Future Fiction #290 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Three exciting cover reveals, three different genres. Something for everyone today!

A supernaturally-tinged LA puzzle-box thriller – Zodiac with teeth, from the Bram Stoker Award-nominated and bestselling author of Come with Me.

What do you see…?

When the mutilated body of a young woman is discovered in the desert on the outskirts of Los Angeles, the detective assigned to the case can’t deny the similarities between this murder and one that occurred a year prior. Media outlets are quick to surmise this is the work of a budding serial killer, but Detective Bill Renney is struggling with an altogether different a secret that keeps him tethered to the husband of the first victim.

What do you hear…?

Maureen Park, newly engaged to Hollywood producer Greg Dawson, finds her engagement party crashed by the arrival of Landon, Greg’s son. A darkly unsettling young man, Landon invades Maureen’s new existence, and the longer he stays, the more convinced she becomes that he may have something to do with the recent murder in the high desert.

What do you feel…?

Toby Kampen, the self-proclaimed Human Fly, begins an obsession over a woman who is unlike anyone he has ever met. A woman with rattlesnake teeth and a penchant for biting. A woman who has trapped him in her spell. A woman who may or may not be completely human.

In Ronald Malfi’s brand-new thriller, these three storylines converge to create a tapestry of deceit, distrust, and unapologetic horror. A brand-new novel of dark suspense set in the City of Angels, as only “horror’s Faulkner” can tell it.

Senseless by Ronald Malfi. Releases in April 2025 from Titan Books. Ooh a new Ronald Malfi, which I just happened to spot on Instagram yesterday! This sounds very different from his last book, and I love that it’s a thriller set in Los Angeles. I cannot wait:-)

Winter has come early to Korslakov, City of Spires, and Lukan Gardova has arrived with it. Most visitors to this famous city of artifice seek technological marvels, or alchemical ingenuity. Lukan only desires the unknown legacy his father has left for him, in the vaults of the Blackfire Bank.

But when Lukan’s past catches up with him, his key to the vault ends up in the hands of a mysterious thief known only as the Rook. As Lukan and his companions race to recover the key, they soon find themselves trapped in a web of murder and deceit. In desperation, Lukan requests the help of Lady Marni Volkova, scion to Korslakov’s most powerful family.

Yet Lady Marni has secrets of her own. Worse, she has plans for Lukan and his friends. Plans that involve a journey into Korslakov’s dark past, in search of a long-lost alchemical formula that could prove to be the city’s greatest discovery . . . or its destruction.

The Blackfire Blade  (The Last Legacy #2) by James Logan. Releases in January 2025 from Tor Books. I absolutely loved the first book in the series, The Silverblood Promise, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next!

Cold Eternity, the newest space horror novel from the author of Dead Silence and Ghost Station, blends the dystopian dread of Severance with the catastrophic approach to AI from M3gan.

Halley is on the run from an interplanetary political scandal that has put a huge target on her back. She heads for what seems like the perfect place to lay a gigantic space barge housing the cryogenically frozen bodies of Earth’s most wealthy citizens.

The ship and its cryo program are long defunct, but Halley starts to think she sees figures crawling in the hallways, and there’s a constant scraping, slithering, and rattling echoing in the vents.

It’s not long before Halley realizes she may have gotten herself trapped in an even more dangerous situation than the one she was running from….

Cold Eternity by S.A. Barnes. Releases in April 2025 from Tor Nightfire. Barnes is two for two with her previous space horror books, so I have no doubt this is going to be excellent!

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted July 31, 2024 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 26 Comments


26 responses to “Future Fiction #290 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. I really need to read something by the first and last author listed here today. The first book in particular sounds really unusual. The one I’m most intrigued by though is the sequel to The Silverblood Promise. Based on what I’ve seen about book one I’m going to have to make an effort to check it out before book two releases.

  2. My on-line horror book club is reading Ghost Station this month so I’m excited to see the author has another space thriller on the horizon. I really liked Dead Space so I hope I love these two as well. I also really need to read a Malfi book soon. It’s been years since I read one from him although I have been collecting them. That cover is eerie and that woman has no nose right? Great picks this week and all completely new to me!

    • Tammy

      It does look like her nose is missing! I can’t wait, I have loved all of Malfi’s books.

  3. I’m not a Malfi or Barnes fan, but I keep hearing good things about Logan so… can’t you ever just say “well, I couldn’t find anything this week so…” lol

    • Tammy

      Ha ha there are actually weeks where I struggle to find three books. But seriously, I think you’d enjoy the Logan book!

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