Over-Booked [198] – August Book Haul

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

Sure, we have a week to go in August, but next Saturday I’m posting my August Wrap-Up, so I thought I’d squeeze in a book haul today. This is all the book mail/NetGalley approvals that have come my way this month, take a look:

Books in the mail for review:

Thank you Titan Books for a copy of All the Hearts You Eat by Hailey Piper, which is coming out in October. I’m so excited to read this Gothic ghost story!

I have read several enthusiastic reviews for Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman, and I was so curious that I just had to accept this for review. I believe it’s a trilogy, and the next two books are coming out later this year. I’m reading this one soon! Big thanks to Ace for the review copy:-)

Honeycomb by S.B. Caves came out in July, but I just received a copy in the mail so I’m hoping to read this soon. Reviewers are saying this is full of graphic violence, but I’m so curious about the plot. Big thanks to Datura Books and Kaye Publicity for sending a copy my way:-D

I was thrilled to receive a copy of An Academy For Liars by Alexis Henderson, a very hyped dark academia novel that comes out next month. Huge thanks to Ace Books!

Kelly Dwyer is a new-to-me author, and she was kind enough to send me a copy of her latest book, Ghost Mother, which I have already read and loved. This was a five star book, Kelly is such a talented author! Hugs and thanks, Kelly!

Blood on Her Tongue by Johanna van Veen was a recent Future Fiction pick, so of course I’m very excited to have a review copy of this gorgeous book. This doesn’t come out until next March, but I don’t think I can wait that long. Big thanks to Poisoned Pen Press!

Thank you to Orbit for a review copy of The Mercy of Gods by James S.A. Corey. I’m currently reading this and so far it’s very good!

Tor Books sent me these last two books: Time’s Agent by Brenda Peynado was really good, and I’ve already read and reviewed it.

The Fortunate Fall by Cameron Reed was originally published in 1996 and Tor has repackaged it into this very pretty edition. I’ll be catching up with this probably next month. Thank you Tor!

Digital books for review:

I was ecstatic to be offered a widget of The Sirens by Emilia Hart! I loved her last book, Weyward, and this sounds just as good.

The Relentless Legion by J.S. Dewes is the third book in her fantastic space opera series, The Divide. It’s been three years since book #2 came out, so I’ll have to do some review before I dive into this. But still, I can’t wait!

Last but not least, I was approved for Sweetest Darkness by Leslie Lutz. I requested this purely based on the fact that I loved the author’s last book, Fractured Tide. This story involves a haunted hotel, and I can’t wait!

Big thanks to St. Martin’s Press, Tor Books and Holiday House:-D

Do you plan on reading any of these books?

Posted August 24, 2024 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 35 Comments


35 responses to “Over-Booked [198] – August Book Haul

  1. Out of what you’ve listed I’m most intrigued by An Academy For Liars but it looks like you’ve received a fantastic mix of books and it’s wonderful to see that you’ve loved some of them already. I’m curious about Mercy Of Gods so I’ll watch our for your review of it. Congratulations on The Sirens also, it sounds fantastic. I hope you enjoy all the books you’ve hauled.

  2. I have read some of the Dungeon Crawler Carl book – and enjoyed it. Very much LitRPG. And I think there are at least 7 novels so far? How is your gaming background?

    • Tammy

      Well, I don’t play video games at all anymore, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a LitRPG story:-)

  3. Time’s Agent was good and definitely unique, but rather depressing. Glad you’re enjoying Mercy of Gods, and… none of the rest are on my radar—YET;)

  4. When I first read the description of Dungeon Crawler Carl I thought it’s a story that could easily be a really fun read or a complete dud, and I’m very curious to find out which it is.

  5. I got the Dungeon Crawler books too and I’m ridiculously excited to start the series! I’m also looking forward to your thoughts on Mercy of Gods. I loved the intro but things kinda petered out for me towards the middle and the end.
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Summer of DNFMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I set Mercy of the Gods aside but I’m picking it back up this week. Hopefully I’ll like it!

    • Tammy

      I think I highlighted it on a Future Fiction, but I like to repeat myself when it comes to books I’m excited about, lol.

  6. Look if some of these “go missing” from your house, know that I have stolen them No in seriousness I keep almost buying Honeycomb so I need to know your thoughts! Ditto Blood On Her Tongue (sans the buying part of course!). Also very excited for The Relentless Legion, that series has been so amazing so far! Hope you love all of these!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Reviews in a Minute: August, OngoingMy Profile

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