Buffy’s Corner 6/23/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

This week really dragged for me, probably because it’s slow at work right now. So I’m glad it’s the weekend! I’ve read several really good books this week and I’m finally finishing up Bridgerton Season 3.

I do have a question. I’m wondering if I should start including new books received in these Buffy’s Corner posts, instead of doing separate book haul posts? Is anyone even interested in book hauls anymore? Just curious. I really do them as a way of keeping track of my review books, so it’s more of a personal organizational tool for me. But I noticed some blogs I follow don’t do them anymore, so I’m thinking about it. Let me know your thoughts!

Upcoming reads & reviews:

Last week I was influenced by two of my blogger friends’ reviews, and ended up picking up those books instead of what I had planned. I totally recommend you do that too! If you read a five star review of a book on your TBR, just go for it! I read Rebecca’s review of Assassins Anonymous and immediately read it (and loved it!). Then Lynn posted a five star review of We Used to Live Here and I did the same thing. You can read my review of Assassins Anonymous below if you missed it, and look for a review of the extremely scary/creepy/mind fuck We Used to Live Here later this week:-) I just finished Incidents Around the House and I hope to get my review up tomorrow. After that (still overwhelmed by many unread June books), I’m going for a change of pace with A Novel Love Story and The Nature of Disappearing.

Other posts this week:

Top Ten Tuesday is Most Anticipated Books for the Second Half of 2024, and I’ve narrowed my picks down to two per month; Wednesday as usual I have three new cover reveals on Future Fiction; and Saturday I’m doing my June Reading Wrap-Up, can you believe it’s almost July?

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Assassins Anonymous by Rob Hart – Review 5/5 stars

Future Fiction #284

Horror A – Z #summerofhorror

How To Make a Horror Movie and Survive by Craig DiLouie – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 6/16/24

A coyote hides in some tall grass.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted June 23, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 33 Comments


33 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 6/23/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. I like seeing your hauls but it’s up to you if you include it in Buffy’s Corner or not, of course. Whatever you feel is best. I haven’t done hauls for years because I don’t get too many new books anymore. I do post on my Instagram when I get a new book though. Hope that helps? πŸ™‚

  2. I like seeing your hauls, so if you like doing them seperatly go for it. I add mine to my Sunday post just because I don’t really get much to haul. If I was getting lots of books like you to review from publishers, etc. I would probably do a seperate video because I would have enough content…lol. Do what is comfortable for you. πŸ™‚

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #87My Profile

  3. I still enjoy seeing book hauls, but I’m also open to new things. Maybe try integrating them into these, see if it works for you, if not you can always either drop them or go back to their own posts. Just read your Assassins Anonymous review and I really enjoyed that, could see myself enjoying the book. I’m hopeful you’ll enjoy The Nature of Disappearing. I’ve not read it but it’s one I feel I’d like to read. And great camouflage. That’s a coyote, isn’t it? Nicely seen, Moses.

  4. Wow -that photo. It took me a few moments!
    Happy to see you enjoyed the Kliewer book.
    I’m always happy to see your book haul posts. It gives me ideas about what to look forward to.
    Lynn πŸ˜€

  5. I love seeing book hauls, be it included in a recap or not because it gives me ideas of what is coming an dwhat to read. And that picture is gorgeous as usual!

  6. Awesome photo! I feel pretty take-it-or-leave-it when it comes to book haul posts. I don’t do them myself, but I don’t mind seeing other people’s. I’m really looking forward to reading A Novel Love Story, and can’t wait to read your review of the Malerman book. Have a great week!

  7. I’ve also recently started the newest Bridgerton season. I’m two episodes in, so quite behind in terms of avoiding spoilers. In fact, I think I was spoiled for one plot line because certain bookstagrammers don’t understand that spoilers aren’t cool. ANYWAY, lol. I like reading book haul posts, particularly since I’m too lazy to do them. So I vote keep doing them, but if it’s too time-consuming for you, then feel free to take a break from them!
    Celeste | A Literary Escape recently posted…Anticipated Third Quarter Book Releases in 2024My Profile

    • Tammy

      It’s so hard to avoid Bridgerton spoilers. I follow a fan Facebook page and it’s full of them, lol.

    • Tammy

      I’m so glad you reviewed it and convinced me! My book hauls end up being about once a month too.

  8. I enjoy reading book haul posts, I usually do mine once a month, but whatever works for you πŸ™‚
    My daughter and I binged Bridgerton the moment it was released πŸ™‚

    Wishing you a great reading week

    • Tammy

      I usually end up doing book hauls once a month too. And it’s working for me so I’ll probably keep doing it:-)

  9. Everyone seems to really recommend We Used To Live Here so far. It does sound genuinely creepy/scary so I might try to get around to it this autumn, maybe πŸ˜€
    I always enjoy your book haul posts. There are usually so many lovely covers and new-to-me books that I always find something I want to know more about.

    • Tammy

      Oh thanks! I will probably keep doing book hauls. And autumn will be a perfect time to read We Used to Live Here.

  10. I had off some last week and took a break from the blog. Wednesday we were off for Juneteenth and took Apollo to the vet, Thursday we were off for WV Day so we both took Friday off as well to get a 5-day weekend. The temps were brutal though and I decided to finally paint the bathroom, which has needed done forever. We don’t have central air, just AC downstairs and in the bedroom so I did the paining in stages for 4 days and it kicked my butt. When I was done for the day, I just watched TV and read. I am all for doing hauls how you want. I like seeing what you add any way you like. I ended up clumping mine into the Farm News just because it’s easier for me.

    • Tammy

      Ooh a 5 day weekend, sounds like fun. I’ll probably keep doing separate hauls, since the thought of doing a haul every week is a little overwhelming:-)

  11. I think some people have sort of gone off book hauls because they feel like it’s encouraging people to be constantly buying books rather than reading things, and getting very consumery. Which makes some sense to me, but I enjoy highlighting my finds and I think there’s a place for that too, as long as folks aren’t treating it like a competition, y’know?
    Nicky @ The Bibliophibian recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: 2024 ReleasesMy Profile

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