Buffy’s Corner 7/28/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead & Comic Con Wrap-Up

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Hello from San Diego Comic Con! I’m typing this up on Saturday evening, although I wasn’t going to post a Buffy’s Corner this week, I figured why not? So this will include my usual Buffy’s Corner stuff, plus a brief Comic Con wrap-up. My daughter and I have had a great time, although the event has changed since the last time I attended. I swear there are more people this year, and I’ve probably walked about 15 miles in the last few days. So I’m pretty exhausted, lol. Also I’m sort of done peopling. It’s a LOT for an introvert. I met three authors, and I’m shocked I didn’t try harder to meet Stephen Graham Jones, but I was worn out and just couldn’t stand in one more line. Authors I met and received signed books from: Paolo Bacigalupi (Navola), Heather Walter (The Crimson Crown) and Sarah Henning (The Lies We Conjure). I also received other books, here’s a photo of my haul (minus Navola which I forgot to take a photo of):

It was tough to get some popular books, and I really wanted copies of Lucy Undying and Servant of Earth, but just couldn’t get to the ticket line fast enough. But wow, I’m so happy to have a copy of Memorials and The Queen! Oh and Joe Abercrombie’s The Devils, which doesn’t come out until next summer.

And unfortunately, I suck at remembering to take photos so I don’t have any to share. Sorry! Anyway, I’m so glad I got to go this year:-)

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I’m hoping to have my review of A Marriage of Undead Inconvenience up tomorrow. Stephanie Burgis offered me a copy a couple of weeks ago, and I haven’t even had a chance to talk about it yet! This is a short gothic fantasy novella that was a lot of fun. I’m just about finished with Ghost Camera and I’m LOVING it so much. This is a collection of novellas and short stories, which I don’t read too often. But wow, I’m impressed by how creepy and imaginiative these stories are. Hopefully I can get a review up later this week. I’ve started and stalled a bit with The Drowning House, but will definitely finish it soon. After that I might start Heads Will Roll. Hard to believe this week is AUGUST. WTF.

Other posts this week:

Comic Con has messed with my blogging schedule a bit, but I’m going to try to post Future Fiction on Wednesday and my August What’s On My Plate on Thursday. I think I’ll skip the July wrap-up and do a combo July/August one instead, especially since I haven’t read a lot this month.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Ten Upcoming Books That Don’t Have Covers Yet #2

Future Fiction #289

Looking Ahead: San Diego Comic Con 2024

The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 7/21/24

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted July 28, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 43 Comments


43 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 7/28/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead & Comic Con Wrap-Up

    • Tammy

      It’s definitely one of the biggest if not THE biggest – I think there were about 130,000 people this year.

  1. I’m so jealous – I want that Abercrombie book! Mind you, I can’t help thinking all those people, and all that queuing. I’m a Brit and we’re supposed to love queuing but I really don’t.

  2. I fill and Cons you need a posse to actually help you get all you want…lol. Glad you got to me a few authors and get some goodies!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

    • Tammy

      I knew I wasn’t going to get Lucy Undying, but I’m still a bit sad… I’ll be reading my eARC though!

    • Tammy

      It’s fun but it’s getting bigger each year, with more and more “book” people trying to get books.

  3. Awesome book haul! I’m all about getting pictures with my favorite authors/celebrities at conventions, so I do use my phone for that. But otherwise I forget to take pictures too. Nick Cutter is one I got ARCs for a long time ago, but then never got around to reading them, and still wish I had! Get some rest after your big week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #180 – July 28th, 2024My Profile

  4. It was fun seeing you for a few minutes on the floor! And man, do those Penguin Tickets go quickly; I feel like even last year I had pretty good luck getting all the tickets I wanted and this year I felt lucky to get my hands on just one. But still had a fun time at the con seeing everything, and we both came home with plenty of books!
    Caitlin G. recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday: ON VICIOUS WORLDS by Bethany JacobsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I wish we had spent more time together! Yep, Penguin was sort of ridiculous, I think with all the “Book World” hype it’s a little out of control with the amount of books they have versus how many people want them.

    • Tammy

      I’ve heard BookCon is ridiculous! Comic Con is the same. The publishers bring like 50 of each book they are giving out and then you have thousands of people trying to get one. It’s too much, lol.

  5. I very much understand the exhaustion of peopling. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it all, though, and that you met the authors you did. These things sound like quite the experience.

    • Tammy

      It’s always fun, and I love seeing different authors that I wouldn’t normally get to meet.

  6. Did you get to see the Dr. Doom announcement with RDJ?! I’ve always wanted to go to San Diego Comic Con. I think it would be fun to listen to and possibly meet some of my favorite actors. Have a good week!
    Jenni Elyse recently posted…Sunday News #62My Profile

    • Tammy

      I saw it on video but couldn’t get into Hall H where it was live. It was a cool reveal!

  7. I just got a copy of Novola, so look forward to hearing what you think of it. I’m just trying to decide when to read, I really enjoyed The Water Knife, so looking forward to it. And how great to get a copy of The Devils!

  8. Comic Con sounds so fun but I don’t think I’ve ever been to a con that’s THAT big or busy, it sounds a bit daunting too. Go you, for all the peopling and walking!! A Marriage of Undead Inconvenience sounds great. & I’m planning on buying Bury Your Gays soon too! Also, I love the way you’re being flexible with your posts, I’m also doing a combined wrap up for June & July because I didn’t read a lot in June so we’re in a similar boat
    Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders recently posted…It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? & Music MondayMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I have to be flexible because I just ran out of time, being out of town near the end of the month. All good!

  9. Hearing how busy it was there I definitely stand by what I wrote on your other post, I wouldn’t cope with those crowds. Yet I’d love to go for all the author and book opportunities. It looks like you picked up some fantastic books though, even if you didn’t manage to get all the ones on your list . I hope you enjoy reading them all.

  10. I saw a live stream from Comic Con and some of the food trucks (I think there were food trucks there???) looked interesting. I’m glad you were able to go and buy some books. Sorry you didn’t get to meet Stephen Graham Jones.
    Jinjer recently posted…Marilyn Goes To The DentistMy Profile

  11. So glad you had a good time! But yes, it really is exhausting- and things that seemed suuuper important before you go tend to seem less so when you are exhausted. Looks like a pretty good time, regardless! Honestly even as a pretty big extrovert, SDCC might be a bit much for me… just SO many people and so many different things… it is a lot! An amazing experience though, so I am glad you got to do it again!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…August 2024 Discussion Challenge Link Up & GiveawayMy Profile

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