Today’s Top Ten Tuesday prompt is Bookish Goals for 2025, and I’m linking up with Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!
This is going to be a repeat of last year’s challenges, simply because they worked pretty well for me. Except for one, which I’ll explain below. These are all low-key challenges where I can use the books I’m already planning to read and if they work, they work! Otherwise, no biggie. I like to keep the pressure low, but I do enjoy reading challenges. I’m linking each one to original creator, so if you’re interested you can also join in!
1. 2024 Goodreads goal:
For the past few years I’ve set my goal at 75 books, with the hope that I can actually read at least 100. Last year I missed it by a few books, I was pretty close. I’m doing the same this year. I love Goodreads telling me I’m ahead!
2. Bookforager’s Picture Prompt Bingo:
Oooh I fresh game board! I love this challenge, especially since I’m a visual person, it just makes sense. Last year I did a lot of “loose” interpretation of many of the prompts and I was able to complete the board. Do you want to join too? Check out Bookforager’s Picture Prompt Bingo post here!
3. Alphabet Reading Challenge:
This is a fun, colorful challenge, and last year I filled in all but five letters. I’m trying for more this year, we’ll see how it goes. This template is courtesy of @laurasloaninglibrary on Instagram, and you can download the template for free! (or just save this one)
4. TBR Jar Challenge:
Last year was my first attempt at a TBR jar challenge, and…it didn’t go that well, lol. But I learned some stuff: pick fewer books, and pick books that aren’t doorstoppers.
This year I’ve picked ten books that I really want to read, but for whatever reason I didn’t request review copies. Here are my TBR jar “rules”:
- All books are personal purchases
- All books were published prior to 2025
- None of the books are for review
- Only (2) of these are by authors I’ve read previously (Cackle and Rock Paper Scissors). The others are all new to me authors.
- Only one book was also on last year’s TBR Jar list (The Reformatory), the rest are all new.
- All of these were highly recommended by other bloggers and readers, which is why I want to read them:-)
I may start with Nightbitch, because I’d like to compare the book to the Netflix movie.
Also, I reserve the right to change this list at any time;-)
Good luck with these goals and challenges. I didn’t really get a chance to read much for the first week or so of January so I’m putting off setting my goal on Goodreads until I’ve got going a bit more (I don’t think I can face starting the year by being informed I’m behind). I’m attempting Bingo & Alphabet challenge this year too after becoming intrigued by when I saw them on your page last year. They look so fun. Good luck with the TBR jar this year. I’ve got a couple of your choices on my TBR and I’m going to look into The God Of The Woods as the title & cover are intriguing. Once again good luck.
As always I’m in awe of your goals for the year and I know you’ll do a great job at them as usual. I don’t have any worth mentioning because I suck at challenges. 😛
One of these years I’m going to try that picture bingo. I hope you enjoy The Reformatory. Good luck!
Love all your goals. I still need to get my challenge post up but doubt it will see the light of day until next week. Oh well, better late than never.
Migrations is just fabulous!
Good luck with your goals. Here are mine:
I have a strong preference for lowkey goals, too.
I love that you’re able to keep these challenges fun and not get stressed out by them. I’m doing the goodreads one like most years, though I’ve lowered my goal to 60. Regarding your TBR challenge, I’ve not read any but I’ve looked up Migrations several times, for what that’s worth. 🙂
These seem great, and really doable. I try to avoid all but the most basic challenges, but doing challenges that let me count books I’d read anyway is key to any I do choose to do! I’m doing the Goodreads challenge (I do it every year), and have an alphabet-based one for my book group that’s pretty low key. For your TBR challenge, how many are you committing to reading? Or is the goal to read all at some point during the year? I’ve read Cackle and loved it (Rachel Harrison can do no wrong), and God of the Woods is on my TBR as well (and my library copy should be available in the next few weeks). Good luck!
Mostly doable, but that ‘X’ one is impossible!
You have more goals than I do!
I am participating in 5 reading challenges but now I’m seriously tempted to take part in that picture prompt bingo too, looks so fun! The Alphabet one also looks fun. I too am trying to keep the pressure low this year! Good luck with all of your challenges and goals!
Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders recently posted…My Bookish Goals for 2025
Sounds good to me. I wish you good luck with these goals.
Oooooh I love the TBR Jar! Since you asked, I really enjoyed God of the Woods! Hoping you pick it, and enjoy it too. Good luck with your goals!
I’m intrigued by the picture prompt book bingo and the TBR jar! I’ve never tried either of those.
Good luck accomplishing your goals this year!
Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Bookish Goals for 2025