Ten SFF Books With Cars & Trucks on the Cover

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday, which was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog

I just discovered that I haven’t participated in Top Ten Tuesday since May! But today’s prompt is fun: books about travel or with modes of transportation on the cover. Strangely, I found ten science fiction/fantasy/horror/thriller books with cars, trucks or vans on the cover, take a look!

Let me know if you’ve posted a top ten list today:-D

Posted August 13, 2024 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 30 Comments


30 responses to “Ten SFF Books With Cars & Trucks on the Cover

    • Tammy

      It wasn’t that hard to be honest, but I had fun going through some older books to find these:-)

  1. I’m kind of not surprised that there were lots of horror books to pick from with this topic, given how many creepy road based ones I’ve seen around lately. It’s nice to see some fantasy included too though and I really want to read Trail Of Lightning one day.

    • Tammy

      It was one of the first books that came to mind. I remember thinking when it came out that you never see trucks on fantasy books.

  2. I saw the title of this and thought “I bet it has World Running Down on it”. The Book of Cold Cases is the only Simone St. James I’ve read and I was a bit meh about it, but I got Murder Road in a subscription so I guess I’ll be giving her another chance. I haven’t done TTT in ages either, I keep thinking I’ll do it and before I know it’s Tuesday and I’m not in the mood.
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