Most Anticipated Books of 2024 – Fourth Quarter

Can you believe we’re already in the last quarter of the year? 2024 is going so fast, and these final three months always speed by. The fourth quarter is also the hardest one to pick books for. My enthusiasm in the beginning of the year is starting to wind down, and November and December are very light when it comes to new releases. Still, I’ve managed to pick five books for each month—October, November and December—that I’m super excited to read. Read to the end of this post to see how I did last quarter:

October 2024 Most Anticipated:

I may be finished with American Rapture by C.J. Leede by the time this post goes live, and I can tell you it’s in the running to be one of my favorite books of the year. Imagine the Covid pandemic but way worse, an apocalyptic road trip story with sex-crazed zombies.

On Vicious Worlds by Bethany Jacobs is a highly anticipated sequel, although I think I need to be in the right headspace to read it, because the worldbuilding is very intricate.

The Book of Witching will be my second book by C.J. Cooke, and I’m very excited to see how it compares to A Haunting in the Arctic.

Run by Blake Crouch is a recent addition to my TBR. I have loved every Crouch book I’ve read, so this should be fun!

The Narrows by Ronald Malfi is another reprint of an older release, and I think it’s going to be perfect for spooky season.

November 2024 Most Anticipated:

I’m hoping to read Grimm Curiosities by Sharon Lynn Fisher in October. This is a historical paranormal romance, a genre that Sharon does really well, so it should be a lot of fun.

I’ve seen some good early reviews for The Teller of Small Fortunes by Julie Leong. I’ll definitely need something cozy to read in November, and this should do the trick:-)

The Relentless Legion by J.S. Dewes is the final book in Dewes’ The Divide series, and it’s been three years since the last book. I might be a little rusty, but hopefully everything will come back to me when I start reading. I love this series!

November brings another series finale, The Whispering Night by Susan Dennard. I am curious to see how it’s going to end!

Finally in November, I plan to read Broken Stars by Jeremy Szal, a collection of short stories by an author I really enjoy.

December 2024 Most Anticipated:

At the moment I only have two December releases to review, so I’m using the other three spots for books I missed earlier in the year that are MUST reads.

Starting with Ardent Violet and the Infinite Eye by Alex White. This is a crazy series but so much fun and filled with heart and emotion.

Beneath the Poet’s House by Christa Carmen will be the second book I’ve read from this very talented author. I cannot wait!

The Daughters’ War by Christopher Buehlman came out several months ago, but it fell by the wayside because I’ve been so busy. I know I’m going to love this!

The Reformatory by Tananarive Due is a backlist book I promised myself I would read this year, so hopefully December will be the month:-)

Finally, I cannot believe I haven’t read Ninth Life by Stark Holborn yet! I’ll be taking care of that soon:-)

Third Quarter 2024 Results:

This might be the worst I’ve done all year, but hey, that means there’s something to aim for this quarter:-)

What are your most anticipated books of the 4th quarter?

Posted October 8, 2024 by Tammy in Most Anticipated Books of the Quarter / 15 Comments


15 responses to “Most Anticipated Books of 2024 – Fourth Quarter

  1. Blake Crouch’s new one sounds interesting. I loved the Pines books so would definitely like to read more by him.
    Grimm Curiosities is the other that stands out. I still haven’t read Salt & Broom yet but hopefully I’ll get to it soon 😀

  2. You still read two thirds of the books on your TBR so that’s still wonderful, especially as you had your summer of horror going on. That’s wonderful to hear that one of these is likely to be within your favourites. I think I’ve already mentioned the ones I’m most intrigued by but it is good to hear that you’ve seen positive things about The Teller Of Small Fortunes. December’s pretty quiet for me too. I only have a handful of books on my list for it. The one that intrigues me most though is Quicksilver by Callie Hart. Good luck with those few backlist books too.
    Charlotte recently posted…Book Review: The City Of Stardust by Georgia SummersMy Profile

  3. I have a bunch of Blake Crouch on my kindle but still haven’t read any. I feel like I should try and read more backlist books since I’ve found a lot of the shiny new debuts this year to be a bit lacking. I’m interested to know if The Teller of Small Fortunes will be the right kind of cosy for me.
    Ellie Warren recently posted…On My Radar: OctoberMy Profile

  4. Something you said about J.S. Dewes series struck a chord: “I might be a little rusty, but hopefully everything will come back to me when I start reading.” That happens with me so often. It might be a year, or several years, between when I read books in a series and I don’t really want to take the time to go back and reread all that came before so I just cross my fingers and hope enough comes back. I have some series I started a decade or more ago and have been putting off getting back into for fear it had been too long… and yet that’s just stretching it out more! 🙂

  5. It is definitely getting quieter in terms of review books – this month is crazy and there’s no way I can read everything but I’m thinking I’ll catch up in November/December.
    Quite a lot of cross over books on here. CJ Cooke and Blake Crouch I’m hoping to get to very soon.
    Lynn 😀

  6. I’ve seen a few really good reviews so far for The Teller of Small Fortunes, so that’s one I’ll be looking out for. As for me this last quarter of 2024 (how did it get to be the end of 2024 already??), I’m hoping to make a dent in books already on my shelves! So Thirsty is a recent release I want to get to soon, but otherwise, it’ll be whatever strikes my fancy!

  7. I think you did very well on your third quarter. But then again, I can barely do a TBR even if my life depended on it. This does not bode well for me next month for Nonfiction November LOL

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