What happened to days 1-5, you ask? Well, I’m late getting on board with Lynn’s fun December countdown, but better late than never! Here’s what Lynn says about her countdown, and you can click here to see a list of daily prompts if you’d like to join in! I will attempt to post the rest of these prompts, but I can’t make any promises. My goal is to feature books I’ve read in 2024, and I’ll link my reviews if you’re interested.
A short and sweet post to let you all know that once again I am doing my December Countdown where I tick off the days to the new year by spotlighting a book from the present one. This is a one per day prompt where I will literally post the prompt and the book I think fits the prompt. I’m hoping to use books read during 2024 where possible and use this as an opportunity to shine the light on some good reads. Books will be linked to reviews where possible or Goodreads. If you fancy joining me feel free to dip in and out. This is just a little fun and isn’t meant to be hard work. Starts on 1st December and concludes on 31st.
Today’s prompt: I’m choosing a novella I enjoyed earlier this year:
I picked up a copy of this novella when you first reviewed it, and then basically forgot about it… until now! Thanks for the reminder — I’m really looking forward to reading it!
I loved this novella. It made me want to read more of this author’s work!
Oh, great choice. I so enjoyed this and love seeing it as today’s choice.
It’s the perfect time of year to fit in some novellas, inch a little closer to those reading goals.
Neat to have you join us! It’s actually thanks to you I believe that I discovered Lynn’s posts last year
Great choice!! I loved this one!!
I loved her books on the small dragons in Victorian era!
I wish I read more novellas! This prompt would have been challenging for me, lol.