Over-Booked [196] – June Book Haul

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

I was debating whether or not to keep posting separate book hauls on the blog, but the consensus seems to be that most people enjoy them, so for now, I’m going to continue to share them! It’s been a month since my last book haul at the beginning of June, so these are books I’ve received since then. From now until the end of the year, I’m being very picky about what I accept for review, since I’m a bit overwhelmed with ARCs at the moment. And I know a lot of you can relate to that, lol. (Just for context, for every book I accept, I usually turn down 5-6 review requests.)

Here are the latest books to make their way into my mailbox and Kindle:

Books in the mail for review:

I’m very excited to read the final book in Stark Holborn’s Factus Sequence, Ninth Life. Holborn is such a good writer, and this series is a must read for fans of gritty, action-packed and emotion science fiction. Hugs to Titan Books for the review copy:-)

With thanks to Del Rey, I received two books I’m looking forward to. First, A Dark and Drowning Tide by Allison Saft is a dark fantasy that sounds amazing. I have always wanted to read Allison Saft, and I’m glad I have the chance to finally cross her off my list.

Also from Del Rey, Tiny Threads by Lilliam Rivera is a short horror novel that takes place in the world of fashion. That’s a new one for me! I hope this is good, the cover is excellent:-)

American Rapture by C.J. Leede was a wonderful surprise arrival (or I may have requested it and just forgot). I loved Maeve Fly, and this sounds very different but just as good. Huge thanks to Tor Nightfire!

And I’m very excited to have a copy of The Ravening by Daniel Church. This is a horror novel that mentions The Only Good Indians in the blurb, and that’s enough to get my attention. Big thanks to Angry Robot for the review copy:-D

Also from Titan Books, I received Out of the Drowning Deep by A.C. Wise. I’ve never actually read one of Wise’s books, even though I have a bunch on my TBR. This sounds fantastic, and I can’t wait to read it. Thank you Titan!

I actually requested The Failures by Benjamin Liar a few months ago, and it just showed up. I had forgotten about it, and it’s a July release, oops. Not only that, but it’s BIG. I’ve heard very good things about it, so I’m hoping to squeeze it in at some point. Let me know if you’ve read it! Big thanks to Wunderkind PR and DAW Books for the review copy:-)

With thanks to Entangled, I’m excited to have a copy of Filthy Rich Fae by Geneva Lee. This is already out, and I may read it next, it sounds so good!

And I already read and loved The Stardust Grail by Yume Kitasei, so I’m very grateful to have a beautiful finished copy. Thank you Flatiron!

And huge thanks to Tor for a finished copy of The Daughters’ War by Christopher Buehlman, which I am sad to say I haven’t read yet (but will this month for sure).

Digital books for review:

Super happy to have a copy of At the Bottom of the Garden by Camilla Bruce. This doesn’t come out until next year, and I’m not sure I can wait that long!

The Unmothers by Leslie J. Anderson sounds really good. Folk horror that somehow involves horses? This comes out next month so I won’t have long to wait:-)

I can’t wait to read Grimm Curiosities, Sharon Lynn Fisher’s next book. I could read a story set in winter right about now!

I’ve really enjoyed Susan Dennard’s The Luminaries series, and The Whispering Night is the concluding book. I’m very curious to see how everything ends.

Crypt of the Moon Spider by Nathan Ballingrud is the start of a novella series, and I’m very excited to finally read something by this author.

You Better Watch Out by James S. Murray and  Darren Wearmouth sounds like a fun Christmas thriller, and I’ve always wanted to try these authors.

Do any of these sound good to you?

Posted July 6, 2024 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 37 Comments


37 responses to “Over-Booked [196] – June Book Haul

  1. I love the cover of A Dark and Drowning Tide! And wow, I didn’t even know Entangled did ARCs! I don’t recall seeing them on NG very often. I chalked it up to their popularity after FOURTH WING hit the market.
    Celeste | A Literary Escape recently posted…July 2024 TBRMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I have received a few Entangled ARCs, somehow I’m on a publicist’s email list. I’m really having fun with Filthy Rich Fae so far:-)

  2. So long as you don’t mind them too much? I’m a fan—and I miss Steff’s. I don’t get a ton of physical books, so the, like, 2+ hours it takes to write a post doesn’t seem feasible.

    • Tammy

      I miss Steff’s too! And I do like putting these together, maybe once a month is enough though.

  3. Ooh I’ve already read A Dark & Drowning Tide and loved it. It was my first read by the author too but I’m definitely going to have to check out her other books now. Hopefully it’ll be a hit for you too. I can’t believe you have that Bruce book already too. Although I’ve already had a 2025 review read too so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. I hope you enjoy all of these and good luck catching up on your review copies. I’m sure you can do it.

    • Tammy

      The Camilla Bruce book popped up on NetGalley and I was approved for my request right away. I’m very excited to read A Dark & Drowning Tide, especially knowing you loved it:-)

  4. I always love seeing what you get! I limit my haul posts to once a month, but I also get fewer ARCs than you so it makes it more manageable. That being said, I am ALSO trying to be highly picky about what I request for the back half of the year – too many books!
    Caitlin G. recently posted…Review: THE SKY ON FIRE by Jenn LyonsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I can’t believe I’m having book burnout already! LOL I feel like this Comic Con is going to be different for me. In the past I’ve grabbed everything I can, but I’ll definitely be more selective this year.

  5. Book hauls, keep ’em coming! 🙂 Most all of what’s here is fairly new to me, and it had me wondering if you have any idea what percentage of review books you receive that are first time authors for you? Is it pretty high, or not so much, or no clue at all? 🙂

    • Tammy

      I just counted the new authors in this particular haul, and there are seven new to me authors out of 16. So not quite half?

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