Most Anticipated Books of 2024 – Third Quarter

2024 is speeding along, too fast if you ask me! Here we are in Q3, and I’m looking ahead to the next three months and the books I’m most excited to read. A few of these will be repeats, since I just did my July What’s On My Plate, as well as my Most Anticipated Books for the Second Half of 2024, but I’m excited to read each one.

At the end of this post I’ll post the results from last quarter!

July 2024 Most Anticipated:

Heads Will Roll by Josh Winning. Josh wrote one of my all time favorite books, The Shadow Glass, and so I never miss anything he writes.

Likewise, Stephen Graham Jones is a must read author, even when he writes what appears to be YA. I Was a Teenage Slasher looks like a good one.

The “horror camp” subgenre seems to be taking off all of a sudden, and you can add Wilderness Reform by Matt Query and Harrison Query to the list. I can’t wait to read this!

Ninth Life is the conclusion to Stark Holborn’s Factus Sequence, which I’ve enjoyed immensely. I’ve heard great things about this already, so I’m even more excited to start it.

The Drowning House by Cherie Priest. A sinister house washed up on a beach? Sounds like a great concept:-)

August 2024 Most Anticipated:

We Love the Nightlife by Rachel Koller Croft sounds amazing: a disco-centric vampire story that spans fifty years. Can’t wait!

Glass Houses by Madeline Ashby sounds like a really good sci-fi mystery, and I’m eager to read another book by this author.

A Mask of Flies by Matthew Lyons sounds like it has a bunch of cool elements: crime fiction, hostages and maybe zombies? This could be good:-)

I know lots of readers who are excited about A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher. And it will be a nice change of pace from a lot of the horror I’m reading.

I had a lot of fun with Al Hess’s last book, World Running Down, and Key Lime Sky looks like another cozy, queer science fiction story.

September 2024 Most Anticipated:

So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison is sure to be a hit, since I’ve loved all her books so far. She seems to be making her way through supernatural creatures, and this time it’s vampires!

The Ravening by Daniel Church has a cool cover and sounds very dark, and I’m here for it!

Warlords of Wyrdwood by R.J. Barker. I had a blast with the first book in the series, Gods of the Wyrdwood, and I’m looking forward to what happens next!

An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson sounds so good, and it’s definitely time for a good dark academia novel!

William by Mason Coile. This is a sci-fi/horror story and involves a scary AI/robot. I’m intrigued!

Second Quarter 2024 Results:

I didn’t do too badly this past quarter, but I’m sad that I haven’t read The Daughters’ War and The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King. Hopefully both books will spill over into my July reading. Otherwise, I feel pretty good about my reading. My favorite book from the list below is The Redemption of Morgan Bright, but my actual favorite book of the quarter didn’t even make the cut in my Most Anticipated post, but ended up blowing me away. That book is Assassins Anonymous, and I need you all to read it!

What are you looking forward to reading this quarter?

Posted July 2, 2024 by Tammy in Most Anticipated Books of the Quarter / 21 Comments


21 responses to “Most Anticipated Books of 2024 – Third Quarter

  1. I have a few of these on my TBR but I’m most excited for An Academy Of Liars and am hoping to finally read Gods Of The Wyrdwood sometime before the sequel releases as I’ve heard such fantastic things.

    Well done on getting to most of your anticipated books last quarter. And it’s a wonderful when a book surprises you like that to become a new favourite. I had the same experience with Once & Future Witches and Honeycomb in the past.
    Charlotte recently posted…The Results – Guess The Book/Scene From These AI Generated Images:My Profile

    • Tammy

      I love being surprised! And I love when a book I didn’t even think I was going to enjoy that much blows me away:-)

    • Tammy

      I’ve been seeing some great reviews for An Academy for Liars, I’m super excited to read it now:-)

  2. Of course I’m looking forward to Josh’s book, and I have an eARC of The Ravening. I’ve just read The Drowning House (it was good!).

    I have a number of anticipated books…two of them I got an eARC of (Through the Midnight Door by Katrina Monroe and The Unfinished by Cheryl Isaacs). But I’m salivating over Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch by Codie Crowley :D. I mean, the title alone LOL. And it’s got an undead protagonist…I love those.
    Roberta R. recently posted…Tell Me Something Tuesday: Who’s Your Favourite Celebrity (Alive and/or Dead)?My Profile

    • Tammy

      I’m glad you enjoyed The Drowning House! I will have to look up Here Lies a Vengeful Bitch, such a crazy title, and I love anything that involves the undead as well:-)

  3. I was super tempted to get the new Kingfisher book on NG, especially when I saw it was read only when I noticed it. Ultimately I’m glad I didn’t because I want to pace myself with ARCs. I hope you like it!

  4. I haven’t got an arc of A Sorceress Comes To Call, sadly. But I’ll definitely get hold of a copy – I’ve become a solid fan of Kingfisher’s writing:)). Other than that, I’m HORRIBLY behind on my reading schedule!! I’m looking forward to Simon R. Greene’s latest Gideon Sable book – Where is Anybody? and The Spellshop. Other than that, I’m trying to catch up:)).

  5. Great list.
    I love the cover for So Thirsty, it’s really striking.
    Glass Houses sounds good, and would be something a bit different for me I think.
    I’m also interested in the new one from T. Kingfisher and Academy for Liars.
    Hope you enjoy all these πŸ˜€
    Pages and Tea recently posted…Monthly Summary: June 2024My Profile

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