Five Star Predictions for the First Half of 2024 – How Did I Do?

I almost forgot, but back in December I tried to predict ten 2024 book releases that would be five star reads for me. And now that we’re at the halfway point of the year, it’s time to see how it went! Below are the ten books I chose and the actual ratings I gave them:

An Education in Malice by S.T. Gibson. Verdict: This book was so disappointing! Definitely my least favorite of the author’s books that I’ve read.

The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones. Verdict: This was my favorite book of the series, but wasn’t quite a 5-star read for me. Still, four-and-a half is very good:-)

Echo of Worlds by M.R. Carey. Verdict: I haven’t read it yet. I never received the review copy I requested (although perhaps I’ll get it eventually?) so I haven’t read this yet.

Emily Wilde’s Map of the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett. Verdict: Yay, finally a prediction that came true.

Evocation by S.T. Gibson. Verdict: Clearly I had high hopes for S.T. Gibson’s books this year. Evocation was really good, but it didn’t have that special something that makes a book 5 stars for me.

Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes. Verdict: This was soo good, but I enjoyed Barnes’s last book more.

How To Make a Horror Movie and Survive by Craig DiLouie. Verdict: This wasn’t my favorite DiLouie book, but I still had a blast reading it!

The Redemption of Morgan Bright by Chris Panatier. Verdict: Yay, another prediction that came true:-) Chris is an amazing writer, and his latest was extremely weird and disturbing and completely worthy of my five star rating.

The Stardust Grail by Yume Kitasei. Verdict: Kitasei is a very solid, dependable writer. This is her sophomore book, and I also gave her debut five stars.

What Feasts At Night by T. Kingfisher. Verdict: Oof. This was a tough rating for me, as I usually love anything Kingfisher writes. But this sequel was boring and frankly unnecessary.

So three out of ten doesn’t sound very good, but since I’m pretty stingy with handing out five stars, I’m calling this a win. Plus I read nine out of ten books on this list, and I will definitely read the tenth at some point.

Posted July 12, 2024 by Tammy in Five Star Predictions / 30 Comments

30 responses to “Five Star Predictions for the First Half of 2024 – How Did I Do?

  1. I really like this idea, might have to give it a try.
    I’m still really looking forward to the second Emily Wilde book so glad that made the full 5 stars but I might leave What Feasts at Night for a while based on mixed reviews.

    • Tammy

      I hope you enjoy the second Emily Wilde book too, I was surprised that I loved a sequel so much.

  2. You just need to start rating on a ten-star scale. Gives you more leeway and makes those perfect scores all the more meaningful! Granted, posts like this would be a little more difficult but, well—tempted?

  3. I completely agree with you regarding An Education in Malice – it’s received the lowest rating of any book I’ve completed this year so far. And ditto the Emily Wilde book at the other end of the scale. I think you’ve done fairly well – other than AEIM, your scores have been reasonably high. I hope you have as much luck with the second half of the year, Tammy:)).

    • Tammy

      I’m still debating whether to do another prediction post, but if so I need to hurry up and figure it out, since July is almost over!

  4. Although only three of these ended up being five stars I still feel like you’re pretty good with your guesses as most of the others got 4 to 4 and a half stars. It’s just a shame about the two disappointments. And I hope you get hold of a copy of Echo Of Worlds soon.

  5. Awesome! I agree about Emily Wilde, and I look forward to reading the Morgan Bright book. Sadly, I also agree with the T Kingfisher book rating — I expected to love it, since I love all of her books (usually), but this one really did not work.

    • Tammy

      Sometimes a book just doesn’t need a sequel, and I think that’s what happened with What Feasts at Night.

    • Tammy

      I’d love to know what you think of it as well. I just feel like her other books are better.

  6. Trying to guess how much we’ll enjoy something is a real challenge, but I like the idea of err’ing on the side of five star optimism. So considering that, I think 3 out of 10 is pretty darn good, especially considering 4 more of them were 4 or more stars. 🙂

    • Tammy

      It’s just a fun game, I guess! Obviously I can’t predict all my ratings, but I enjoy hoping they will be 5 stars:-)

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