Buffy’s Corner 8/18/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I’ve decided I’m in a reading slump right now, and I may need to ditch my review books and read something else, even though I have a lot of review books I need to read. Or I may read a September ARC, since I have a lot I’m very excited about. I’m not sure. How do you get out of reading slumps? I’m finding excuses not to read and it’s bugging me. On a happier note, here’s a stately looking Badger, one of my hubby’s recent photos:

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I really enjoyed A Sorceress Comes to Call, although I thought the first half was sort of on the slow side. And I’ve been struggling to finish Key Lime Sky and this might be the reason for my slump. Sigh. Definitely look for a review of A Sorceress Comes to Call tomorrow, and we’ll see how the rest of the week goes. Next, I’d like to tackle two other August releases, perhaps Time’s Agent which is fairly short, and The Mercy of Gods!

Other posts this week:

I’m focusing on reviews this week, but look for Future Fiction on Wednesday as usual.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

The Unmothers by Leslie J. Anderson – Review 4.5/5 stars

Future Fiction #292

Ten SFF Books with Cars & Trucks on the Cover

Heads Will Roll by Josh Winning – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 8/11/24

A coyote hunts in the desert brush.
Coyote in the brush.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted August 18, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 26 Comments


26 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 8/18/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Yay Badger! Very stately indeed. And that coyote pic is stunning. Look at its eyes!

    “Or I may read a September ARC, since I have a lot I’m very excited about”
    I call it an act of rebellion LOL – when one has bookish commitments but feels the inexplicable needs to read different books than the ones they should. Though in my case, it’s not about the reading part…I’m always eager to read, but I drag my feet like a champion when it’s time to write a review. This is been going on for a couple of years now…I love my reviews when they’re finished, but the actual writing part can be a real nightmare, so I do anything in my power to do other things instead ;D. I hope you beat that slump soon!
    Roberta R. recently posted…The Blogger Freakout TagMy Profile

  2. That coyote looks like it means business! When I start feeling a slump coming on, I find that switching genres completely helps me a lot. Or picking up a book I’ve wanted to read for a while, but haven’t because of ARC “obligations.”

  3. When I am slumping I try reading a book in a series I am in that I love, not sure if you read a lot of series or have any your behind in. I think since you seem stressed about not getting to your ARC’s but you are interested in some from September that you just read one of them that is calling for you and let yourself realize that you are still reading a new release you need too but have fun at the same time. We all overload ourselves with new books and I think that is what is slumping you because you are looking at the books as I have to read them instead of I want to read them, so just have fun and read what you want it won’t hurt you. 🙂
    Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #93My Profile

  4. Sometimes I’ll go for a reread of something I’ve enjoyed long ago if I’m starting to feel as if I’m in a slump. No clue if that would work for you, though. That coyote almost has a maliciously mischievous look about it, almost sinister. Personification, I know. 🙂

  5. I’m also in a slump. Just haven’t felt like reading recently, and I’m mostly fine with that
    …except that I’ve 2500 pages in September ARCs still to get through Hope you break out of yours soon!!

  6. Badger is looking very regal! And that’s an awesome coyote photo. Reading slumps are tricky, but I think the idea of putting aside ARCs and finding something just for fun is a good one. I’ve broken slumps with a good reread as well!

  7. Awww, what a gorgeous Badger photo! I’m so excited to see that T. Kingfisher has a new book out; A Sorceress Comes to Call looks so good! I’m sorry to hear you’re in a slump. When I’m in a slump, the best way to get me out of it is rereading old favorite books. It takes a lot of pressure out of reading for me, and just allows me to enjoy something I love. I hope you find your way out of your slump soon!
    Haze @ The Book Haze recently posted…Sunday Post | A Whole Lot of Book ReviewsMy Profile

  8. Wow that coyote picture is amazing! Also I can’t force myself to read a book I don’t feel. So even if I have ARCs, if I feel like reading another genre that’s what I do. I am not in a reading slump but more in a reviewing slump..

    • Tammy

      I don’t read fast enough to be in a review slump, luckily, but I can definitely see how that could happen!

  9. I always LOVE to see Badger. I almost never get in a slump which I think is because I read so many genres. The only thing I’m always reading is mysteries. You’ve been reading so much horror. I’d try a scifi or some kind of fantasy or a mystery. The other thing is I mix is ebook vs. audio or combination. When I’m especially stressed I do more audio reading because I fall asleep before I get far with an ebook.

    • Tammy

      It is summer of horror so that’s why I’ve been reading a lot. My latest slumpy book is sci-fi though. Who knows, lol.

    • Tammy

      Great idea! I am trying not to accept so many review offers but it’s hard because I want to read them all:-)

    • Tammy

      I’m reading one more August release then I have some highly anticipated September releases I’m going to pick up next:-)

  10. Badger looks very handsome in that picture! And the coyote one is so great too! Well, I tend to DNF when I just can’t keep going in a book. That’s how I keep myself from falling into slumps most of the time. I’m just stressed because I’m behind on my review books right now. Ugh. Hoping to get caught up this week! Hope you get out of your slump soon!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #183 – August 18th, 2024My Profile

  11. Badger is a handsome dog. Sorry to hear you’re in a slump. I think the best way out of it is either to totally take a break or focus only on books that really interest you so you’re not forcing yourself to read. Preferably short reads too so you feel as if you’re making some progress by quickly completing them.

  12. If you’re feeling a slump you have to choose a book you really fancy regardless of deadlines. I have a couple of books this month that really aren’t working so I may have to move on to September too. Badger is gorgeous.
    Lynn 😀

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