will you do with your spare week, Tammy? 😉

  3. I just received Hazelthorn, I am excited to read it, I think I am putting the book I am reading down and start it tonight, I have just started the other and am just one chapter in so no great loss lol

  4. Ooh how lucky getting a finished copy of Emily Wilde. I’ll have to check out Anji Kills a King and I’m definitely adding Witch’s Orchard to my TBR now that you’ve mentioned folklore. I haven’t had a chance to read Rowenna Millers last book yet (although I really want to) but I’m particularly curious about that too.

    Wonderful haul, I hope you enjoy them all.

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