Horror A-Z #summerofhorror

It’s been a while since I’ve done an A – Z list, and I thought it would be fun to do a horror version listing book titles A – Z (since I’ve never done one), especially in celebration of Summer of Horror. All of these are horror books I’ve read, except for a couple of tough letters, and for those I went with books on my TBR. I wanted to show all 26 books in alphabetical order in a nice gallery, and then I’m also listing the books with links to my reviews. Some of the letters are so popular that it was actually hard to pick just one book! I’ve tried not to repeat authors, although I’m giving Stephen Graham Jones a pass, just because. Here we go!

A The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones

BBlack Sheep by Rachel Harrison

C Cruel Angels Past Sundown by Hailey Piper

DDiavola by Jennifer Thorne

EEpisode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie

FFirst Light by Liz Kerin

GThe Gulp by Alan Baxter

HA Haunting in the Arctic by C.J. Cooke

IInfernal by Cheryl Low

JJust Like Home by Sarah Gailey

KKing of the Road by R.S. Belcher

LLone Women by Victor LaValle

MMaeve Fly by C.J. Leede

N Nestlings by Nat Cassidy

O The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones

P The Phlebotomist by Chris Panatier

Q The Queen by Nick Cutter

R Rovers by Richard Lange

S The September House by Carissa Orlando

T Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

U The Unsuitable by Molly Pohlig

V The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson

W Whisper Down the Lane by Clay McLeod Chapman

X Exordia by Seth Dickinson

Y You Let Me In by Camilla Bruce

Z Zone One by Colson Whitehead

Have you read any of these books? And bonus points if you’ve read a horror book that starts with “X” or “Q”:-D

Posted June 18, 2024 by Tammy in A-Z, Summer of Horror / 34 Comments


34 responses to “Horror A-Z #summerofhorror

  1. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    I haven’t read any of these but that’s not surprising as I avoid horror

  2. Stephen Graham Jones deserves the pass, haha! This idea is so fun, and I love seeing all these covers together. And I see so many of these that I’ve read and loved, and also so many that’s I’ve had on my TBR and really need to get to.
    The Only Good Indians is definitely a favorite. I can only think of one book I’ve read that starts with an X (XX by Rian Hughes), but it’s not quite horror. That’s a tough one, lol. I have a lot that start with ‘Q’ because of ‘Queen,’ but that’s definitely more fantasy books than horror! Maybe Quietus by Vivian Schilling? But I don’t remember if that’s more mystery or horror, lol. Regardless, this list was so fun and I’m so glad you put it together.
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…Review: Daughter of Calamity by Rosalie M. LinMy Profile

  3. What fun. I’ve read six of them and have lots of others on my TBR. Too many books. You know, I’ve read two other Stephen Graham Jones books besides The Only Good Indians and they weren’t my faves. I love that book so much and still think about it quite often. Hope I find another of his that hits that hard one day.
    Barb @ Booker T’s Farm recently posted…NEVER Let Strangers in Your Home!My Profile

    • Tammy

      I feel like he hasn’t quite reached the level of The Only Good Indians since. It was such an amazing book.

  4. I’ve only gotten into horror the last few years so I definitely couldn’t come up with an A-Z and definitely not Q or X! This reminds me I still need to read The Only Good Indians.
    Ellie recently posted…Top Ten: Summer TBRMy Profile

  5. I haven’t read any of these although I guess that’s not surprising as I don’t read a whole lot of horror. I’ve read another book, Echo Wife, by Sarah Gailey but I think that’s even the only book I’ve read by any of these authors so far I have a few of these on my TBR though and really want to pick up something by C.J Cooke pretty soon.

  6. Well done! 🙂 I’ve read a couple here: Just Like Home and The September House. And several others are on my TBR. As for Q or X, well I’ve read The Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice, but you’ve got me on X, all I could find that I’ve read are comic books (X-Men) and science fiction (Xenogenesis by Octavia Butler). Bet you had fun putting this one together.

  7. What a fun post! Now I want to do something like this. I haven’t read any of these. The closest I could think of for a Q would be maybe Squelch by John Halkin. Hmm, would any of the X-Files books I’ve read count for horror? Lol. Now I want to do this for horror books and romance books and sci-fi, etc. Fun post!
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