What’s On My Plate – July 2024

We’re headed into the second half of the year, it’s hard to believe! My July TBR is a little more in control than last month, but I still have quite a few review books to read, plus I’d like to catch up with the June books I didn’t get to. So basically, it’s another busy reading month, lol. Here are the books I hope to read and review in July:

Starting off with I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones. This is one of six books I’ll be reading this month for Summer of Horror, and I can’t wait to start it!

Ninth Life by Stark Holborn is the third (and final, I believe) book in the oh-so-good Factus Sequence. I’ve had so much fun reading these books, and I’ve heard good things about this one.

Heads Will Roll by Josh Winning. This sounds like a fun, gory horror story with a camp setting. Josh is a favorite author, and I should be reading this very soon.

The Drowning House by Cherie Priest. I haven’t read Cherie Priest in quite a while, so I’m curious to check out her upcoming release.

Wilderness Reform by Matt Query and Harrison Query is another “camp horror” story (that seems to be one of the trends this year!). I’ve heard good things about this writing team, so this will be fun.

A Misfortune of Lake Monsters by Nicole M. Wolverton. This is a YA horror story about a teen whose has a job impersonating a lake monster, in order to fool tourists and keep their town on the map. I think this sounds great!

These Deathless Shores by P.H. Low. The reviews on Goodreads are all over the place for this Peter Pan retelling, sadly. I haven’t started it yet, but I’m starting to worry.

Ghost Camera by Darcy Coates. I love Coates’ books, and this is a reprint of one of her older books. I’m curious to see what I think, plus I love the story idea:-)

The Sky On Fire by Jenn Lyons. I haven’t read this author yet, but I think this sounds fantastic!

The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst. I’ve been looking forward to this cozy fantasy romance for a while, and it will be a nice change of pace from a lot of the horror I’m reading this summer.

Grand Theft AI by James Cox. This futuristic tale takes place in San Francisco and sounds fantastic! I’m definitely in the mood for a good sci-fi thriller.

The Haunting of Hecate Cavendish by Paula Brackston. I think I may have read a Paula Brackston book years ago, and this story appealed to me which is why I accepted it for review. It involves an ancient chained library, and I really do need to know more!

Smothermoss by Alisa Alering. I’m very curious about this book, which appears to be a coming of age story set in 1980s Appalachia, and two girls who get involved in the murder of a couple of hikers. This could be a sleeper!

Do we have any books in common this month? What are some of your most anticipated July reads?

Posted July 1, 2024 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 15 Comments


15 responses to “What’s On My Plate – July 2024

  1. Hey, we share nothing in July! High fiβ€”… but mainly because I only have one ARC and you didn’t pick it. But yeah, only 13 books this month, completely doable, yup. Suuuuure Best of luck!!

  2. I didn’t realize Cherie Priest has a new book coming out! Can’t wait to hear more about it. The Spell Shop has such a great cover that I want it, regardless of what it’s actually about. Good luck getting through all your July books!

  3. How many interesting books!! I am pretty excited for The Sky on Fire, and I may start it later today or tomorrow I have read the first book in the other series by this author and loved it! (And sure, the most logical thing would have been to continue that series and not starting a new one but… Who cares about logic?? ).
    And I really hope you would enjoy The Spellshop!

  4. I’ve been curious about Grant Theft AI but the title and cover had me wondering if it’s based on a video game.

  5. Oh wow I’ve wanted to read The Witch’s Daughter for years but had no idea the author had a new series starting now too. That’s definitely going straight on my TBR, especially given how intrigued I am by the chained library premise. I hope These Deathless Shores works for you, given the mixed response. And the one I’m most excited for here is The Sky On Fire. I hope you enjoy all of these books though and good luck catching up on the rest of your June ones.

    My most anticipated that isn’t mentioned here is Bright Sword. Which I actually only learnt about this weekend. I think my reading for July is mostly going to be library reads though as I just got a big stack out and have several others on hold

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