Future Fiction #295 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Moons made of cheese, Mexican vampires and a floating forest: here are my Future Fiction picks this week!

From the New York Times bestselling author of Starter Villain comes an entirely serious take on a distinctly unserious subject: what would really happen if suddenly the moon were replaced by a giant wheel of cheese.

It’s a whole new moooooon.

One day soon, suddenly and without explanation, the moon as we know it is replaced with an orb of cheese with the exact same mass. Through the length of an entire lunar cycle, from new moon to a spectacular and possibly final solar eclipse, we follow multiple characters — schoolkids and scientists, billionaires and workers, preachers and politicians — as they confront the strange new world they live in, and the absurd, impossible moon that now hangs above all their lives.

When the Moon Hits Your Eye by John Scalzi. Releases in March 2025 from Tor Books. OK this sounds pretty goofy, even for John Scalzi, so I’m cautiously anticipating it’s release, lol. What do you think, will you read this?

Maria is a wanted woman. She’s wanted by an Aztec trafficker, a cartel boss, the people she fights for, and now the Devil she can’t resist. Her journey begins as a would-be immigrant turned vampire in Juarez, Mexico until the injustices of the world turn her into something else.

Forced to leave her home and family, she embarks on a journey across Mexico seeking those answers. She learns a new language and how to survive as a vampire. To ease her restlessness she finds work with an ex-boxer and learns to fight, becoming an unlikely badass enforcer of justice for the community that has embraced her. Is she a saint or an old God from a forgotten past?

An encounter with a violent, ruthless vampire boss leads her to finally find her creator, and he is nothing like she imagined. Drawn into a world of ancient vampires, deadly conspiracies and a dangerously seductive devil, Maria must find a way to fight for herself and all humankind.

A fierce and seductive vampire thriller, pulsing with rage, fear and desire, that explores the dark back streets of Mexico and a vampire woman’s determination to find her place in the world.

Maria the Wanted by V. Castro. Releases in June 2025 from Titan Books. This is a reprint of one of Castro’s older books, and it’s giving me big Certain Dark Things vibes. I love this cover, and I’m very excited to read it:-)

The next gripping, atmospheric horror novel from NYT bestselling author Christopher Golden, set in a deteriorated, half-sunken freighter ship off the coast of Galveston, TX.

Charlie Book and Ruby Cahill have history. After their love ended in heartbreak, they never expected to see each other again, but when terror enters Ruby’s life, Charlie Book is the only safe harbor she can believe in.

In his work for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Book has been living aboard and studying the Christabel, a 19th century freighter that lies half-sunken in Gulf waters, just off the shore of Galveston. Over many years, a massive forest of mangrove trees has grown up through the deck of the ship, creating a startlingly beautiful enigma Book calls the Floating Forest, full of birds, crabs, and snakes. Though a powerful storm churns through the Gulf, Book intends to sleep on board as usual.

But when he arrives at the dock, preparing to motor out to the Christabel, he’s stunned to find Ruby there waiting for him. And Ruby’s not alone. With her are a mysterious, terrified woman named Johanna and an infant child. They need Book to hide them safely aboard the Christabel while they’re on the run, only it isn’t the police who are after them. It’s the coven of witches Johanna has fled, stealing away the helpless infant for whom they had hideous plans…or so Johanna claims.

It’s lunacy. Book wants nothing to do with it. But after the way he and Ruby ended things, and the unspoken pain between them, he can’t refuse. Yet even as he brings them out to the ruined ship and its floating forest, back in Galveston there are shadowed figures out in the storm, sniffing the air like bloodhounds. And despite the worsening wind and rain, the night birds are flying, scouring the coastline as if searching for their prey.

The Night Birds by Christopher Golden. Releases in May 2025 from St. Martin’s Press. This is such a cool idea for a story, which is why I want to read it so badly! I also love the creepy skull cover.

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted September 4, 2024 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 34 Comments


34 responses to “Future Fiction #295 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Ooh I can never resist a vampire story. And that cheese moon one sounds very strange as someone who doesn’t read many weird books I’m not sure if I’d pick it up or not. I want to try and get into Sci fi more and the variety of perspectives followed sounds intriguing though so maybe…depending on how popular it becomes

  2. Ok, so I’m adding all three. I love V. Castro and yes, more vamps! Loving this resurgence. The cover of The Night Birds is so striking. Golden is sometimes hit or miss for me but I am always willing to give his books a try. Great picks this week!

  3. The Scalzi book will be a must! It looks utterly goofy — but I believe he made a comment at some point that he thinks it’s the best thing he’s ever written! The Chris Golden book looks terrifying… and sometimes that works for me with his books, sometimes not, so we’ll see.

    • Tammy

      Me too, “some.” Sometimes his books feel lazy to me, like he’s on a deadline and just writes whatever.

  4. I’ve only read a couple books by Scalzi so far, but I would like to read just about everything he’s written someday. When the Moon Hits Your Eye does sound like a lot of fun! The Night Birds sounds really good too. I hope you enjoy all three of these when you read them. Tammy!

  5. Lol… it sounds as if Scalzi has been watching too much Wallace and Gromit:)). Or written this one as a bet after a late-night session in a bar… And I really, really want to give it a go. Thank you for sharing, Tammy.

  6. Another vampire book by V. Castro?? Idk…I read IMMORTAL PLEASURES earlier this year and was disappointed with it. Idk if I’ll be picking up this new one, unfortunately. Did you ever get around to reading IMMORTAL PLEASURES?

  7. I’ve yet to read Castro, but her stuff always catches my eye. Golden is always a fun read, and that cover with forested freighter skull island is AMAZING!

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