Twelve Highly Anticipated Books for the Second Half of 2024

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

Today we’re looking at our most anticipated books of the second half of 2024, and to keep things short and sweet, I’ve selected two books for each month, July through December. This was definitely a tough exercise, since there are way more books I’m excited to read. Here are my choices, broken down by month:


Heads Will Roll by Josh Winning. It’s no surprise that I have two horror books for July, since we are still in the middle of Summer of Horror. Josh always comes up with entertaining ideas, and I’m looking forward to this “summer camp slasher” story.

I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones. Stephen Graham Jones is known for writing slashers, but this one is a twist on that trope and is told from the serial killer’s perspective.


We Love the Nightlife by Rachel Koller Croft. A toxic female friendship between two vampires? Yes please! I think this disco-inspired horror story sounds like so much fun.

Glass Houses by Madeline Ashby. I have been waiting for a new Madeline Ashby book since Company Town, and I think this sounds really good. A near future mystery that’s being compared to Glass Onion and Black Mirror, I’m very curious to read this one.


So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison. Picking up a new Rachel Harrison is a no brainer for me at this point. This might be my MOST anticipated book of the year!

An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson. I love that this dark academia novel actually looks like a dark academia novel! The cover drew me in, and the fact that I love the author’s work has made this a must read.


American Rapture by C.J. Leede. I’ll read anything Leede writes, after her amazing Maeve Fly. This one sounds very different, can’t wait!

This Cursed House by Del Sandeen. Southern Gothic story set in 1960s New Orleans…I mean how can you NOT want to read this?


The Ravening by Daniel Church.  I really enjoyed Church’s The Hollows, so I’m excited to read his upcoming horror novel. This is being compared to The Only Good Indians (very big shoes to fill!) so I’m there:-)

Grimm Curiosities by Sharon Lynn Fisher. Some keywords here that draw me to this book (in addition to the fact that I love the author!): Victorian England, ghostly, and curiosity shop. If that sounds like a fun combo to you too, you should add this to your TBR:-)


Ardent Violet and the Infinite Eye by Alex White. December is usually a very slow month for new releases, but this year there are two I’m extremely excited about. Ardent Violet being the first, the sequel to the amazing August Kitko and the Mechas From Space.

And Beneath the Poet’s House by Christa Carmen is the second. I loved The Daughters of Block Island, and this sounds like another winner!

Do you plan to read any of these books? What are some of your most anticipated reads for the second half of the year?

Posted June 25, 2024 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 51 Comments


51 responses to “Twelve Highly Anticipated Books for the Second Half of 2024

    • Tammy

      I have to admit I didn’t completely love her last book, so I’m cautiously optimistic for this one:-)

  1. Lots of good reading here from the looks of it. Luckily, I was aware of all of them but two so my TBR didn’t grow TOO much. An Only Good Indians comparison? Now I’m really curious and hope it isn’t setting it up for failure already.

  2. I want to read So Thirsty for sure! I’ve loved all of her books so far (well, the ones I’ve read — I still have one more to get to). Grimm Curiosities is one I’m considering — it looks like a lot of fun, and I just hope I can fit it in. Enjoy!

  3. Most of these are completely new to me (other than perhaps seeing some mentioned here before) and I’m most curious (naturally) about Grimm Curiosities. Curiosity shop, all the way.

  4. I need to try another Rachel Harrison. I’ve only read Crackle which I was on the fence about, but I always like the sound of her books when I hear about them.

  5. One of twelve isn’t the best, but I guess it’s better than none! I am also looking forward to Madeline Ashby’s next book, though I’m not sure when I’ll have a chance to read it. But I hope you like it, Tammy! Hope you like them all!!!

  6. Glass Houses should be good if it’s a bit like Glass Onion. Also excited for the new one from Christa Carmen. The Daughters of Block Island was really good 😀

  7. Out of these I’m most excited about An Academy For Liars but I have a few of the others on my tbr too and am about to look up two of the others which I hadn’t heard of.

    Three of my most anticipated books for the rest of the year are Lady Macbeth, The Ending Fire and Divine Mortals.

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